The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I've been Really looking at my past however many years .. One of Alanon's Promises is that we will learn to perceive Reality .. I survived alcoholism by fantasizing in a denialish sort of way .. copied behaviors by telling myself it wasn't this way or that way .. seeing the cycle and how it passed down to me .. What I'm seeing is We are powerless over the Effects of others thinking and behavior both good and bad .. in other words .. i'm powerless how i might feel or what my innitial thinking may be when surrounded by certain defects .. control, manipulation, etc.. and so forth ..
when i think back on my past of low self esteem, what a relief it is to recognise that what I was feeling was just the effect .. the effect of being surrounded by others who didn't have much attention to pay me, etc.. didn't have much time because maybe they were work aholics, etc .. and so forth .. I was bound to feel the effect of this as in nobody loves me sortofish ..
I just wanted to share that the spiritual piece of this program never ceases to amaze me and it Never will .. My higher power truly is an Awesome higher power ..
Genuine Thanks when others offer me the gift of their sharing through fellowship .. I may not know you but I already love you ...
I have been touched deeply by this share I have never heard this idea shared in such a concrete fashion.
I agree my : REACTIONS" to the insanity and chaos that surrounded me WAS NORMAL. The situation was Abnormal.
Alanon taught me how to detach, not react, to think and then act. What a difference. The reaction to madness should be fear or anxiety, detaching from the feeling praying to HP for guidance, using a slogan and then acting in a constructive fashion in my own interest is a miracle
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
Whadda fellowship we all are .. wow Hot Rod .. I love the way you put that too ..
I agree my : REACTIONS" to the insanity and chaos that surrounded me WAS NORMAL. The situation was Abnormal
I love that because also in the Big AA book which if we were in a meeting I wouldn't mention .. it states Uncommon sense will become common sense .. just amazes me of how backwards i learned things through the years .. I also read something powerful in that Everything I learned about Love, Life, etc.. I learned from the Alcoholics in my life .. really aLot of Relearning .. I won't say Unlearning because I will always know what i've learned but yeah wow .. Lots to absorb.. Especially when I think of how often my mother told me i was so different .. when in reality .. we Both were reactive, argumentive, controlling, obssessed, confused, self righteous, superior, etc.. (prealanon) quite a few similarities (there were good too) we are both survivors and strong, etc.. thank God for the miracles of this program and for the fact that HP can control and change it ..