The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
every one of you who responded was so right. I had written back to all then somehow it disappeared. I hate that.
She had been out to dinner, had two beers, came home had another.
Opened email. She thought a letter someone had written to me, I had fw to her, was me to her!Hope that made sense.
It was my mentor, who is like a mom to me. I love it. she can be very assertive and strong as she wants me to do right.
So my friend felt I was all high and mighty. Had she not been drinking I am sure she would have seen right away it was not to her from me.
I am not sure if she is an A. This is the first time I have ever known this kind of thing to happen. She is always the best to me.
I was thrown, tore up. Just prayed, immediately said of course i forgive you! I had to wait a few days to see how I felt. But I feel as I always did.
I was just hurt,not angry or bitter or wanted revenge or anything.
She calls me the day of the court thing and was a my house. dang it I was in Albany where she lives!!! lol She said she woke up at four am and told me hp told her what she needed to do.
So she brought up two huge garbage bags of pet food people food etc. a hundred dollar bill and a hundred dollar gas card. geeZ I immediately wanted to give it back. She didn't have to do that. But i knew it would hurt her. So I humbly told her thank you and it was perfect.
She must have needed to do it badly.Wish I Had of been home.
Its funny as I am fine again. I feel so bad she hurts so much. I remember feeling like that. I don't remember what I did, but you guys must all know once how guilty you felt and it feels so bad.
You are so smart. think it was breaking? who said she was taking something out on me for a past hurt. Its true. She was hurt badly by some JW's Jehovah's witnesses she studied with long ago.
As always you guys were there for me. I sure did need it. that was a stinger.
I was up at two am cleaning the guinea pigs apartments as I could not sleep!
Learned a long time ago if you cannot sleep, no big deal,just do something you like or do dishes or whatever
works for me.
I gave some gas to others who needed it. My friend got groceries for me as I just cannot face getting in that cold car adn it hurts to get in and out. was sad to miss my meeting today. Am trying to regulate meds for this dang pain.
I am needing to go on a mild patch or? Hate to as I am so afraid of my body becoming addicted to them. Do any of you have to take pain med all the time?
Keep putting it off, but its so miserable.
anyway thank you so much. so much. love, debilyn
Putting HP first, always <(*@*)>
"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."
I'm glad it all worked out. When I can't sleep that's exactly what I do now just get up it makes things so much easier on me. I find too that my load is lighter the following day as well.
Hugs on the pain .. I will keep you in my prayers, I truly hope that they come up with something or you can take something to help with that living in physical pain is no way to live.
Hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
So glad things with your friend are straightened out. Weird things happen. Re: pain - I don't have personal experience, but for inflammation (often what causes pains in knees, back, etc.) try eating a LOT of turmeric and ginger. Turmeric is a very good inflammation reducer. Also fish oil. These things won't get you NO pain, but they are very healthy, and they might help. Kiss a guinea pig for me, ok? I can just imagine their cute little faces.