The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
AH just walked out. Mad about... well, mad about whatever turmoil is his.
I didn't argue. I remainded calm. I said one thing I shouldn't have. I apologized. I calmly spoke my truth: "I'm afraid of you and what you have become."
I'm calm. Quiet. Increasing my conscious contact with my HP. My sponsor is out of town. Tomorrow morning, I'll start calling some other people on my phone list. Maybe try to find a meeting. Got my HP, a warm cup of tea and a snoring dog for tonight.
The hard part is our son (pre-teen) who just called me into his room and asked where Dad is. I said, "I don't know." His reply, "It's another one of those nights, huh?"
I gave him a big hug, held him for a few minutes and said, "Yeah, its another one of those nights. And I'm really sorry we are having another one. Dad is having a really hard time right now and the best thing we can do is love him. I'm right here and not going anywhere."
I am sending you big hugs... a couple more snoring dogs, a massive cup of Chai tea to have with you and a calm chat. That calm when they walk out is sooo nice isn't it. I like the nice warm relaxed feeling in my gut adn the ability to breathe that came with it. I used to turn the TV off,pop on some music and read my book....
In subsequent relationships I lost that as my abandonment issues hightened, but I remember that first relationship, that first time he walked out. I didnt' chase him at all.. it was just bliss.
Enjoy your night.. and I too am sorry its another one of them ones.
Linda, thank you. You captured my feelings well. That's it: the calm and quiet. The warm relaxed breath. Yes, I am a little shaken, but compared to the person I was (the one who actually has thrown myself at his feet crying and begging for him to stay), this is a miracle. No crying. No begging. Only a calm centeredness. And breathing.
(((VVT))) did fine. It's okay to speak your heart and truth. You meant what you said and didn't say it mean. You didn't box your spirit in and then you expressed empathy and compassion and understanding with your son a younger victim of this sucking alcoholism. See if there is Alateen available for him or at least the literature which you may find at your Al-Anon meetings.
You done fine. Don't get in between his crash with the sidewalk. If he's allowed to feel all the pain without you trying to soften it for him he'll do better. Turn him over along with yourself and your son. HP's got very wide arms.
Thanks, Jerry. I'm really feeling my HP's arms tonight and reminding myself of what my sponsor tells me: my kids have an HP who loves them even more than I do.
Sometimes you have to say what is in your heart and it's ok especially when you aren't expecting anything in return. You aren't looking for him to explain himself, you aren't looking for a magic fix. You spoke your truth and that says a LOT about the program you are working. I take a lot of strength in your shares. I'm so glad your son as you, because one solid grounded parent is far better than none.
You worked a wonderful program and I am so glad to share this journey with you!
Hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
While you might be scared of what he's become - I'm proud of what you have become and and are still becoming! (corny - but true). All your posts are much more solution focused and you do not sound defeated and hopeless.
Youre response to your son was incredible. Does he go to ala teen?? just wondering. Youre working a great program. I can learn something from you. Thanks for sharing your journey, so sorry for your rough night, with you in support, HUGS.
No one can take away your peace of mind unless you let them.
I just love how you responded to your son, and I love, despite the choices your husband made, how you really applied program and recovery to your night. Sending you support and understanding.
yes it is nice when we finally find that serenity and detachment. He may walk out the door, but we have our foundation now.
My son was about your sons age when I had to get the RO on the A. I found getting him a motorcycle and fishing etc. really helped him. He focused on that.
you are a good mom. love,debilyn
Putting HP first, always <(*@*)>
"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."
Thanks all. I went to a new meeting this morning. My home meeting isn't for another couple of days. It was so nice just to be in a room with others who understand and freely give hugs. I didn't even have to say much. It was enough to say, "There was a crisis at our house last night and I needed a meeting." The room full of strangers all knew exactly what I was talking about.
The angry texts from AH have started, some really nasty awful stuff. I respond enough so he knows the kids are safe. I keep my phone on silent and only look when I feel able to respond. We have been out of the house all day and AH is angry. I'm not sure what I'll go home to. I really don't want to go home. But I have to rest sometime.
I'm exhausted. Working my program. Being kind to myself and the kids. Trying to remember I am not the things AH says I am. This to shall pass. Got my phone list and an awesome HP. Breathing.