The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I think I may be getting better. I'm just beginning to have the slightest bit of hope. For so long I've been trying to fight my way out of this darkness, but a sick mind cannot heal a sick mind.
Really, this site has helped so much. I've also gotten a sponsor from my f2f meeting and am talking with her...she is so kind.
Thanks, ya'll. That's all I can say. That and I'll definitely keep comin' back!
Hope, like faith, and joy are gifts from the program. Gifts from God. Keep coming back! It works!
"Hope" for a better relationship with our new friends in Alanon, our relationship with God as we understand Him, and we get our real selves back! The true self that can get so lost, if we let it, in an alcoholic relationship.
Take care of your self! Remember, we love you and care about you!