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to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Let me begin by saying how grateful I am to have the tools of Al-Anon during this challenging ordeal. I didn't lose my sanity, nor sleep. I was able to see that I played a big part in this and was able to actually pray for the scammers.
Here's the story:
As some of you have read from my post on Feb. 2nd, I was scammed and had to shut down my laptop.
I got a call from a male who sounded as though he was from India. He had a thick accent. He knew my name and said that he was from "Windows service center."
He told me that they had been notified that my computer was showing a lot of "errors" and that files have been downloaded onto my computer without my awareness/consent. Of course, he was going to help me fix the problem.
Throughout the phone call, I kept asking him questions and my gut kept saying "this isn't right! Hang up and call Windows tomorrow." But no.... I ignored my gut instinct. Fear took over. I had been without my computer for over a month during the holidays. It was no fun and didn't want to experience that again. Plus it was rather costly ($350).
So with fear in my heart that overrode my instincts, I followed his instructions. He led me to a website called and told me to download the free software. This software enables him to take control of my laptop (I didn't realize this until after I downloaded it.)
Once he had remote control of my laptop, he dropped the call (hung up).
I knew I was had. So I made a police report immediately. Police officer said that by doing so I would not be liable if they purchased anything with our credit cards or bank accounts.
I didn't stop there, however. I called out credit card companies and cancelled the cards. I had new ones issued. I also went to the banks the next day (taking off work) and had them deactivate out online banking.
Then I headed to the computer shop to get help on how to clean up my computer. I got my computer back yesterday; that was $150. I lost everything on my computer. It's as though I have a new computer. Fortunately, I can load the software back on that came with the laptop, such as Microsoft Office.
When I went to hook the laptop back to the Net, I discovered the modem was not working. Called a support tech. He says that it's my modem. So go to Best Buy today and thrown down $75 for a new modem.
It's all working now.
I would like to spare others who might fall prey to these scammers. I fell hard because just about a month ago I sent my laptop back to Dell to have some parts replaced (hubby spilt coffee on keyboard). When I got the laptop back, things weren't exactly the same as when I had shipped it. So I figured that Dell might have accidently installed something wrong....
I feel might ignorant.
So.......... please pass on the word. Searching Google on this topic, I discovered this scam has been going on for a while. Here's a few youtube videos that you might want to pass along to your friends and loved ones. The more awareness, the less damage they will do.
Oh hugs Gail I'm so glad you were so proactive!! It could have so much worse .. hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo