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Post Info TOPIC: What I still struggle with

~*Service Worker*~

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What I still struggle with

I don't struggle to not drink so much, but I have gravitated over to Alanon quite a bit for 1 main reason lately. 

I can't change other people.

How much does this suck? I thought a therapist was supposed to be able to do that and help people that way.  Intellectually I know even therapist are only vehicles to help others change themselves, but this still remains to be one of my biggest issues.

Other people's choices and behavior consumes way too much of my attention.  I need you guys to help me with this one in an ongoing fashion and that is really why I am here....My qualifier is long gone from my life.


~*Service Worker*~

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I teach rehab. Ironic, ey?

Research shows that the most important component in change for the better in humans is the presence of at least one other person who believes in you...

not CBT, not that technique, or this approach...but the presence of others...

and though you may not see the change you make in others' lives...often it is delayed...just by being you, and caring for others, you are helping...

and remember, change comes one kid at a time...

you make a difference...supporting others as they find their way..on their time schedule, (often I find myself wanting people to change FASTER!)


~*Service Worker*~

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my point is. we need each other...and it's important to care about others..where it becomes problematic is when being "other focused" consumes us...has us neglecting our own needs and issues...etc...

I became so "other focused" that when someone asks me now what I want ...I really can't answer the question!

So how do we strike that balance --- between being a caring compasionate supportive person...and losing ourselves (distracting ourselves?) with others...

HOw do we care for and care about others...and stay grounded? hmmm


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This is huge for me too. I think it is impossible not to care about what others think or do - particularly people we love, and people who can influence our lives. I know I spend a whole lot of time lamenting over why my qualifier did what he did, the issues I have to deal with because of it, and being upset over conversations I have with my family. Why - because I love them. It is important to me to be loved by them too. It is important to me that my AH continues to remain sober, even though I know it isn't my battle, it's his.
But sometimes when thinking about it causes more emotional pain than good, I have to take a time out. If I'm finding myself getting angry, anxious, and emotionally out of control because of something someone said or did, I need to take a step back and say "ok, i don't like that it's like this, but it's not my doing, and obsessing over it won't help."
I think that even if you are not actively involved with your qualifier anymore, there is a part that will always care and will wish they'd behaved differently. I guess there just comes a point where the thoughts start to deplete oneself, when thinking about it is just diminishing returns.
I don't know if any of this really helped because I struggle with this myself and don't know how well I'm doing. But it's a process that can get easier with practice - at least I hope so!


~*Service Worker*~

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"I can't change other people. How much does this suck?" LOL I think this is where we are reminded that we are not HP.

We can make a difference. We can be a positive presence.

I knew that during my conversation with my AH the other night that even as encouraging as that was, his choosing to pursue the information is up to him. I told him I stand beside you but I'm not doing this for you. However, I would really love to have him there signed sealed and delivered.

You can't change other people, but you can be an example. The other thing you can do is detach. I think it was yesterday I saw the slogan for detach, Don't Even Think About Changing Him/or Her. We can't change other people but in what you do you can ask the right questions and provide the right direction for thought that helps others figure out whatever it is that brought them to you in the first place!

Sending support!


~*Service Worker*~

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Mark... I don't know you, or your stuff, other than from on here...... 

But I do know ME, and for me - I struggle with this same issue in a similar manner, and I have to watch myself all the time.... 

My wise old sponsor, whom I miss dearly - used to work with me, and had me accept that this is absolutely a control/arrogance/Tom thinks he is better than others issue, and I fully agree....

I used to go to my Al-Anon meetings, and (in my head) "solve" other people's issues and problems, feeling that I knew just what they "should" do....  I used to bring that same arrogance to this board (and am sure I still do, from time to time).

The reality - for me - is that I am NOT better than, or smarter than, or anything more than...... anyone of us out there.....  I have similar struggles, and though we are all at a different places in our respective recoveries - that is the bottom line....

When reading posts on here, or listening to shares at F2F meetings, I try to ask myself questions such as:

What does this mean to me, and my recovery?

How would I handle this, if I were in that person's shoes?

Once I have worked my way through those two questions, then I come to the tougher ones of:

Do I feel compelled to reply to this post, and can I offer anything of value here?

If yes, can I reply in a way that still maintains the absolute necessity of allowing that person I am responding to, the dignity of still having the choice of the action they wish to take


Mark - I'll be honest - I think it might be tougher for you on here, than it is for others, as one of your struggles may be that you fall into your "addictions counsellor" role in some of your responses, whereas the role that you play on here, is truly and wantingly "Mark", just as my role is to be "Tom"


Hope that helps



"He is either gonna drink, or he won't.... what are YOU gonna do?"

"What you think of me is none of my business"

"If you knew the answer to what you are worrying about, would it REALLY change anything?"





~*Service Worker*~

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I felt compelled to reply to you Mark because I know how other peoples behaviours have affected me and how I have somehow been able to leave that more with them these days than take it oh so personly, for me I have had to work real hard on myself and stop thinking I know what is best for anyone my goodness I am even unable to do that for myself when I run on my own free will, so the thing I tell myself is, it is none of my buisiness to try and change anyone not my job or my responsibility, and your job is not so much to change them either but like you say just be that vehicle, the thing is, you. me, and anyone, only gets to see a person outside in and it;s the inside out where it all starts and ends, instead of thinking your not doing enough know you are giving a person the benifit of your wisdom and profession, thier job is to use that to their own advantage and only they can decide when that time is right, I still live with my qualifyer and it isn't easy somedays, but I have been able to change myself to look at people in a different light, when I get consumed by someone else and I still do, I ask myself why? why am I doing this, what ever responce I give is a reflection of me not them, I try to be the person I want to be and not beat myself up feeling less than, when I do slip I use that mistake as my example to improve, and try and become the person I would like to attract, kind of thing, I have a saying and it goes, it is not all about me!






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What strikes me when I read this is thinking about what would happen if everyone did or acted the way I wanted them to. The reality is, I would be no happier and in reality I might feel even worse.

There's a comfort in focusing on others and judging and wanting them to be a certain way. It takes the spotlight off of ourselves, at least for me.


~*Service Worker*~

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Usedtobe hit the nail on the head for me.

When I look down to the root of the issue, it's my avoiding focusing on myself. After all, there's definitely something going on inside ME that's got me feeling like I need to change someone. I'm not living in a place of acceptance when I'm in that spot.

I didn't know you were a counsellor - that's a REALLY interesting line to follow to be in a profession where your focus IS to guide people into changing. Whew. Major challenge for an Al-Anon, but then I suppose when we sponsor others, we get to experience this as well. I think there's a big difference, however, between wanting to change someone who's not asking for the help and working with someone who has requested the guidance. But even THEN, I can't put tons of energy into expectations that my guidance will be followed. Just say what is in my heart and have to leave the rest up to them and not develop an obsessive ownership in it.


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Hi pinkchip

I have had clients that have had me high 5ing, others have had me crying. It is our job to guide them to where we can see the positive outcomes. I often felt that I was paid to play with others peoples heads. I could see that the ones who listened did so much better in their lives. They got jobs, they got sober, they were able to look at new clients and even say "wow I remember being like that". It felt so good to know I could help that person that its hard not to take it personally.

On the other hand, I had the relapsers. The ones who were on our program and then ended up in jail. The ones who listened but gave it only lip service. Man oh man... why won't they just listen... this stuff works...

It sucks big time that we can't change people. Especially when that is what we get paid to do.

I think for those of us who work in drug and alcohol rehab .... has our qualifier ever really gone? I know for me, I am surrounded by addiction every day. I put these principles to work every day. Not so much now I have slightly changed the angle of my focus of work, but for many years it was that exactly. I took other peoples inventory daily. That was my job in order to assess safety to dose the person or not.

In the counselling sessions, I gave the tools of al anon to other people. Those on my program living with addiction also.

Your qualifier may have left your house.. but if you are anything like me, you are surrounded by qualifiers in one way or another every day. What has your clinical supervisor said about that (I assume you have a counsellor for counsellors like we do here)

Al Anon is a great place for you to be. You are powerless over your clients decision. Give them the menu to choose from. Their decision is thier decision.
Hand them the tools and watch what they build.
Given enough rope, they will either hang themselves or pull themselves toward the life boat. Given no rope, they will never learn which way they will go.

A work in progress, always learning

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I just wanted to ad

Handing the tools out to others, and keeping a safety tool kit at home are two very different things for me at least.

Physician heal they self..... yeah right!!!!!

I need these tools for me and a seperate tool box for my clients. I can put on my hat and take it off. Here I do a bit of both.
Why? Because my ESH for others is extended by what I have seen with hundreds of addicts over the years. That is also added to by how I know this makes me feel on a gut level. How it has played out in my own life.

Theres a lot of us work in the helping profession because its what we are good at. Unfortunately, we may be good at it because of our codependent traits. Its a fine line.

A work in progress, always learning

~*Service Worker*~

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I have to check my motives aaaaaallll the time. I can relate. My motive right now in responding to you is to be of support to you as a friend. Your words have helped me many times. Maybe its a step 4 thing. I often think i know what is best for people and I have to put my thoughts in check and remember i dont have the key to the universe... My HP knows the grand plan, he's got the secrets... now its time for me to accept Im not anyone's HP and I do not know what is best for ANYONE, not even me, for I don't have the key to the universe, I never did, and I never will. Thank goodness I have a HP to guide me. Keep coming back, Mark, I think youre awesome.



No one can take away your peace of mind unless you let them.

~*Service Worker*~

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Sooooo you get to remind yourself that you still have work to do with "yourself".  I love the feedback you've solicited here Mark.  Some of it is echos from the past and some of it is new.  I've learned stuff on the journey also.  My sponsor when we were discussing my becoming a therapist told me "remember you cannot sell a 12th step".  I think you get that and in case not what he mean't was the difference between helping another person just to be helpful or helping another person to get affirmation and a paycheck.  He was one hugely intuitive sponsor.  Another thing I learned was that if I help a person and take the credit for it when they change for the better who gets the applause for the work done?  If the don't get better who gets the blame?   I learned the difference between helping and enabling which stays with me 24/7 because enabling is "my disease".  When a person has the time, ability and facility to get their tasks done and I step in and take over that is enabling...if they lack any one of those three assets AND THEY ASK me for help...that is being helpful.  In any case its their work and their consequences.  Detachment has been mentioned and it must be because that is how I practice respect and honor and mercy with any other person who I'm working thru something with.  It's not my problem and not my consequence yet it could use my experience, strength and hope.

Keep on keeping on Brother...You've done some good growing over time.

((((hugs)))) smile


~*Service Worker*~

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Hugs Mark,

Your feedback has always been a go to for me, even when it's to other people. There is nothing wrong with wanting to help, however when the helping hand leads to the controlling hand then that's a problem (at least that's how it works for me .. lol).

I love the ESH you have already received and that's all I've got .. it usually goes back to step 1 for me I'm powerless over, people, places, things and the past. What are my motives when I share and what are my motives when I reach out to others who are sharing.

Anyway, thinking of you my cyber friend, hugs p :)


Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo

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This is huge for me. Wanting to change people and circumstances ruled my life until i found alanon. For the first time i can let go and get to know me:)


~*Service Worker*~

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This is awesome feedback from all of you and I think I need to reread it like 100 times. It's a character defect for sure but one of those ones that is also a strength at times. Right now I work with foster kids and I get very frustrated with the fact that I cannot change them from their bio-parents or foster parents that don't really love them either. The kids are innocent....even though they act evil at times. Mostly I can detach cuz I got into the field knowing I couldn't stop all the bad things in the world but it was useful and meaningful just to "help."

In my personal life I have a couple of huge resentments when a person did not like me for whatever reason and I was just "positive and sure" they were either misinformed or suffering some mental disorder. I go out of my way sometimes trying to convince these people how wrong they are and that I am a good guy and yada yada....and then I wind up messing up my world view because those people simply either don't like me or they are jerks or something. I have this core belief that all people are good and want to be nice and friendly when given the chance, but I don't know if that works well for me when I need to just accept that some folks might just not like me, not want to hear it, or that they might just not be good people.


~*Service Worker*~

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When I read that I feel like I wrote it.... I also become frustrated with how I see parents treat their children and I used to get very worked up over it and I would talk for long durations with the therapist I am teamed with about the horrible things. Now, I realize these parents dont know much.. They are either sick, uneducated, or mentally ill.. almost all are addicts/alcoholics.. and I have to stop and remember that no person is born evil. personally, I believe its environment. This does not make it Okay and it is a sick cycle b/c these kids are headed down the same path to destruction when they get older. I think to myself how I remember random flashes of my childhood and I think how they might look back and remember me and that I was nice to them... and that is more than words. I also show compassion and kidness to the parents because I remember how ill they are. I can offer advice like therapy or NA but if they arent ready, they may never be ready.. I cant drive myself insane over them. I give it all to my HP and let it be. I am not God. I am a nice person with a big heart and I can make a difference just by showing up with a smile and showing these kids and adults compassion, love, and care.

what you said about people liking you. Thats me. I would overcompensate and try to have people see I was better than they thought. I have my moments but
al-anon has significantly helped me in letting those compulsions go. I still treat people with respect and some may say I am overly bubbly... but that is my true personality coming through. I am not smiling to anyones face then gossiping about them anymore. If someone does not like me its none of my business. between my HP and me. and myself and me. Im okay. "When you love yourself you start a life long romance." I make an effort to fuel the romance I have with myself every day. It works.



No one can take away your peace of mind unless you let them.

~*Service Worker*~

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Hi Mark
I have been thinking about your posting and reflecting on the impact of your professional life in using the alanon tools.
The Traditions state that alanon 12 Step work should "remain non professional" but that we may employ special workers I gather that this Tradition is affirming that our own intimate experience with the disease of alcoholism and the tools of alanon makes each of us equals in these rooms.
Comparing my recovery to someone else is destructive to the unity of the group and negates the idea that this is a fellowship of equals We support each other without judgement or criticisms and believe that the answer for each one is within that person
All we in alanon need to do is support the person as they venture within to discover the unique person that they are and the powerful tools that are theirs.  If I give advise or do it for them I take away their power and are feeding my defect
I think your experience with the disease adds unique understanding to the Board Please keep showing up .




~*Service Worker*~

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hi Pinchip,

I wanted to respond to your share as you have helped me so much with your ESH.

I too belive that people are born good and always understood them and made excuses it was because of this or that.  Howver today after liing with addictions I have learnt the hard way that good paople can be sick and behave in unacceptable ways.  This is their journey for som reason I wanted to help these people fix the situation get everyone else to understand the way I did;.

I have learnt today this is my sickness.  I think a lot of people in caring professions may be feeding their own addictions, gaining some form of affirmation from their work. I have had the opportunity to do family support but I tend to work more at a preventative level as I do not feel totally strong enough to detach and not take my work home.  I have ended my relationship for now with my ABf because I really needed to keep the focus on myself.  We can share our ESH with others but they have to put in the footwork just like we do.


hugs tracy xxx



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Letting go remains the hardest thing for me to do. I play so many head games with myself as I am sure I know what's best or I am sure I can do it better and faster. My efforts don't help and they often make matters worse. More frequently, I find that I expend energy on people and issues only to discover 1) no one asked me; 2) I seem to care more than anyone else. Now, I just stop myself and say a prayer. The best advice I ever got on accepting that I cannot change anyone else, only myself came in al-anon: my AH has a HP and it's not me. 


~*Service Worker*~

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Live and let live really needs to be a bigger focus for me. I am really going to work on it. That is what I have really gotten out of this post. Thanks all. I really value this community.


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Try this on for a fit Mark, since you cannot change the kids parents and environment at your place of employment, but you know that you are wise in the way of Alanon and you can influence people who are going thru the same struggle you have in the you think maybe this feels good to you (because you do get positive feedback from the site), and we all need assurance that we are doing something good for other humans. A fulfillment of sorts for you. What I do know about your posts is they are "right on the target" they cut through the garbage and hit right on the point. I guess the program says one should do service for others in the program and I think this is what you are doing. 



Don't Worry About Growing Old, It Is A Privilege For Some Of Us.....

~*Service Worker*~

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Don't you love it when you have a response almost completely typed out and hit a wrong button and its gone, have to start over and can't remember exactly what it was that you wrote? Oh well, can't do anything about it so might as well start again - which leads me into my gut response to your post - the serenity prayer's first line, "accept the things I cannot change". I have been there, done that with giving my best thought out advice only to have the advisee ignore what I suggested and do things their way, then whine about the outcome later. I read somewhere in my 50+ years of life, something about wasting time and effort worrying about things we have no control over was like fighting icebergs (drove my old daughter crazy saying "well, you can't fight icebergs") but I often come to see things as icebergs I have no control over. Mr. ex often made me think of a bull, a thirsty bull, a so-thirsty-it-hurts bull being dragged kicking and fighting down to the watering hole but refusing to drink because, even though he was thirsty, he's not going to let you make him do anything, period!

Accepting what you cannot change CAN be liberating - I ask if someone wants my advice, give it if asked, and shrug my shoulders if its not taken, sometimes pointing out that my advice wasn't followed, most times just saying well, you know what I think/thought. I often use the phrase "you know my opinion on the subject so I won't say it again" with my teenager.

My experience with mr ex has taught me lessons I would NOT have learned if I hadn't gone through it; I am sure that there were people trying to counsel me against marrying too fast but I was so dead-set on marrying this wonderful prince charming that I wouldn't have stopped to listen if they'd been speaking from the White House steps!

Put yourself back in your drinking days and consider the effect that your choices and behavior had on those who cared about you - did anything THEY did change you, COULD anything they did change you? Probably not, you had to reach a point where you were ready to change yourself.

But we try because we never know when something we say or do sticks with someone and helps - I remember someone long ago telling me that things we go through in life prepare us for helping someone else in a similar situation somewhere down the road. I was a teenager and I wonder if this guy ever felt like his advice was useless to give because people don't listen? If I could, I would tell him that THAT piece of advice has come round and round in my life; SO often I have reminded myself of it when I'm experiencing something, usually bad - the experience may someday help me help someone else through it, ease someone else's pain. I hope he is still giving out that piece of advice, because I use it often.

I am strong in the broken places. ~ Unknown All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another! ~ Anatole France

~*Service Worker*~

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I know I help people...I really do. I guess this is also more about what I put myself through when people do not agree with me, tell me I am full of crap, when I make mistakes, or when people simply do not like me which really should be none of my business. I let these things about others get to me and sneak in between me and my HP and me and my serenity. All this is clutter that stops me from being what my HP intends and for that, I have to be responsible to change.


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PC, if your looking for something in return when you help people, maybe you should search your motives for helping....we don't want people to dislike us, but how "important is it" that others "like us". I see sometimes people idolizing others peoples opinions of them, when seriously we should be honoring what our HP thinks about us. Keep helping, but don't try to control the outcome. You seem to be a person who speaks your mind, and with that freedom comes vulnerability and criticism, but the fruit of this is growth which equals change.

I don't think Alanon claimed that change would be easy, but it could be interesting and rewarding in the long run..........



Don't Worry About Growing Old, It Is A Privilege For Some Of Us.....

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