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Post Info TOPIC: Manipulative sober and drunk


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Manipulative sober and drunk

Sometimes I feel like my alcaholic husband doesn't want to talk to me when his sober. His snappy, unresponsive and miserable. I spend my time feeling like have done something wrong. I have started to get my life back together by doing things that I enjoy for a while we were simply only going to the pub or another alcahol related events. This got too much for me and needed more from life so I have taken it upon myself to create a better life. However I'm not sure he has taken to this very well. He just goes to the pub when I'm out. I will not stop doing the things I enjoy because of him anymore I did for a while because when ever I came back from what ever I had done he was either very drunk or still out drinking. I don't expect him to be a stay at home husband but maybe one that actualy cared more about home and family life more then When his next pint is coming from. Sometimes it's hard to keep going on with things I enjoy as he seems to have either been there and done it or just not interested at all. Ok so he may not want to do some of the things with me or any of them! Wich i have found! but it's not difficult to show some enthusiasm to someone and be happy that they are doing something they enjoy. Or does being an alcaholic take those rights away from you???


~*Service Worker*~

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Hi Rosie,

you do not say if you are attending al anon meetings if not may I suggest you try to find your local meeting and attend 6 times.  Living with disease was a nightmare before I found al anon and I became very down and ill.  Today I understand more about what I am dealing with and get lots of support and love from the other member and wow I have needed it.

When my alcoholic is drinking i can see the disease but when he is dry I expect him to be normal when he isnt I get angrey, hurts etc.  Now I try and look at it like he is mentally ill, depressed drinking or not.  I can not expect normal behavior from him, I have to take care of me.  When my partner is in AA he does get better really slowly if he does as they say.  Sometimes he goes ten paces forwarsd then right back to sqaure one.  today i try not to go to the hardware store for bread.  I have emotionally closeness with my recovery friends.


Please keep up the good work of makeing your own life enjoyable and hope that includes becoming a grateful member of al anon hugs tracy xx



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Thank you for your words I will look up where my local meetings are. I'm just finding it difficult dealing with him at the moment it's effecting my emotions and it's making me love him less and less every day


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I am new to this board as well. I can relate to what you are going through. My husband is drunk almost every day. When he isn't drinking he is moody and easily aggravated with me. He doesn't do anything around the house because he is too busy getting his buzz on or too hung over to function. He is deeply depressed because of being laid off from work and also dealing with the recent death of his brother. He is using both as excuses to drink. Recently he declared that he wanted to dry out, it didn't even last a week. He is drinking tonight and tells me he will only do this once a week. Yeah, I've heard it all.

We live in a new town where I don't know anyone and it is difficult to go do things I enjoy by myself. All I really want to do is go back to my mom n dad's which is about 4 hours away from here. I feel so alone and ANGRY!

I went to a meeting a few weeks ago, haven't been back. I think it will help, but my work schedule will not allow me to go to that same one.

I do understand what you mean about loving him less and less every day. I was getting to the point that the sight of him disgusted me. Then in the past few days while he was not drinking, I had my husband back for the most part. Today he said he felt better, and then he went to get beer. The disappointment is heart breaking. This roller coaster is worse that if he were drinking every day. At least then it would be easier to make the decision to leave.

Just wanted to let you know that you are not alone.

Sending BIG ((HUGS)) to you! Hang in there and keep taking care of yourself.


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almostgivenup, I lived alone in a town five hours from family and friends and I was miserable. I never felt like I had anywhere to turn. It is what scared me when he started drinking again and made me choose to leave. We lived there before and he got a DUI and went to jail for four months and I was not working. I had to pack everything and get my son to come and get me and rent a uhaul to move back home. I went back when he was released because he was ordered to antibuse and breathalizing for 18 months so I figured he would have ample time to get and stay sober. He started again after he got off and I will never go back there and live again. He is there now drunk as a skunk. I told him that if he ever wanted to be in my life again and I was willing it would be here where I am. He does seem to have some legitimate reasons for depression, but it is up to him to find a healthy way to respond that does not include alcohol. They always find a reason....


Moving on to happier days...


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Hello almostgivenup. I live about the 4hrs from my parent too. We have also moved to a village where he used to come as a child. Although its an amazing place to live its been difficult to make new friends all of the ones I have met and we are friends with are all big drinkers and he pub is their main focus.........this is not mine. I've stopped going out with him now. I refuse to be ignored while we are out because he has had a few beers and he feels like he can ignore me. I'm beginning to wonder if he used to get me to go out with him so that I could drive back. I'm not the bravest driver so if we were going anywhere long distance we would always stay the night.....all because he wants to relax and have a beer! Or 4. I understand how you feel. At the beginning of this year I made a decision and that was that I had to take care of my needs and what I wanted so I have started running and I'm doing tai chi all of which keep me out of the house. He chooses to sit at the pub or with the neighbour who is also aware of the problem and drink! Its given me more of a drive to get healthy and always look good when I go out. I no longer care if he chooses to stand by the bar and drink with random people while I stand around trying to look like I'm with someone! In the rare occasion we go out as a couple! I make sure that I speak to my parents everyday. Even if it's just to hear their voice you have to remember that there are people out there who love you even though your AH is behaving the way he is. I have detached myself from my marriage now which can not be good but that is the only way that I can defend my feelings from someone who is so up and down. I don't know where my marriage is going but if he was to say to me that it's not working any more the I would not be upset. I have tried my hardest to make it clear that alcahol is breaking our marriage yet he thinks there is no problem. We even went to marriage counciling and discussed our issues in the open. Well I thought if your goi to continue as you were and act like nothing is happening then this is all your fault! But....I would never have got to this stage unless I started to look after myself. I feel like I'm being horrible to my husband but I have to take care of myself and there is not a night that goes by where I don't cry. I have to take everyday as it comes and 1 day I hope the answer will come. Please make sure you take care of yourself and get back your confidence. Get yourself out there and meet new people. There is a world out there that is happy and where people laugh and have fun. Surrounding yourself with happy people makes you stronger Big Hugs to you too X



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Rosie, i'm new here as well. my AH is also very snappy, snarky, and snide when drinking, and it's carried over to when he's sober. he's always been on the sarcastic side, but the comments get more pointed any more, and i agree, it's very hard to take. he also gets annoyed w/me if i cry. i told him once a few years ago, "be glad when i cry... it's when i stop crying that u should be worried". and that's what's happening lately, i no longer feel the urge to cry and be upset, i'm just angry. i went thru some of this w/my first husband, and when the anger came, i stopped caring and fell out of love with him. i'm a little worried that that's what's happening now, but... i'm trying to redirect any anger i have onto the fact that he's drinking, and not necessarily at him... this may not be the best response, but as i have yet to get to a face to face meeting, it's all i have right now :}
anyway, just wanted to let u know i can relate, and definitely try to get out and do things that u enjoy. i'm going to the movies w/a gf tonite :) as my AH never wants to go anywhere (even a store) after work thru the week, becuz he usually starts drinking the second he gets home.
altho, this is the 2nd week now, that he hasn't been drinking thru the week, he did last weekend. i know this will not work, but one can't help hoping, right? *sigh* lol... hang in there


"what goes around, comes around"



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Well I am at the beginig of my journey like U, however I can really relate. My fiance is always home (he has 4 dwis so he has learned 2 stay home). However when he is sober he might as well b gone, I can just imagine his mind endlessly torturing him with the guilt of all the failures he has been willing 2 endure 2 continue on drinking. And I also imagine him giving in 2 the temptation 2 drink even though he may not want 2 b/c he just wants 2 escape. He suffers from horrible insomnia, and last night he tried baming me 4 f..ckin up his sleep, I replied seriously? So last night a couple old resentments seem like good topics 2 confront him about later. The arrogance causes some intense fights, so I understand that. I am just hoping if they ever get sober maybe a ways down the road they will not have the kind of personality no one wants 2 b around. However my fear is that like U said U feel he does'nt want U around when he is sober, so when he gets sober will he by default b uninterested in us 2 maintain our relationship?????

Suzen Dodson
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