The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
First, I want to apologize for being late in posting these. Second apology is for not logging the meeting so I could be closer to exact words. All that being said, the below is offered for your review and correction. Please feel free to respond with your recollection of either of the motions. A Tentative Agenda will be posted shortly, where you can make a request to have an item placed on the agenda for the July meeting (7/3, 9pm eastern).
Minutes for Monthly Al-Anon Business Meeting of June 3, 2012, taken and prepared by Fina
Meeting came to order at approximately 9:15 pm eastern.
Old Business:
None This was the first meeting after a long period of time.
New Business:
vMotion to be voted on.
ŲAsk new member to go to PM with one attempt.
ŲMake sure the new member is not in danger.
ŲHave gentle standard verbiage to explain procedures in meeting and PM
ŲHave a standard posting in the room m to explain we will cover their questions in chat when the meeting is finished
§Motion tabled for the July Business Meeting, July 1, 2012, 9 pm eastern.
vMotion to be voted on
ŲTo elect officers to the Business Meeting, Chairperson and Secretary.
§Motion tabled for the July Business Meeting, July 1, 2012, 9 pm eastern.
Designated member to prepare minutes of the 6/3/2012 Business Meeting, email a copy to John and post minutes to the Al-Anon board for any corrections. Corrected minutes will be read at the July Business Meeting, and approved.
Designated member to post Agenda form to the board for comment and requested additions of business for the July Business Meeting. Final Agenda for July Business Meeting will be posted to the Al-Anon board one week prior to the meeting.
Meeting was closed at approximately 10:15 pm eastern.