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Post Info TOPIC: Tryin to Find My Spirit...

~*Service Worker*~

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Tryin to Find My Spirit...

Have you ever had those Moments where Your Spirt Contracts, & retracts to the Point of a Roller Coaster... For Example...

I resently returned from Vacation, and I had an Amazing Time, However there where Moments when I would Feel Over the Moon, and Feel HP Standing Right There, Present, and then Other times, "Good or Bad" I would feel Empty... Like HP was Lacking in that Moment, like i was Failing because I could not Feel the Pressent of ...

For Me, My Spirialality Seems to Sour when I am with Only Me & HP... When I Was On Vacation, I Got Up 5 of the 6 mornings, before any of the other 7 stirred, and i Would watch the Sun Come Up All by Myself, it seems to start my Mornings with a Bang... a Peace I dont get to feel much at Home! I Love Taking Pictures & I believe I have Done some of My Best Shots those Mornings with just Me & HP...

Yet I Come Home and Feel a Missing, Yearning, to have "Just those Moments" back... I Could be Jet Laggie from the long Drive, or Just need Rest, but when I get like this, I seem to better Pin Point where I Feel Lacking in my Life... I have been Getting Out more, Moving around More, Spending More time with My Family & My Friends, but in those Moments, I "Desire" that Same Spirituality that I had those Mornings with Just Me & HP...

So I Guess My Question would be... How do I Learn to "Relax" when in the Company of Others? Yet Still Feel HP In "That" Moment... I Enjoy my Friends & Family, but it seems I'm Further From My Spirit when in the Face of others? Does this Make Sense to Anyone... I Would Love to Hear How YOU Find your Spirit In these Moments... And What Works for you...

Thanks for Letting Me Share... Love & Prayers to all




Thee Only Journey I Control Is MY Own :)

Gratitude.... Is a God Honoring Attitude! :D

~*Service Worker*~

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Dear Jozie
I am so glad to see that you are back and can identify with your post. Hope I can explain what I have experienced.
First let me say that one night, at a meeting a man said that when in a crowd he discovered that he did not stay within himself but "Jumped" out into the crowd. He talked etc but was not inside his own skin That immediately resonated with me I DID THAT I was out of my skin taking care of everyone and not inside connecting with myself and taking care of me
He had a remedy He would repeat over and over to himself "Stay inside" and it worked For the last 20 years I have been using that tool and it works
I now stay connected within with myself my higher power and I can then relate more honestly with others
Good to hear you




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Jozie - I sooooo identify with your post. I'm most at peace when I'm alone or with my HP while running or taking pictures etc. I especially love the mornings - the quiet before the storm. I wish I had some ESH. I need that too. But I'm becoming more at peace and accepting that it's ok if that's what I prefer. No one says I have to be a socialite. A big joke when I worked in a large team of people that I traveled together with was that they called me "stealth" because I'd just disappear.... I like my time alone. I used to think I was weird and no one liked me etc but the reality is - I mostly choose that, and that's OK.


~*Service Worker*~

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I love to be around people, but I also love my mornings alone quiet with my HP while reading my daily readers and watching the sky come alive for the day. I talk to God and know that he is in me at all times and sometimes just remembering he is there waiting for me to get quiet to listen for guidance gives me that wholeness. I love the ESH you received and am glad to hear of your trip. Sending you love and support!


Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree

Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666

" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."

"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."

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I Love Taking Pictures & I believe I have Done some of My Best Shots those Mornings with just Me & HP...

Yet I Come Home and Feel a Missing, Yearning, to have "Just those Moments" back...


Jozie - take some of those pics, have them enlarged, get them framed & hang on your wall. 

I've heard that it's helpful to let our minds go to 'a happy place' when we're down but I have a hard time finding my so-called happy place.  But I do have a set of progressiving sunset pictures that I took 34yrs ago and they've been hanging on my wall all those years.  They were taken at the end of a perfect day and just looking at those pics brings back the feelings of that special moment.  I have never shared with anyone what those pics mean to me - it was between me & my HP. 


~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 1558


I have been Using it All Week & Shared it at my Home Group... The Gift that Keeps on Giving :) Mine is "Stay Within Me HP" and I have to say it has Helped this Week Go A Little Better... Its been a Tough one but I'm Starting to Come Out the Other Side... Thank You for always being here... I so Grateful for You :0)


I had Never Really Noticed that I LOVE ME time till After I had Joined AL-Anon... I know that sounds goofy, but before I got here, the LAST thing I wanted to know was ME! And since I have found I too at times would much rather be OFF by Myself then in the Crawd... I doesn't sit well with those around Me at times, but I'm starting to Respect myself I Little at a time, and Learning IM OK... By Myself :) Thanks for Being here...


I talk to God and know that he is in me at all times and sometimes just remembering he is there waiting for me to get quiet to listen for guidance gives me that wholeness.

I Love this...I Need to Remember this Indeed... "He is Waiting For ME to Get Quiet & Listen"... Nice Reminder to Myself that I Needed to Hear... So Thank you so Much ...


(((()Path to Serenity))))

Yes I Do Have Plans for Adding A Couple of My Pics to the Walls in My Home as Well as My Office as Soon as I Can Find a Place that will canvas them at a Price I Can Afford.. :) PLUS I have a Dear Friend that I Just Learned Does Oil Paintings as a Past time, and She Wanted to Do a Pic for Me, So Now my Hard Choice is Finding the One I Love the Most :D But I Guess that is a Good Problem to have :D I'm Very Excited...

And THANK YOU for Sharing Your Special Pics with me... There are Times I Feel My Issues are Little to Nothing and I make to Much of them, but When I Come here & See that SO Many Have been were I am it Truly Brings Comfort to Me... SO Thank You...

I'm Most Grateful that Tho I Am Not Here as Much as I Would Like, When I Am You All have Showed me So Much Love & Support... I Am Forever Grateful to have such a Beautiful Place to Fall on these tougher Days, and On the Great Ones...


Love, Hugs & Graditude to you All




Thee Only Journey I Control Is MY Own :)

Gratitude.... Is a God Honoring Attitude! :D

~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 3870

Jozie my friend,

So grateful to share this experience with you!! I love being out of my element and enjoying the moments alone when everyone else is sleeping and it's just me and God (hp). Those are really great moments. I do wonder how I will get back to these moments when I get home. It makes me feel better to know I got there one time, I can get there again.

Hugs P :)


Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo

~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 1277

Hello Jozie, you could post some pics on here, I'd like to see what you see.

Your question made me think of this: When a child is away from the parent, does the parent stop being there for the child? No, and most children trust somehow that their parent is still there for them. I like the WWJD kind of thinking - what would HP want me to do, and even if I don't really feel "HIM" near at some moment, I never feel abandoned because He would be there if I needed Him. We raise our children to learn to live independent of us; I believe the same could be true of HP - letting us do the things He knows we can handle alone. I can imagine HP watching me soar through some challenge with a smile on His face; or watching me struggle with a problem and waiting to see if I get it by myself or turn to Him. I try to live my life the way I think He wants me to live it, it is easy to imagine walking side by side with Him through my day.

I am strong in the broken places. ~ Unknown All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another! ~ Anatole France
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