The material presented
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to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I am bored but it is all my fault! My husband used to say that we don't live next to Disneyland so I should be happy right where I am I guess. I can only do what I can where I am coming from. I am going 60 miles tomorrow for some entertainment & R&R. If you all are wondering why I go 60 miles for entertainment, it is because the nearest movie theater is that far away. I don't drive, so I can't get myself there on my own. I have to depend on the drivers in my family. I love where I live, wouldn't change my location for anything. I chose to live here. I can't really complain, but I do! I am grateful that I can enjoy the life here even when I can't find anything to do. Time to read, clean, organize & get rid of the mess--in my place & in my mind!
If this seems like something I have been harping on, you are right, I got to get over it!
I always thought that HALT should be HALTB -- Hungry angry loney tired bored. I also experience boredom sometimes when I'm feeling disconnected from myself or my life or my program or others -- like a sign I'm uncomfortable about something or uncomfortable in my own skin -- ill at ease in some way. Tigger x