The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Hey everyone, lap top is broken yet again so I don't have as much access to this site as I usually do. Just wanted to say that I hope you all had a wonderful Easter as mine was very quiet and peaceful. All the best <3
Corgi...Easter was family great on the Big Island...We shared love and new information and thoughts and jokes and stuff. My grand-daughter was carrying an ultra sound photo and no it wasn't an ulcer (might turn out to be later) but the 2nd Great Grandchild that is on its way. My wife and I are hoping to be "up on the continent" in June for the arrival of the 17th (!!!) grand-child...So we kinda sorta agree that the kids are staying out of real trouble at this point. LOL More will be revealed HUH? We ate each others cooking and spoke of grand schemes and then left for home. We had the kind of smiles on our face that your pups have. Love that!! Easter was good and our recovery life is a ressurection for sure.