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~*Service Worker*~

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Cheating #$%^&*!


sorry for your pain and distress! I too have gone thru a 26 year marriage, where my XA was carrying on with another woman off and on for 10 years. He also had twins , a girl and a boy with this woman, I didnt know until they were almost a year old because she was threatening to tell me. When she told him she was pregnant, he told her to get an abortion. She hung up and they didnt see eachother until she brought those babies to his work and told him they were his. He had a heart attack and I took care of him for a year, not knowing what was going on.

They are now 8 years old and he has nothing to do with her or the kids, ever. Which I think is good for the kids. I always thought there might be someone else or other women. I didnt have sex with him for this reason and just was not enjoyable since 1992 or so. To tell you the truth that other women wouldnt have upset me that much, I think the drinking is far worse a lover . It was the children, he really crossed the line for me. To be so irresponsible to bring two innocent kids. He had also told her he never wanted kids, said he didnt want to bring other alcoholics into the world. We never wanted children either. I know he must have been very drunk when it happened as he was always drunk. All this drama brought him more fuel for his drinking, he ended up hating this woman with a passion. He destroyed himself even further.

My X A husband is Latino, drinking is not only in their genetics, its in their culture. Its what men do. Get drunk, take a woman. Its part of their machismo. I think there are counselors who specializes and there are studies on latino alcoholism.

What to do is completely up to you. Friends meanwell, they dont have to pay your bills. You should do whats best for you temporarily, while you decide what your going to do. It will change daily, until your anger subsides.

Alcoholics, some of them , cheat. I think its part of the disease. Lots of alcoholics are duel diagnosis. The counselors said they thought my XA suffered from a depression too.

alcoholics are crazy when they are drinking. The more years they drink, the crazier they get. Their judgements get distorted, they cause chaos.

You dont have to do anything right now that you dont want too. The time will present itself. Its all up to you. I know one thing we cannot control the alcoholic or the drinking . We are powerless. Cheating could be an effect of the drinking or not.

The XA and I have been divorced 5 years. He has begged me to come back, all the time. Even after I knew about her and the kids, I didnt ask him to leave for 2 more years. It was going to be on my terms. We never had children to consider. I know if ever we went back together the drinking would begin again and so would the cheating something in the dynamics of our relationshlip I could never change.

Anyway, do whats best for you , stick close to Alanon. It got me thru.

Luv, Bettina

-- Edited by Bettina on Friday 17th of August 2012 07:53:13 PM

-- Edited by Bettina on Friday 17th of August 2012 08:22:29 PM


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After all these years of dealing with a challenging marriage with AH and two young children, I am just done, done, done. Now the jerk has cheated on me and is still lying through his teeth trying to cover it up. I have good proof this time--I feel like I have to, otherwise he will just lie and manipulate as much as he can. A few times I have suspected odd behavior, but never had enough to go on. Part of me doesn't want to believe it and be made a fool. He lies about everything possible, it is almost pathological.

He went on a 10 mile hike that he said he did alone, and the guy never goes alone anywhere. I found out later he had hiked there with his therapist who had worked on his leg for some surgery he had last winter, due to falling on the ice because he was drunk. Not only did the surgery cost us income and time, but I had to take him to appointments, etc, and take care of him even more. This woman, who he told me about at first and said they were just friends and nothing more, had the nerve to offer to babysit our kids one night free so we could go out together--and I trusted him! I felt really uncomfortable about it, but he insisted she was just trying to help. She was married without children, in a struggling relationship, and she had told him to stick it out, and she realized she wanted to keep her marriage going as well, and thought she could offer some assistance to us. Boy was I really dumb.

Then fast forward to two months later and she is sending my AH emails. I had access to those emails because the dumb jerk gave me his password years ago and said, "I have nothing to hide." There was one of the photos of the hike they had gone on together with photos (not of them but of plants/trees-they were careful), and another where she had invited him to something and signed it, "besos", spanish for "kisses."

I kicked him out of the house a few days ago and wanted a permanent separation. He came the second day and got his things right when the kids were there, so of course it made them upset and they asked where he was going, etc, so he asked if he could just stay for the night. He continued to lie, then finally I was able to get a partial truth out of him, that he had "thought about having an affair" but hadn't, and yes he had gone on the hike with her (after denying it to my face several times and even saying she "sends photos to everyone"), "but nothing had happened yet". But I had another FB message from a friend he was messaging who he told in spanish (which I translated) that he was "in bed with his therapist" and he'd "better not talk in his sleep or his wife might hang him."  He does tend to tell fabricated stories to his buddies about girls from the past or embellish stories, but why would he tell this to someone if it wasn't true? Then a friend just last weekend saw them in the bar together the day before the hike, drinking a beer and sitting next to each other.

And the boldness-we live in a small town where everyone knows everybody. I could ruin this woman's reputation if I wanted to. Instead I wrote her a rather kind email telling her how I felt about her spending time with AH without my knowledge. But I keep finding out more. And then, after crying and saying he was sorry and begging not to have his family torn apart, he wanted to start over. Just acted like it would be so easy. He was already yelling at our kids by the end of the evening (this is what he blames his going out and almost having an affair on--the kids and me--and that I am still nursing my three year old and this is a big problem in his eyes and causes him to drink). And said he was really going to get serious about AA this time and stop drinking. Instead he came home last night and said he would pick up the kids from daycare, and then said he had to work late, so I picked them up late because I didn't get notice in time. Then he came home and had been obviously drinking.

When I found out about the affair, I had blocked him from my facebook page, and a few friends of mine un-friended him. He got really angry about this last night and started an argument about stupid FB, which is the least of our worries. I yelled at him to get out (in front of the kids which I regret now) and that I had emailed this "woman" and told her how I felt. I did not get a reply back. I think she must have contacted him and this is why he was upset when he came home. And then I was stupid enought to let him back in the house after only one night out on the street.

Friends tell me I should separate for good or at least a month, but it's already so hard on the kids. But it's hard on the kids when he's here and we are arguing. It seems to be a no-win situation at this stage. But right away, as soon as he is back, he is still drinking and arguing with me. I had a peaceful night with the kids when I kicked him out--I had finally come to a place where I was so upset that it felt good to do--but I know it has long range consequences for our family. Both good and bad, depending on how it is dealt with. And I would probably lose everything, cause neither of us can make it on our own--credit card debt as a result of this whole alcoholic mess. I make almost triple what he does, and he has never lived on his own, paid bills, etc, and it is time for him to grow up. Damn, it seems so easy to let him back in the door--why??? I don't really think it's love anymore--it's because I feel sorry for him or somehow responsible to take care of him.

For so long I feel like I've been with a 10 year old child in this marriage. I don't know how to separate the disease from who he truly is--because I haven't seen who he truly is very often, and now he has shown some other woman his best side and still cannot be truthful to me. I want to kick him to the street so badly but can't seem to get there yet. We have a huge age difference (I'm older) and not so surprisingly, the other woman is the same age as me. He is looking for a Mom and I don't want to be it anymore. I am overwhelmed at my full time job, the kids are stressed and acting up, and it just adds to the drama that is already there. And my birthday is coming up and I don't even want to celebrate.



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I am so sorry you are going through this.
I don't have much experience to offer. From what I can read, it seems fairly open and shut case as to what he is doing.
What is the hard part, is deciding what is best for you and your children.

There is nothing about him that you can change. His track record with you has spoken loud and clear.

The only thing you can control is what you want for you, and how to get it.

Others on here have gone through similar things so may be able to assist further. I don't have children so it is easy for me to just choose for myself.

I am sending you the strength and serenity that you need

A work in progress, always learning

~*Service Worker*~

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Aloha Minaret...Letting him back in is one of the enabling behaviors.  What I learned after doing that 5 or more times was that if nothing changes...nothing changes (with me) and then I was gifted with the definition of insanity...Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.  I finally made a list of deal breakers in our marriage...Lying, Cheating, alcoholic/addict regularly did them all and then I arrived at acting out...behaving..."I'm done". I went on to gain and maintain my peace of mind and serenity which she didn't get in the divorce.  "To thine own self be true" is an excellent mind set...and then behavior.   Hope you're getting to face to face Al-Anon meetings because that's where you get to touch the ESH of others who have been where you are at and survived.   Keep coming back (((((hugs))))) smile


~*Service Worker*~

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Hugs Minaret,

I can so fully resemble so much of your story and long story short neither of them are worth the time and energy. I have my dark fantasies trust me .. oh let's see burning the truck is one, I keep having my waiting to exhale moment. The other is being able to afford flying a bi-plane over his place of work and peppering it with flyers of him and his "friend" all over the parking lot. With said emails attached with a caption DOES THIS SOUND LIKE A SEXUAL ENCOUNTER TO YOU?! Please call said parties and let them know what you think!! I have a couple others .. they are worth a good solid laugh through the tears especially in the beginning phases of you healing. I still struggle with some of the anger because he continues to lie. It is who he is .. and recently he even threw his kids under the bus in the name of saving his own skin. He's been informed to come up with a different lie and leave our children out of it. I'm done discussing it with him .. it's now through the atty.

You know what the bottom line is it doesn't do me, my children any good because even though I would fully be within my rights to blow this woman's life up and trust me I can and have had days it's everything I can do to learn self control and trusting the process of my healing and higher power. It makes ME look crazy not him, and even more unfortunate is the comments of NO WONDER he cheated she's nutty!! He can't say that thankfully and everyone is starting to turn and look at HIM and HER now .. not me. That's the part that just seems so unjust in my mind. How come he gets to do whatever he wants and there is no instant karma, she does to it's total BS as far as I'm concerned .. really it's for me to see him fall down and her drag herself through the mud. Difference being now .. I don't have to hold the rope .. they have tied themselves together. So that's not healthy for me to go there, even though it's my hurt and my feelings and honestly feelings are neither right or wrong. It's about my responsibility (hope + control over MY decisions/consequences). What does this do to my kids? Am I taking the higher road and so on on. In the end he pays .. in his case he's paying financially and I'm ok with that because I"m off to get my education and make a better life for the kids and I. As I evolve in my own healing though I get to let go of the anger and resentment that is so not healthy for me. Plus .. guess what .. they deserve each other and long term it won't work out and from the rumblings around town (it's nice to live in a small town) she's put her family, career and life on the line and it's bit her in the butt.

I still am struggling with the concept of compassion for him. Who I do have compassion for is my children. Through them I am learning that if he hurts they feel it worse, so the best I have for them is to let him be in his illness, shelter my kids with as much love as I can and know when I am with him .. I get to think in my mind whatever I want, I can be civil NOT for him .. for my children.

He came over the other night to pick them up and it was an interesting evening .. something that had been my old "norm" my daughter called and expressed how weird the evening was and how uncomfortable .. she just wanted them all to go. He doesn't live here any more was her response. I was saddened to hear that he continues to do what he did here with them now. He apparently is so checked into his disease that he goes to his room and has no interaction with them in the evenings. Thankfully my daughter has a project due and there was a neat thing for them to do as a group and they did it. Surprised me believe me. I'm so glad they did my kids were so excited and it sounds like even he had a good time.

I so hear your pain and I so understand the confusion, anger, betrayal and hurt that is all in that post and all of what you are feeling is completely valid and normal in terms of being cheated on. From my experience if I focus on the woman I forget how sick he is and the reality is he is really really really sick. The weird and this really made me want to slap the crap out of him .. it's not personal. It is all about the disease taking what it wants and using whatever means to get there. When an addict is active they don't care, they don't think, and it's their best thinking that gets them into their own personal hell. The same way our best thinking got us into our own situations.

I absolutely concur with the wonderful ESH you have received that going to meetings helps a LOT. Working the alanon program helps a LOT. You are going to be ok. I really believe that because if I didn't .. seriously speaking .. I would have been a ticker on CNN and a regular on the local news. You are going to be ok. You have to take care of you .. because if you are ok, the kids are going to be ok and they deserve to have someone in their lives who has their act together and can be there for them and not focused on this by product of the disease.

Hugs P :)


Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo

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Thanks for the ESH and comments, it helps. For me, communicating in writing really helps. So does talking to my friends, although I don't have any friends--ones that I could call that is--any time of the day like this. I'd like to meet someone in alanon that could be my sponsor, but the meetings are only one day a week and lots of times I miss them because they are too early before I get home from work.

I also found that the four meetings I went to I got really emotional, to the point where I couldn't even speak, just sobed the whole time, and I've had a hard time going back every since. I've talked about that on here before and you've all said try again--but I'm having a hard time. Right now--I've told him that this one day a week is mine--and I've had one of those days off so far and I really wanted to just go sit by the river and cry instead. And everyone in the meeting seemed so advanced in their focus on themselves, and I'm still reacting and focusing on my AH because I'm still angry and pissed, I want the people in the meeting to tell me their story and be mad with me and to give me advice, which they cannot. That's what I really want right now. And I like this forum because I can hear people's stories. I found that what people said in the four meetings I went to wasn't as helpful as here, but I know I need to try again. I'm sure they get lots of newcomers and some that don;t stay, and it's hard to trust at first.

Thanks Oksie, Bettina, Jerry and Pushka. Bettina, you wrote to me the last time I posted and told me your story. I can not imagine what you must have went through. And Jerry, you are right, I had some advice here from friends telling me, "I would march right into her office and tell her to leave your husband alone!", and I thought exactly what you said:"No wonder he's cheating--she's so nutty." I really didn't want to look like a fool. But I wrote her an email anyway. it wasn't vindictive, but in a way it was weak, what good would it do? I probably look pathetic to her--and of course the drinking is caused by us (his family) not understanding him or treating him right.

And then he has been calling me "bi-polar." He must have learned that word from her because I've never heard him use it before. I will tell him I don't want to discuss things in front of the kids (like when we have a "go around" about him moving out but it never happens) and then he manages to push my buttons, like acuse me of "un-friending" him on FB, and then he keeps arguing until I finally lose it and yell "get the f out and go sleep somewhere else tonight!" right in front of the kids. yeah, and then I do look bi-polar because I couldn't keep it under control. it's maddening. I have not learned to shut up, I always fight back and defend myself, unless he is really drunk, then I let him talk on and on until he passes out. Sometimes if I don't answer, I get it, too. "Oh, now you're not talking to me," etc.

Tonight he did one good thing. We'd had a bike for our 5 year old that wasn't right and for some reason, because of the broken seat, he could never learn to ride it without the training wheels. He found a cheap bike at a thrift store, brought it home, and within minutes, my DS was riding without training wheels and was really excited. They went for a longer ride on the bike path. There was a juice glass outside on the lawn that I think my DS had put right on a piece of wood in the lawn. I didn't want it to get run over, so I put it on the back trunk of my car. And then for some reason, I thought it might slip from my car (I'd forget it was there and it would break on the driveway spreading glass everywhere) so I put it on AH's hood of his car because I was in a hurry to go across the street to the park with DD. He came back from the bike ride and yelled at me--"why did I put that glass on the hood of his car?" (He thought I'd done it on purpose--where in the past, he used to leave beer bottles and beer cans in the lawn and the next morning I would put them all over the hood of his car). But this time, I'really had not done this on purpose. Besides, it was a glass gobblet of all things, an antique glass my DS wasn't suppose to have outside with him. But AH was angry and said I'd done it on purpose and the police in the neighborhood if they saw it were going to target his car and him as a drinker, etc., and all of this arguing started again and I engaged with him. That is the one thing I cannot seem to stop doing. And I have read the book "Getting them sober," and I thought it had a lot of good ideas, but I need to read it again obviously.

It's just that for some reason now, with young children and knowing he has cheated in some capacity, I can't go forward, and I can't detach, and I am mad. And right now, I have no desire to have sex with him and this is a biggie for him. Three times a week was not enough "mechanical" sex for him in the first place, and now it will be none for a while because I can't imagine pleasing him (and it's always "all about him") and picturing that he was unfaithful. So the drinking will get worse because there will not be sex, and he will get angrier, and if he is still here, I may not tolerate it. I will have to be forceful when I am really sure and strong about wanting him to move out, because he will not willingly do it on his own. He will play the kids against me too, and it will have to be done when he is sober and they are not here, but I will be doing the majority of the work or it will not happen.

It seems exhausting to think about. My DS is starting kindergarten, and I have registered him, but now after telling a friend about what happened, she has suggested going to a different school with her DS further north, where he would be closer to my work for pick up and drop off and we could pick up each others kids if needed. But I would have to register all over again and get all the papers. I also have a lot going on at work. It just seems so daunting.

At some point I think this move will have to come, but maybe not immediately. I just feel like going out and having a glass of wine every night now...I think about a book I read that said the person living with the alcoholic sometimes gets more sick, and often turns to drinking, too. I used to drink on a fairly regular basis, and even had at least one hangover every two weeks or so. But I never felt consumed by it, where I had to drink each day. In fact, when I was really, really upset about something, that was when drinking was not a pleasure for me. And I am really glad for this, since there is alcoholism in my family. Also, I was pregnant, had my kids and nursed for six years without a drop of anything. I've always stressed a bit about whether I could become one and if I could, now would be the time because of all the crap I am going through. However, seeing the pain my AH is in and the way he acts, completely turns it off for me after one drink. Drinking socially is not fun anymore like it used to be because I know the consequences later. While everyone else stops after one or two, mine keeps going and going and becomes an ass.

I hope tomorrow is a better day since it's my birthday. I know there will be no surprises for me, only the ones I make and just the pure joy from my kids.



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Happy Birthday! I hope you find peace and joy and love today! About 5 years ago...maybe more... I was having a very tough time accepting a breakup with my boyfriend, it took months, and it was my birthday, my kids were little and they didnt know... They were also being exceptionally difficult on this day. My mom has always gotten me something but this particlar year her budget was real tight and she couldnt get me anything but she said happy birthday and i did appreciate it. I hope this doesnt make me sound shallow but i was real upset still because this was my first birthday ever without a present... and my neighbor, who didnt know it was my birthday and we really didnt talk much either, brought over 3 beautiful roses from her garden and said that God told her to bring them to me and that one was from the father, one from the son and one from the holy spirit. It was the best gift I'd ever gotten for my birthday. My HP reminded me that he never leaves me and that he loves me. So, every flower you see today is a gift for you! I hope you have a fabulous day today, even in the middle of all the troubles... Happy Birthday!! (((((HUGS!!!)))))



Don't settle for less than your potenial. Remember, average is as close to the bottom as to the top. ~Unknown

No matter how far you've gone down the wrong road, turn back! ~Unknown


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There are wonderful success stories out there. Getting sober doesn't mean a person gets perfect, they just get sober.


~*Service Worker*~

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My ex used to accuse me (probably still does cause it excuses HIM) of being bi-polar - he would also push my buttons until he got the overreaction from me he was seeking so that he could point to my behavior and say, see, you ARE irrational and out of control. It's like they have this button board in front of them, they push a button, look up at us to see if they get any reaction, move on to the next button until they hit one that gets a reaction; AND they will just keep pushing buttons to get that reaction - they HAVE to get that reaction and send you into out-of-control because that gives them justification. I lit upon the thought that, he HAD to push me into fighting with him because then "we" were fighting, a shared activity (I'd rather have shared root canal!) and if WE were fighting, which meant HE wasn't just being a donkey's private posterior part.

Interestingly enough, I have two other people in my life who will also push the button board trying to get me angry so that they can say, see, you are angry and moody. Alcohol plays no part in the button pusher behavior - wonder if they make self-help books on how to deal with them? I smell an internet search coming on.......

I am strong in the broken places. ~ Unknown All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another! ~ Anatole France

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Minaret, thank you for your share. My ex was not a loyal man either. Despite my denial and fantasy script I had written of our life, I still cannot rid myself of the sinking feeling that no matter what excuses he gave I know he was not true to me. Still, I yearn to have him back. I have this sickening twisted feeling in my tummy when I think of being with him again. On the contrary, I miss him and want him to come to me as this changed man who will love and adore me. Well, I know deep down he is not the man I want and need him to be. I really do deserve more, but the fear of being alone, of not being worthy enough to receive love, of not being good enough for him tricks me into believing it will be different this time. I get scared I am losing out on something. Then, the rational part of me asks me what exactly I'm losing...the betrayal, lies, hurt? It's really a tortuous place to be. I know I have made the right choice to leave him, but even with my insight I am struggling at this moment not to call him. Your share has helped me remember what it was really like all those months ago. Where I am at emotionally is difficult, but it's not as hard as it was to be in the midst of the betrayal.

Love, Chaya


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I hear both your hurt and your anger. In my opinion, you have a right to feel both. I too was in a ten year marriage to an alcoholic --"A functional alcoholic" as he called himself, almost with pride. It was too much for me. I couldn't fight any more. I didnt love him anymore. THere wasn't a "him" to love any more. Just this shell of a man. And filled with anger, and alcohol most of the time. Yes, they take out their frustrations on the ones they love. (we are so convenient, being right there where he let us)!

I started back to my Alanon meetings -no matter what! and I finally gained enough perspective to see things the way they were, and I knew, in my case, I had to choose life for myself and for my daughter. I left with no home, no job and moved to Austin where I got a temp job. THen worked for the City as a clerk. Pay wasn't great, but we were free. I never looked back. I knew the life we were living was not good for either of us, uch less what it was doing to his kids and my daughter's lives.

When I think about that relationship, I see that we were both so desperate. We married within 6 months of dating.   The pain involved in that relationship gives me a sinking feeling in my stomach.  I stayed too long in a marriage without love. ANd the effects from alcholism affected me greatly. It's taken day to day, for 3 years now to say every day "Today is better. Today I have choices that I didn't have before. Today, I look forward to things. THere were times in that marriage I didn't even want to  walk through the front door--never knowing if tonight was the night I could rest or whether it was a night of fighting. Whether we see our children or not, they experience the fights in ways we cannot fathom. They are innocent. They rely on us to provide them with a good life.

Whether its another woman, or the addiction to alcohol itself, my husband was not "there" for me, for us. From the beginning, I now see, he was out for himself.

I live a happy and sober life today thanks to our programs and my faith in God, and knowing we are all children of God and we choose the lives we live. Each day.

I pray now that you will find the peace and courage that our literature and the things that are exchanged in our meetings can give you. Keep coming back!

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