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ive just read a post on this and its another one of my issues today cause ive allowed others to run all over me,wow ,ive never thought about it and that pateince i also thought was part of allowing others to run all over me, how is the 2 separate is what im asking today ,lol this is been a part of life all my life,now to know how to separate the 2 and know what to do,thanks for listening,hope i made sense,,,,,hugs silent and i need alot of esh on this.thanks agin...silent
Silent - I think a key for telling the different between being patient and letting others walk all over you is if you are allowing yourself to keep doing things other people can and should do for themselves. Also, if a person can't do something for themself, that does not mean you always have to be the one to do it for them. Some of it is about developing boundaries and that comes with feeling better about yourself and also can be a result of working the 12 steps.
I had to learn that it was ok to say no to somebody who wanted something from me. Hearing that over and over again at Alanon meetings and seeing the people who had said no the next week were OK helped me find the courage to start saying no to others and starting putting myself first. I needed the strength of the group in the beginning to stick with it. I think when the pain becomes too much my desperation gave me the courage to try something new. One day at a time with the help of other program people and my higher power I began to learn somehow to let go of unhealthy people and get sane. If I wasn't sure if I should say yes or no, I spoke with others in the program by phone and got some thoughts about stuff they'd been through and how they handled it and then they lovingly let me make a decision for myself about saying yes or no to someone.
We say in Alanon, we'll love you until you can love yourself. I was loved unconditionally and treated like I belonged at meetings without doing anything for anybody. It was the beginning of taking my personal power back, the beginning to understanding that I had personal power to choose myself and a right to do that. I've been coming back to face to face meetings ever since. There is so much experience strength and hope there from everyone - newcomers and oldtimers. :) Hugs. TT
Surround yourself with people and elements that support your destiny, not just your history.
ty so much ,and pinkchip i never even entered my mind,lol that yes im actually focused on my self for a change instead of my ex,ty for pointing that out to me.
Hi! Keep coming back here and f/f meetings. It took 70+yrs. for me to learn how to love myself. I thank HP (God) and ala-non for my growth and progress.
Just go a step at a time, one day at a time. And you'll find a rich, thankful life you never thought you could afford.--A Rogers
Silent, I had the same question for myself. Always considered me a patient, kind, helpful person. And confused as to why it seemed I also had DOORMAT tattooed on my forehead.
For me, the difference was boundaries. Patience is a wonderful virtue. But without boundaries, some people would take advantage of my nature. I am learning to spot these kind of people (it's hard), take relationships sloooow (not only romantic ones, new friends too). In the past I would always drop everything to help a friend in, I ask myself if I really want to, how much energy will it take from my life, can I contribute in a special, worthwhile way or am I just filling space to feel needed? For example, a friend asked me to help her pack in preparation for moving out of her apartment before military basic training. I said yes because I actually love organizing and sorting, am looking forward to spending some time with this friend, and it will be good for me to get out of the house and give a bit of energy to another person.
I am also learning when to speak up for myself when I feel taken advantage of. In another friend-moving example, a few years ago I went to help a pal clean his apartment before the move-out inspection. I was doing all the work, and he was on his computer looking at Facebook. At first I ignored it, but as time went on and he didn't pitch in, I had a word with him- if this isn't a task that requires 2 people, I have other things to do today. Or something to that effect. Guess what, he apologized and started cleaning haha.
So I think it's especially important for us patient people to know how to call foul if we need to. Also, don't mistake your patience for fear, obligation, or guilt. Those kept me trapped for a long time. I would be so patient with my AH because I knew he was struggling with a mighty disease. Now, I look at people's actions instead of their lip service, another great way to decide if you're being taken advantage of. In time, I have learned my needs are just as important as anyone else's. An empty pitcher pours no first responsibility is to myself, and I am learning to be patient with ME!
Only to the extent that we expose ourselves over and over to annihilation can that which is indestructible be found in us. -from Pema Chödron's When Things Fall Apart
I think that it is so key to know and be aware of these things. Patience isn't something I have too much of.
Everything is urgent for me and that really turns a lot of people off.
I definitely was a doormat people pleaser and I'm no longer willing to do that. I got trod on too many times. The irony is that I had to get to a place of being aware of being a doormat in order to stop. I was pretty oblivious of it in the beginning. People pleasing is multi layered for me. I have to really watch that like a hawk. The issue for me is expectations if I do a ton for someone I really expect something back and often times other people are not actually on that wave length.
I think being aware is the first step and then being willing to see yourself do it without bringing out the club and beating yourself into self hatred.