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Hi all. (hugs) I find myself in a weird place today. Would like some ESH please. When I was in the process of leaving my exA, I haf a strange reaction from my best friend. I went to her house, and she got after me about being had only been two weeks and wasnt really done. She also told me how she talked to him, invited him to be in an art show, and how she got a kick out of it when he asked if it was a paid gig. I was very confused by this. Anyeay, ai avoided her for a month. Which I knew wasnt the best move, but I was sorting thru the rock bottom of my life so far. We finally talked last night. It was a very emotional conversation. I did apologize for my manipulative behavior...particularly all the times I played the victim to get pityn. I didnt intend to do that or even understood I was doing that at the time. But, I know better now, so I must do better. When we discussed when she hurt me, she said she did it all on purpose to get me to be pissed or SOMEthing, so I would fight for ,y life. I dont think it hit me til today what she really meant by that. I think when she said it, ai heard that it was unintentional. But now I think it wasnt? Im havimg a real hard time figuring out what is real and what is distorted. I talked to ,y therapist today, and she said she did aNot like it because who appointed her my therapist and intervention captain or whatever.My friend was really pissed tjat I hurt her daughter by not coming around. So, if my evaluation today is correct then, she was controlling, ai had my response which probably flawed in some way, but it was a mean thing to she set me up? Bleh? Do u see my confusion? Snyeay, the hard part is our kids are very close to each toher, and to us. We left things tjat we were going to be friendly, but not as close. Which I think is a good thing. But, I still find myself amgry for the same reasons...that she was controlling of my grief process. Im trying to apply the serenity prayer here...just confused. I kind feel that there really isnt.anytjing to do here. She was very clear about "this who ai am, and Im not going to chamge it." Thanks.
I'm sorry you are having to contend with this, on top of everything else. In a way--well, I am sorry that you are suffering--that's a more true statement. It isn't always easy to see at the time, but when people show you who they are, that really is a good thing. And I'm sorry it hurts. But now you have a clearer picture of how she really is. It is good to know what is really going on. You can trust your gut and your therapist, IMHO. Hugs, Temple
It's easy to be graceful until someone steals your cornbread. --Gray Charles
I know I had a lot of friendships change and morph and some relationshiips died completly, but all in the name of growth and I am healthier now, so it was worth it. Keep the focus on you and the changes you can make and it will all be fine in the end. Well better than just fine. Sending you love and support!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."
Man. This is difficult. Healthy or not, my exA and this friend were a significant part of my support system in my daily life. Like 2/3rds of it. Thank you.
(((CDK))) journey in the program was really amazing on this subject. I went thru what you've gone thru and finally learned to put them in the "mis-understanding" file. I didn't know what I was doing and I had to learn to give that same grace to family members and friends also..."they didn't know" and I couldn't trust them to understand where many others including myself didn't either. So this process leveled the playing field and I was able to use empathy, compassion and forgiveness with myself and others. My counselor called it "using grace or mercy". What a tool to learn. I'm not perfect or a saint as the program explains and I am doing a faulty thing expecting others to be perfect or saints themselves. Some of my family went nuts with the "Alcoholism and its affect on Jerry F" idea and stepped up with their chests out looking like they knew all about it and were always willing to tell me so. I learned to smile and say openly without arguement, "No that's not the truth" and then shut up and continue on as if there was no problem. There is no problem unless I make it one. My friends? God so many of my friends were so as lost or more as I was and I just had to shake my head and accept it and keep some of them friends. Lots of them drifted off...I love them still and don't need them. When they fall let them fall...when they get back up...give them a hug. (((((hugs)))))
Thank you, Jerry. She was also very clear that she didnt understand, and did not want to understand either. She was also clear that she didnt want to talk to me, but did for her daughter's sake and my kid's sake. Im really trying to trust the universe's plan for goodness in my life. But, it seems to keep rolling on with these huge shifts. Im addition to all of this, I might be losing my job or facing a significant pay decrease. Ha! I guess the universe trusts me a lot! Now, if only I did! (hugs)
I'd question that friend's motives when she's saying what she did was for her daughter's sake just after she claimed to have behaved that way for your sake.
She is human, and she's doing the best she can, too. So I'm not wanting to demonize her and paint her as a "bad" person. But she sounds like she's pretty unhealthy herself and using your Al-Anon tools when interacting with her will be valuable for your mental and emotional health.
I've very sadly watched how things have "changed" with my best friend after I visited her last summer. Or, rather, I've seen how my change and growth has me interacting differently with my best friend. I was pretty distraught over it, actually. I found myself feeling really annoyed with her and frankly there were some feelings of aversion. I was really sad that I felt that way because I had worked her into my life as my absolute BEST friend, who was always there for me, who I could always count on, etc. We've known each other since we were eight years old. So when I came back from a visit with her feeling like I didn't enjoy her company and that perhaps she hadn't much been enjoying mine, it was HARD. (I'm almost 35 so we've known each other 27 years.)
I did struggle with some thoughts that were telling me I had to pick up the phone and talk to her about it right away. But I put some pause into it... remembered the slogan "When in doubt, don't." and just talked stuff through with my sponsor and asked my HP into it. When I asked myself if I really thought I had to do something about it all right away, my answer was a clam... "no."
So, I haven't talked about my feelings with my friend at all. Not yet, anyhow. We still talk occasionally over the phone. I think part of what triggers me is I see the un-treated Al-Anon in her very clearly. She's very spun out over trying to make sure she is there for her husband 24/7, guilts him all the time when he's not taking care of himself the way she thinks he should be, then piles tons of guilt on her own shoulders when she feels she's not being effective enough in her home life. I sometimes grow weary of listening to the martyr stories or listening to her complain about her husband's faults, etc. I tend to throw her off when I just calmly ask... "So, how are YOU doing?"
I'll be seeing her again in a few weeks when I fly back to the mainland to visit my family. It's good I have this knowledge of my feelings this time around so I'm not so floored by them if they crop up again.
But I digress. All I know is that the Al-Anon program helps me in many facets of my life. It doesn't just aide me in dealing with an alcoholic. It aides me in dealing with other human beings, period. Whether they're drinking or not.
Keep coming back, and give your friend to your HP for now. If you ask yourself what I asked myself, you may find you have a similar answer... "do you NEED to address that relationship right now?"
I had a falling out with a friend recently. She totally misinterpreted what I said. I asked her how did she get that out of what I said. I stood up for myself and said I never said it and she said you did and I said then you are calling me a liar. No I didn't back down. Yes she revealed herself - I think very codependent. I also think that she has tried to one up me or level the playing field when she felt that I was getting better than her. So I made my boundaries. And I think that our relationship has changed because I can't play the game any more.
Thank you! I appreciate the ESH very much. I do have some volunteer commitments this week with her, and I do want to keep those. I came to al anon after I left my A, so this will be my first chance to practice detatchment. I obviously have some enmeshment issues here, otherwise I wouldnt br struggling. In a few months, she will be movimg.a small distance away, so whatever will be will be. I think in my relationship with my A I was very active in the control patyerns of codependench. And with her, I was in the compliance patterns. I also think I was trying to "save ,y addict brother", and with him, and I think ai wwas trying to receive the love I didnt get from my mother with her. Lots to learn here. I just did some yoga and meditation, and I know it was good for me. TThanls.
After working this program for a few years I found I was listening to and taking advice from people who didn't have a clue what I was going thru. And I took a long hard look at which of my friends were good for or supportive of MY recovery and those who had their own agenda. And yep I lost some friends along the way, but I have made many more who know the "real me" and accept me as I am and vice versa. There are times we have to let go of people who complicate or put barriers in the way of our program. No dramatics, I feel no ill will towards any friend I have let go. It was just simply a matter of growing apart. Wish you the best!