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Not the best Subject header but it's what it is .. I have a small daughter with my X partner of 11 years; he was clean for some time but is using a Legal Substance.. For the 3rd week in a row he has blown off his visitation with our daughter .. He's called week after week from unavailable phones and when we don't meet, he runs to tell his family it's because of me And they believe and back him bringing the whole system down on me .. Hard ..
I am so blown away by the behaviors and recognise the piece of me that really believed with time things would get better .. that he would somehow get past his anger at me and moreso himself and those around him he gives away his control to and somehow become a better person .. My insanity .. I know this .. I know the disease .. the Hideousness .. I know i'm struggling with my own lack of power .. Still I feel crazy even talking to him for a few minutes and i feel stuck in the fact that it's me vs them kind of thinking ..
If i could just let go of these outcomes and stop expecting him to meet us at a designated time, maybe things would get better but it's so friggen hard when I am faced with the continuing addictive behavior that Effects Everyone in its path much like an oncoming funnel cloud throwing around debri that hits hard ...
Anyone have any suggestions on what to do for meeting when this seems to be a continuous pattern ?? To deny him visits may leave him ending up with more should he push it and that's not the answer to anyone's serenity or sanity .. Above all my daughters .. I feel powerless but i know where to turn for help .. Please share and stay patient with me .. Thanks ..
I have made every effort to meet when He said he would .. He just doesn't show up .. I document everything now but it's still my word against his .. Dang I wish he had Never come into my life somedays and others .. i'm incredibly grateful for everything I have personally received .. but I just can't say enough on how much i resent him .. hard to stop when he keeps on keeping on .. thanks again
It doesn't necessarily matter if it is legal or not. Alcohol is legal and it can completely wreck and diminish a person's ability to parent. How you handle him being a parent is a decsion that you will need to make with your support system and utilizing your higher power.
With regard to parenting - Addictive behavior is not the central issue persay - it is irresponsible behavior. Sometimes it may help to stay focused on that because, while drugs may be the largest part of this problem, it's his irresponsibility that has you concerned the most right?
My experience with this has been a couple friends of mine. After being on here awhile and giving it some thought, we came to a pretty good idea that helped them.
They would pick a safe place like the library, most all have a phone in them. So he would call that he was there and then they would take the kid or kids there.
This could work in different locations. If they do not call with in say 10 min of where they should be, then that is that.
Then the kiddo is never disappointed. OH daddy just called ya want to go to the library?
It worked well. There were very few if any no shows. Lotsa no phone calls.
Putting HP first, always <(*@*)>
"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."
I'm so not a lawyer .. I would be talking to some kind of attorney for verification in your state. If he has documented issues then the law should be on your side. I can't remember if he does or not. The whole blowing off visitation I think if you document what is going on and there is a pattern even if it's his word against yours they may not be able to do anything right that second. The law will bring in a mediator or social services and then they will be the ones who can say .. he didn't show and so on.
You are not doing anything wrong and his family doesn't mean jackwagon as far as that stuff goes.
I like the ESH you have already received and agree buffer the disappointment with something else it doesn't need to hit the pocket book it can make it a fun day for the kids.
Hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
I like Deb's idea! And I wonder if you are making meetings or have a sponsor? This disease is horrible and you didn't cause it, you cant cure it and you cant control it. I know I have tried it all. I share my kids with my exAH and sometimes I take his disease personally. But I usually call my sponor and she reminds me of the things I can control, me. I am sending you love and support!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."
Pink that was extremely powerful .. Thank you .. good reminder and help to focus .. yes .. it's the irresponsibility that hits us the most .. and yet i do see that ability to respond hiding behind those words; his ability is lessened when he's using .. Never the less .. alcohol is legal and yes it does make it hard to parent .. I am so grateful to have all of your shares and the help to reason things through when the lights go out in my neighborhood so to speak ..
I like the idea of the library .. After I left here earlier (i've been gone a few hours, hence the later reply) .. i began thinking of how we could do this .. that he can call from the place we say we'll meet .. it will show on my caller id and if he really goes there; then we will too. If he's in the neighborhood, he can call once in awhile and if there's time, we'll meet .. if not, we'll raincheck .. I also did think that from now on when he calls ( for now ) .. i will not be putting our daughter on immediately but I will tell him why .. Last week, he called and set up visits with her and then didn't show .. it's not her he needs to set these up with of course it's me .. but with him telling her, he dug the dagger even deeper ..
I have spoken with lawyers and have been told I have to prove Everything and that it's hard .. that if we went to court it would only go downhill (for me) from there .. he has more rights than he knows .. although I do document now everything I can to show ..
As far as my thinking goes, I recognised after leaving here that when I said I thought this person would get better in time .. what I meant was that we would be able to reasonably set up visits and it would go smoother .. I realise my thinking he would get better is my lightbulb moment and my insanity for now .. Because The disease is progressive .. when I left here I stopped in and it was mentioned to me that this thinking is my denial .. lightbulb .. I see it with my family .. certain members .. thinking eventually they'll get better .. also part of my denial .. the only piece of truth in this is that i know eventually I will get better because i'm showing up and working the steps which only work if we work them .. and yes i do work them which is why it blows me away whenever i find something i thought i worked through but then that's the reality .. i will always have the Effects of others' and my own thinking and behaviors to work through !!
Thanks Pushka .. that's good to know too that there would maybe be some time to check it out .. thing that bites is that he would be Sure to make Those visits Just to prove me wrong .. this stuff is so hidden .. no way could I ever control it .. Need the knowledge of my hp .. i hate this disease .. it's so ugly and it Never gives it only takes .. grr although i guess it does give me the drive to get to more meetings ..
Hugs MeTwo, .. you know he could only pull that off for so long trust me .. when they are that caught in the disease .. the stress will make the cravings worse and he would slip .. it's what they do. You know whatever you decide to do you are supported, .. it's never an easy situation with or without children involved you have to take care of first thing first, that would be YOU. :)
Hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo