The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Help me so much to understand things from an alchoholics perspective, It is very important to me when you desrcibe the situation from thier eyes, in recovery and not, it helps me to separate myself from exspecting my alchoholic to be on the same page as me, and explains why these realtionships are very complex, how many times have I wanted, my a to be getting it, at the same time as me lol, mine is not in recovery and so I have felt we won't stand any chance, but I think there is, If I keep strong and change it will alter the cycle for all of us, and it is doing, I am learning not to predict outcomes, and just doing the very best I can and seeing how that unfolds, it's good to be reminded that alchoholics are human too and very attractive and alluring and I think a recovering one is fantastic.
Katy what a perfect share for me to read this morning. I am now struggling with friendships that seem to be dissolving because our ways of being/thinking are different. I am reminded, through your share, that not only alcoholics think differently when not in recovery, non addicts do too. I love these friends, but I have to accept that our dynamics are changing and I need to "let go and let God". It is painful...I am powerless...and I know that God sees my life from a different perspective (and theirs, too)..maybe I am a big pain in their behind!
Okay...I'm grateful that it works for you cause it worked for me and the post helps me think of and remember all of those who came before and who sat with me and held me in my long hours, days, months and years of need. They never abandoned me and gave me all they had and could find so that I could tasted serenity and then maintain it and then keep it.
I'm so grateful when any of it works for someone else. Mahalo HP for the sponsors huh? I was at one time much more than just a pain in their butts. LOL Tom. My sponsor once told me when I was doubting if the program would ever work for me..."Give it away to someone else and when it works for them you have the proof". Just soooo blessed.
The fellowship here is also a keeper for me...I love and am grateful for you all. (((((MIP)))))