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information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
New hearing is scheduled for 6/12. Third DUI while on probation for the second one. 2nd one he got 1 year suspended jail time. It looks like now that he has violated that he may have to do the 1 year.
A son will have 11 months recovery on the 27th. He is very involved in AA. He does a lot of service work. He speaks at meetings, has a sponser and has even gone to rehabs to tell his story.
He has a job that he now gets up each morning and rides a bike to. He has separated from his pill using wife who he married because he needed someone to take care of him. Once he got sober he tried to make a go of it but the environment he was living in was toxic to his recovery. He could have stayed with me but he needed to be close to a job that he could ride a bike to. Plus, all of his meetings were close by. I am helping him with his rent at the moment. Before he moved back to his area after staying with me for about 1 week I got a little tired of getting him to work each morning by 6:30 am and then getting ready for work myself. We live about 15-20 minutes from his work but that is at least 1/2 hour each morning for us to travel and then come home and travel another 40 minutes to our job. It was my idea about helping him with an apartment. Oh....I also had to run him back and forth almost daily for meetings. Now, he is where he can ride his bikk and/or have someone from the meeting pick him up. I was probably spending as much in gas as I am now with helping with his rent.
Anyway....I am feeling so much fear...not so much about him spending the time in jail as I am about his 2 little girls having to know about it. I must admit that I want to lie to them and say that daddy needs to go away and spend some more time on his recovery with other people who are having the same problems as he is. They know about his Aism but "JAIL" is going to devastate them. They are 9 & 11.
Please, please, please....I need some esh that I can share with my darling grandchildren's mother and father.
ps....I sure wish that I had been going to meetings this past year too. I might not be sitting here with a sick feeling in my stomach and having to start using my antidepressants again.
What I can say is that living with an active alcoholic/addict is equal to devastation. We can only protect people so much.
Personally I lived with the now ex A for 7 years and his drinking/driving stuff drove me to despair.
I have been there done that with taking care of an alcoholic who is"trying".
I think there are limits. I'm not sure what yours are.
I don't know that going to al anon for a year does help with the impact of someone who is so self destructive. I think it gives us a few more tools but regardless the alcoholic will be the alcoholic. Nothing but nothing we can do will change that.
I wonder if it won't be helpful for those little girls to know that excessive drinking has consequences. And I want to say that I was brought up in a home with many secrets. They all thought they were protecting me from things, but I knew there were secrets. In some cases, I knew the secret itself, but since I knew I wasn't supposed to know it, it enforced the feeling of, "You must NOT, EVER talk about that." So it was just me alone with my thoughts and fears. In other cases, I didn't know what the secret was, just that there was a big minefield which made me afraid to ask questions. The grownups got uneasy and I knew the shame was too great for them to be able to talk about it, even though they pretended everything was fine.
So when I heard the AA saying, "You're only as sick as your secrets," I understood. The secret-keeping just caused a sense of fear and shame in me. Not to say the whole world has to know every speck of my business. But I don't think the secret-keeping helped me when I was a kid. I think it was in aid of the adults who found it difficult to face up to their strong emotions about things.
I don't know what the right answer is in your case. Maybe an Alateen group could say what others have done. Hugs.
I suppose I might say something like "sometimes we make mistakes and we get consquences, like when you get a time out or a toy taken away" - something along those lines. If it's possible to not tell them right now at this age, that might be better but only if the truth plans on coming out when they understand better.
Not to keep a secret IOW. Maybe "dad has to go away for a little bit but he will be back and we can use a calendar to count the days while he's gone".
Tough one for sure Gail - I can't help but think of the fact our program is based so much on rigorous honesty. Yes, your son is facing some of the consequences of his past choices and behaviors. I have a hard time believing that you could "white lie" to a 9 & 11 year old for a year about where their Daddy is? In my humble opinion - it is not yours to explain the jail issue - that is your son's to do.... What may be expected of you, as a loving grandma, is to help them through their questions, their days, their fears - all without judgement... This can quite easily be turned around into a positive - in that there is a certain pride that goes along with your son being accountable for his behaviors, etc...
Take care
"He is either gonna drink, or he won't.... what are YOU gonna do?"
"What you think of me is none of my business"
"If you knew the answer to what you are worrying about, would it REALLY change anything?"
I beleive in honesty with kids. They dont need 'details' of things that are above their understanding. For example... When my son and I meet to eat with my AH my sven yr old knows he cant home ride with dad cause he had a drink or two. I tell him we all make choices and if dad, or anyone, gets pulled over after having a drink or two they will be in big trouble with police becasue its not safe for them or others. Choices equal consiquences ... and being sorry cant take back anything thats done. You can be sorry but still face consequences. Sometimes he'll say I need to tell dad not to drink or mamaw not to smoke. And I tell him,you can tell them its dangerous but its their choice and you can only make your choices... He seems fine with explaination, but again at seven .. He doesnt need to deal with adults' choices... if he didnt ask why he has to ride home with me.. he wouldve never got the explaination to start with. A lil white lie.. still builds doubt.. theres never a good time to say.. oh I lied
..."expecting the world to treat you fairly because your a good person, is like expecting a bull to not attack you because your a vegetarian " are so right about the program being based on rigorous honesty. I know that if it is a year sentence that we would not be able to keep it from them. I was thinking more on the lines of 90 days that we could tell them something different.
Also, I wasn't going to tell them. That will be left up to my son and his ex. I was just wanting to get an idea if telling them would be way too destructive. I am remembering back years ago when he and his wife split up how horrible it was for the kids then at 3 and 5. I sometimes see tears in the 9 year olds eyes when they have been visiting for the weekend and we drop daddy off and take them home. My emotions are not allowing me to deal with this at the moment. I have to admit that I am feeling like isolating and running away somewhere to not have to face what will be happening in the next few days. I have way too much other crap going on in my life right now and I no longer feel like dealing with any of it.
I suppose one thing we could do is use the word "detention center" instead of "jail" I think it might be a little less scarey for them.
((((((Dear Gail)))))....good to see you posting, I think of you often.
I'm glad to hear that your son has some recovery under his belt and is embracing AA,the members will no doubt be supporting him in any decisions he needs to make re telling his children. This will all be part of his recovery, if he can 'own' his disease and its consequences.
Have you asked your son what his plans are, maybe his answer would relieve your anxiety somewhat.
If your grandchildren come to you and want to talk about it you will be able to draw on your Al-anon tools to guide you.
Sadly there is no protective ring fence we can put round them to stop the disease from penetrating their lives, we can only answer with honesty and simplicity.....little at a time, as & when.
My grand-daughter is now 5 and is beginning to see that there is something not quite right with her Daddy. He sees her once a month but only with supervision. Im hoping that, should she ever ask me anything, Al-anon will have my back.
I too have been letting things slip lately but I'm being given reminders that it works if I work it.
I sure hope you can dive into your Al-anon recovery program and focus on the things you can change. Try to focus on this one day and all you can do with it and let the tomorrow unfold tomorrow. Sending you love and support!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."
I wonder if there could be a plea bargain done by the attorney for him to do community voluteer work and or has to wear a leg bracelet thing, has to check into work meetings home. Something very restrictive instead of jail.
The judge may look at his almost a year changes.
Does not hurt to ask. plus having kids that age might help too.
Jails and prisons are so full.
As far as the sweet kiddos, dad needs to tell them the truth. Yes it will hurt. believe me I know. I had to tell my two babies there daddy died.
Kids are not stupid. Believe me some child will tease them about it and that would be so much worse than preparing them.They need to know what made him go to jail. That he is not a bad person, that he will be ok.
I remember my daddy just being in the hospital and mother brought us to see him thru his window. Back in the old days....I was scared! Kids are scared by this. Myself I would never take a child to a jail or prison, never.
PHone calls,letters, having them draw him pictures and write to him are great. Keep it positive. Its just part of his getting well. Pray there is AA where he goes.
Sending you so much love. Those kids are so fortunate to have you love them. My kids lives were ever so much better when they had their Grammy.
hugs hon,debilyn
Putting HP first, always <(*@*)>
"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."