The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Hello, I am new to this type of group and just need someone that is dealing with the same things I am. I have a husband that is a drunk and I am having a hard time with it. He only drinks on weekends but is drunk from Friday until he goes to work on Monday. His drinking has gotten worse over the years and I just can't handle it any more. I try to talk to him but he doesn't really hear what I am saying. I have been so upset and depressed that I have text him, emailed him and even had a one on one talk and he just ignors everything I have to say. I feel so alone and I just don't know what to do. I can't leave him because I want things to be ok. I have with drawn from friends and am in a state of depression. I can't sleep and I have gain so much weight. I just don't know what to do. Can some one please help me.
I am so glad you found us and reached out, You are not alone and there is a wonderful group in your community :Alanon Face to Face meetings that can support you.
Alanon believes that Alcoholism is a disease and living with this disease causes destructive changes in every person behavior. and offers a simple program of recovery. use face to face meetings to help us break the isolation of this disease, we learn how to Focus on ourselves Live One Day at a Time, trusting the new tools we develop and knowing that we are powerless of any other person.
Hi Phur. Hotrod has given you some great suggestions here. I, too, used to email, text and write letter to my AH letting him know how concerned I was about his drinking and the effects it was having on our family. Through Al-Anon, I learned that I have no control over his drinking and that no amount of threats or deals with him were doing to work as long as he did not want to stop. Now I am in control of myself and am working on taking care of me. I hope that you will look into finding a meeting in your area. I'm glad that you shared here today. There is hope if you seek it.
I hope you take Hotrod's advice and look into Al Anon, it has been my saving grace as I'm in turmoil myself right now. It really helps you gain perspective over what may be right for you and if you find a sponsor they can help you learn how to set boundaries, practice detachment, and get on with your own life(with or without the alcoholic). There really is hope. Also, I wanted to add that even if they quit drinking it doesn't mean there won't be problems. They drink for a reason and once the alcohol is removed, they have to deal with themselves. So, if you have a program like Al Anon behind you, it will help you deal with your relationship in a positive manner whether he's drinking or not. Keep coming back and keep asking questions.
A little over a month ago I was very sad, betrayed, alone and depressed due to my being hurt by my boyfriend. Since I have found al-anon I have learned to make peace for myself. My boyfriend can never really hurt me again, because I no longer am concerned with what he does. I wish him the best, but what he does with his life is his business. I did not cause his disease, cannot cure him and cannot control him.
So I am working on helping myself. If you have not yet attended a face to face meeting try to do that today. You will be overwhelmed by the love and acceptance waiting there for you. Do not deny yourself any longer of the chance to make your life peaceful and serene.
You received great ESH so far, I too am glad you found us here and hope you can find local Al-anon meetings. Those meetings and my sponsor have changed my life for the much better! Sending you love and support!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."
Both Phur and Tom....Welcome. Only you can decide when enough is enough and nobody here is going to be able to decide what that is for you. What I can say is that Alanon will help you devise some boundaries for your own sanity. It will help you recognize better where your own life diverges from your spouse so that you stop seeing your life as being completely in the crapper because your spouse is a drunk. It will help you regain your footing and see what you can control versus what you can't. It can give you peace of mind even if your partner doesn't change at all. It can set you up to be more stable and ready to make decisions instead of being at a hopeless and desperate point.
So for those reasons, I would pursue face to face meetings and delving more in the program. The answers offered are not simple and the clarity of "what to do" arrives from working on yourself, growing more confident, building a better support system, and just learning new spiritual ways of looking at your struggles and having the faith to get through things using tools that alanon gives you.
So...welcome to recovery. The road is not simple but nothing worth having is easy to obtain. If it was as easy as dumping your partner and moving on, nobody would need alanon. If it was as easy as just accepting they are a drunk and moving on....same story. The truth is usually in the middle and the scenario needs to play out how your HP intends it and at an understanding that you are comfortable with and ready for.
Phur- Welcome I was married for 18 years . I know the pain of watching someone you love just fade away. I talked, begged and tried to fix my AH for 6 years before i realized i could no longer live with him. It broke my heart and it broke his. But he couldn't stop drinking and I couldn't live in the chaos anymore. The people on these boards have been through the same thing as you....I used this board as my first step towards a f2f meeting. Once I felt comfortable sharing my shame and isolation here- I could face going to a meeting. I sat quietly in meetings for awhile and then one day it felt right to share. It's a gradual transition. By coming here, you are taking the first steps to getting control of your life....good luck...hugs and blessings
Truly, Alanon is the best first step anyone in our shoes can take. Start there and see where your journey takes you, it isn't easy but with Alanon I have found that I am starting to sort out my thoughts and feelings. One day at a time. Prayers and hugs.
Welcome to this group. There is a really good book that is available through lots of venues called Getting them Sober. The title is actually an irony because of course it isn't about "them" its about us.
Being around someone who is behaving so self destructively is very difficult. I can understand you are at your wit's end. Some of the tools al anon suggests like detaching and focusing on ourselves are a real tall order at first. In time they become valuable tools. Its like using a drill at first we are a bit inept in the end after hours of practice it becomes second nature.