The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Well I decided enough was enough! I left my AH on Friday night and we have decided that it's best to call time on our marriage. I'm going back to collect my things tomorrow. I'm on the road to recovery! It's going to be an up hill one but I think I have probably made the toughest decision already.
Thank you for all of your support. I wish happy endings to you all I'm now off to find somewhere new to begin my life
Please remember that by living with the disease of alcoholism, we, develop many destructive attitudes and coping tools that do not serve us. That is what recovery in alanon is all about.
Please continue posting here and attending alanon face to face meetings. Unless we change, learning to respond, and not react, to keep the focus on ourselves, say what we mean and mean what we say , living one day at a time the chances that we will be in another alcoholic relationship is almost a given.
Good luck Rosie, I too am just beginning my journey of seperating from my AH after ten years together. Just in the last 5 days I have had so many ups and downs I can't tell you. Going to these boards every day does help keep me focused, and keep me from feeling alone, so many people here get exactly what I am going through and that helps keep my spirits up and my eyes straight ahead. We are all here for you! ts
Well done trudy. I have to say in the last 3 days since my departure I feel like that a weight has lifted off my shoulders. I also like the feeling of not having to be responsible for him anymore after also bing together 10 years.
I can only encourage others who are ready to leave don't be scared just do it. There is a better life out there.
Good luck trudy. I hope your dreams of a better life on true
You took a big step but I venture to say there is much residue after being with an alcholic so long. The suggestion of ongoing alanon is so you can be totally free from the damaging effects of having been in that relationship so long....but not just that, it is to carry the message of hope to others who have not come as far as you or who could really use your ESH to get through their own difficult times.