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I've been doing a really good job of detaching from my soon to be ex AH.
Then my 15 year old tells me today that "Dad told me he needed money for his car insurance so I lent him $100..he says he will pay me back $150 next week"
My A HAS a truck. He hasn't worked in 2 years. The truck is bad on gas so his Dad bought him a car!! He can't even come up with the money to insure the thing. So he takes his kid's Xmas money.
I'm really angry and want to confront him...for putting my son in that position.I spoke quietly to my son about it, and told him to leave his wallet at home when he visits his Dad every other weekend.
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
How frustrating! I don't know how old your son is, but could he attend any Al Ateen meetings? I was told by a longtime member that we can only protect my children so much from the behaviors of the alcoholic parent, that my children will have their own relationships with my husband in regards to the alcoholic behavior (drinking or not), and it is theirs to navigate as they get older. I can teach them what I am learning in Al Anon to help them. It made me sad, but it helped me take the pressure off of myself to try and control things out of my control. great job detatching by not calling and glad you posted here!
A true testimony to worrying about your own side of the street. I've been in very similar situations where I just want to completely unload on the A for being and doing a, b, c, ... and there have been many times I have. None of them have ever been resolved with the A saying "you know what? You're right, I really shouldn't do that to our child, that's a very selfish thing for me to do...." Not once. Not EVER. No amount of my upset, reasoning, yelling, crying, logic ever, not ever one time, ever resulted in a positive outcome. And so nowadays I worry about my own parenting, I put things in place to protect my son (as you suggested to yours about leaving the wallet at home) and I do things that are consistent with my son knowing how loved he is by me and how secure and safe and protected he is by me. One day my son will need to come to terms with his Dad's decisions and I will be there for him, but I won't take responsibility for what his Dad does to him. I didn't cause it, I can't control it and I can't cure it.
Yeah that is sickness alright. Does you son attend Al-ateen or have any books? You handled it better than I would have thus far. Sending you love nad support!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."