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Post Info TOPIC: Damage Control/Venting


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Damage Control/Venting


I'm new to these forums, and new to Al-Anon (I'm planning on going to my first meeting this evening).  I hope this isn't too long.  

My boyfriend and I have been together for two years, living together for all of it (we were roommates before we were a couple).  I would say that he has drinking binges on average every two months.  Initially I had no idea he had a problem.  I remember, at the beginning of our relationship, going out with him and getting some beer and food, and coming home and having fun.  We danced and talked.  Near the end of the evening his behavior was annoying, but not disturbing.  Since then his behavior has gotten increasingly worse with every binge.  It wasn't until last March, about 10 months into our relationship, that it occurred to me that he had a serious problem.  He had a disagreement with a co-worker and instead of dealing with it like a grown-up, he called off work for three days (said he had the flu), got beer, and was drunk for that entire time.  Last May was when he had his first drunken binge where he yelled and screamed at me for hours (once again he was mad about something at work, I can't remember what).  He also forgot where the bathroom was and peed in a corner.      

About a month ago he exhibited his first violent behavior.  He started breaking things, calling me names, and threatening to leave.  This episode was triggered by a dog our roommate was watching getting into our garden and destroying some plants.  (The dog's owner replaced them, BTW.)  When he sobered up I gave him an ultimatum. I didn't want something like that to ever happen again.

Well, it did.

Once again the trigger event involved a dog.  My roommate was watching a different dog for a friend on a trip.  Turns out my boyfriend didn't like the dog because it barked at him.  I was out all day and when I got home that evening I knew something was very wrong.  I could smell the beer; my stomach sank.  I found him in bed, and asked him about his day, mistake one.  He sneered, then asked "What do you want to hear?" I made mistake two, asking if he'd had some drinks.  He flipped out. 

He screamed at me.  The dog was outside and barking.  He threatened to harm the dog.  When I told him he couldn't, he shoved me.  This is the first time, in two years, that he has done something like this.  I said I was going to call the police; he said he was leaving.  He packed his stuff.  He packed most of his clothes and none of his socks or underwear. 

Instead of the police, I ended up talking to his mother.  He also talked to her.  It seemed to calm him a little, though he screamed and called me names while talking to her.  Then he left.  I kept in contact with his mother until I knew he was in a safe place that night (he went to a motel).  He called me, but I didn't answer.  I had no desire to talk with him. 

Roommate was out during this episode (also out during the last one, too).  When he asked where my boyfriend was, I told him he was at a motel because the dog made him nervous.  Partly true, I don't know how much I should tell my roommate.  Roommate was mortified, and contacted his girlfriend to come take the dog and watch it.  Dog was gone within the hour.  He also wants to reimburse boyfriend for the motel room. 

So now it's morning and I've got a lot to think about.  Relationship is over, obviously.  He hasn't contacted me this morning, yet.  No surprise there, I would expect that after stopping at the motel he would have gone out for more beer.  He's probably passed out right now.  He might call later.  Worse, he could just show up.  I'm not sure what I should do.

My second problem involves work.  We are employed by the same company.  They know we are a couple and that we live together.  During his rampage last night, he said he was going to quit.  He left all of his work equipment at the house.  He has a survey that he is supposed to do tomorrow that our supervisor may not be able to reschedule.  I have no idea what he plans to do about this.  I know that I'm not responsible for his work, but I'm concerned that this whole situation is going to reflect badly on me, somehow.  If he doesn't do it, and they can't get a hold of him, they will probably call me.  I have no idea what I'm going to tell them.  (We both have a good reputation at work.  My boyfriend may have a drinking problem, but he does work hard, earn money, and contribute to our expenses.  I can say that much good about him.)

Worse, he might try to deal with the situation drunk.  What if he calls them drunk, or shows up drunk to get his work stuff, or does his survey drunk?  If he wants to self-destruct, that's his decision, but I'm terrified he's going to do something to take me down with him. 

Has anyone had to do damage control? How has it turned out?  Has anyone had an SO walk out on them when they were renting?  What did you tell the landlord?  Like I said, if he wants to ruin his life, then I can't stop him.  But I don't want him to screw up mine anymore.  I'm so sad, mad, and scared right now. 


Thanks for listening.


~*Service Worker*~

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Hugs and welcome,

So sorry you are going through this soooo glad you are seeking a meeting at alanon. It's a great way to calm yourself, get grounded and refocused.

My experience was my AH at the time my SO called off work because he was to drunk to go in from the night before, .. at the time I had much better boundaries .. his boss actually called me at work screaming at me that my AH was not at work .. OMGosh .. it was probably one of the most crazy things at that point that had happened in our relationship. I don't blame the boss for being furious as my AH had the company truck, which unbeknown to them AH had been out partying in, driving drunk of course. Anyway, long story short .. I was able to let his boss know and since he wasn't mine in much short to the point terms, he was WAY WAY WAY out of line calling me at MY job. If he was that worried about the truck he needed to go to the apartment and get it. I have NO idea how in the world my AH kept his job, .. he did .. ironically was fired or quit over another alcohol related incident. I never will get that story and it was after we were married with a baby. Point being .. his job, his issue, not my problem .. somewhere I lost me after that first incident.

I don't see how his not showing up should or would reflect on you. Normally companies need to address alcohol related issues by sending people to rehab .. it's going to depend on the policy. Sorry to say that by no means is a fix for what is going on. Talk to your landlord .. can you swing the rent without him there? I'm thinking your roommate is probably more aware of the situation than you know. I don't mean about the dogs I mean about the drinking.

There is a really good book called Getting Them Sober, Toby Rice Drew .. it's got a lot of very good information about how to handle life with an alcoholic by focusing on you. His issues are not yours to fix, .. you didn't cause, can't control and won't cure his problem. You can only focus on you and find out where your boundaries are and what will and won't work for you.


Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo


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Thank you for your warm welcome.

There's a bookstore pretty close to my house. I'll run over today or tomorrow and see if they have a copy of the Drew book.

I'm feeling such a rollercoaster of emotions: deep sorrow, anxiety, anger, giddy excitement (at the thought of being free), dread. I am also feeling a strange kind of lightness without him here, I don't feel like I have to tiptoe around, which is how I've been feeling for weeks now. I looked at the belongings he left behind. He left stuff I'm sure he'll want back. I put it in a neat, organized pile.

Still no word from him or his mother. It makes me nervous not knowing if he's going to come back to the house. I have not called him.

I'll talk to the landlord about rent. I can't afford the full rent by myself. My boyfriend and I had originally only planned on staying till September, and the landlord has proven to be pretty flexible so far, so maybe I can work something out so that I can stay as planned.


~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 3870

Keep in mind what you are feeling is totally normal, .. feelings aren't facts. We just need process them and move through them vs getting stuck in a cycle. I used to think I had to stay stuck where I was at and now .. I know I don't .. I actually have choices .. No .. that happens to be a full sentence and I'm getting less afraid to use it in appropriate ways.

Another book I was thinking about after I read your original post is Co Dependent No More, Melody Beattie. It addresses those issues of why we feel the need to fix what is not ours to fix, and what our part is in this kind of relationship. That was the book for me that just had light bulbs going off left and right.

That whole addicted to the drama .. give me a mood altering man and I'm all set. Up's and down's no middle ground and it just escalates from there. It really does get better when we start addressing what is going on with us that we do these kinds of behaviors. I know now .. I don't want that or need it .. my self esteem is much higher and I feel good about where I am at .. even though I'm scared to death .. at least I know it can get better.

I hope you will attend at least 6 meetings before deciding if alanon is for you or not .. get a sponsor and start working the steps it makes all of the difference in the world for me. Life is pretty good considering the chaos I'm in at the moment .. it's been 120 days out of a 16 year relationship and every day it gets better. Those emotions you express come through at different times, it gets less intense and it gets easier.

Hugs P :)


Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo

~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 1582

Boy, I can soooooo relate to the dog thing. My AH used to complain about all the neighborhood dogs. I literally thought he had 'sound anxiety' because he would fly into rages about stuff like that, and this was all BEFORE he started drinking again.

I think Al Anon meetings would be a great start for you. You came here for a reason and, based on what you shared, he definitely sounds like his alcohol related behavior is escalating. My AH shoved me 20 years ago during one of his drunken altercations and he still doesn't really admit to it. I should have broken things off with him back then but he quit drinking and we got married. He stayed away from the alcohol for 15 years only to pick it up again while going through some major depression issues. You deserve better than what he's giving you now but he has to decide for himself if he has a problem. Your job is to take care of yourself. Pushka recommended some wonderful books. Personally, I got a lot out of Toby Rice Drews books first but you may need to order it online. I don't think I've ever seen it at a bookstore.

As for the rent issue, I can't really help out. One of the reasons that I am still with my AH is because of how intertwined we are financially and because we have a 13 year old. OH, also I can relate the work issue to some degree too. My AH got into trouble on his first job that he had right after we got married. He was put on probation and ordered to go to anger management counseling. I was so involved in my own career at the time that I didn't realize how problematic this situation was and how it really could affect me or about what it said about our future and his behavior.

Keep coming back, we'll be here for you!

Struggling to find me......


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Wanted to leave a quick update...

He called the next afternoon, slightly drunk. He didn't understand what he'd done and why he had spent the night in a motel. I didn't try to explain; there's no point having a debate with a drunk. He wanted to come home. I told him he could.

So he returned. So no having to talk to the landlord about rent or our employer about returning or switching around equipment. He went to an AA meeting on Monday and said he would go once a week. We'll see. I purchased the two books suggested above and went to an Al-Anon meeting. I plan on going to this meeting again, and might try some other ones. I like the Drew book and its suggestions for dealing with the behavior or alcoholics. I'll try some of the things in it if my boyfriend binges again. Also, if there is a next time, I think I'll just go spend the night in a nice motel or go camping or something. It would probably be far more peaceful than waking him up and interacting with him.

Right now one of my top emotions is anger. Our rental agreement ends in September, so I'm trying to decide if, how, and when to end our relationship.

Thank you for your kind words and advice.

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