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to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Welcome to MIP! You do have alot on your plate. Several years I got so busy that I also got realy tired. In the long run I think that it helped me keep my mind off my problems. I tell my own grown three sons to volunteer; they have a good life compared to most people in the world. If you are like most young people you probably don't eat well, sleep well, and develop healthy habits. Isn't playing games like an addicition? Work at being healthy. If you are going to be a parent, then you better prepare. What are your goals? Daily goals and life goals. It almost sounds like you need some structure in your life like a positive, regular schedule. Do you go to any Alanon meetings? Surround yourself with positive people. Go to a parenting class. Check out baby books from the library. Eat well and exercise.
Well, enough mothering by me. All the best to you and your new family.
In support, Nancy
-- Edited by glad lee on Sunday 5th of February 2012 07:45:56 PM
Recently ive been hit with a deep depression when i get bored, i have been going though a lot of stress recently, im only 17 and my girlfriend is pregnant, and so much is going on. I used to have a game i would play online and i would play it from sun up to sun down and my own thoughts wouldnt bother me. But i have been burned out on it and cannot find anything to replace the time filling slot. I get bored and get depressed everyday, i cant find a hobby to keep my thoughts of everyday life away for me in the hours i am home from school. I hangout with my friends as much as i can but it is not enough, sitting and watching tv is impossible for me, i tried painting but cant afford it anymore, i just want a hobby to burn all my down time and keep my thoughts clean. Help?
Has your life been affected by the drinking of someone close to you? Working on your recovery in Al-Anon is a good way of keeping the painful thoughts from overwhelming you. I can understand escaping into videogames or other things like that -- I think we've all looked for ways to hide from both emotions and the outside world. And having relief and enjoyment in our lives is absolutely necessary. But in the long run learning how to be with the difficult feelings and make our lives better is more helpful than escaping them. I hope you can get a lot of support in your lives. Do look for ways to get more support.
How about sharing what's worrying you? That's what this board is for. It has helped a lot of us by writing about it. Others may have been through similar experiences.
Hi and welcome. I wish you would give us more information about you and let us know what brings you here to MIP? It sounds like you have a lot on your plate and it makes me wonder if you are going to face to face meetings and or have a sponsor? Sending you love and support on your journey!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."
Hello Wenani, I think you are on track in trying to find ways to stay busy, and in joining this board, so keep it up! But how you choose to stay busy is very important too. I feel that one of the most powerful ways to treat the combo of boredom and desperate depression you describe is to help others. This may be as simple as snow shoveling for a neighbor, volunteering to walk dogs at the local shelter, habitat for humanity, etc. Once you start looking, you'll find a million ways that the people around you need your help! This may sound like a drag, but the truth is that when you learn how to take care of others - help others - you learn how to take care of YOU. It will help you figure out what makes you happy, what taps into your center of joy. Sounds strange, but it is the truth. Good luck!
Wenani, I love hobbies. I have about a million. they come and go with the seasons. Al-Anon has really helped me figure out who I am.. and with a baby on the way, now is the time to really KNOW you so you can be a good dad. Please, feel free, to share on here about what is going on with you.. getting my thoughts and feelings out into the world and off my chest have helped me greatly.
No one can take away your peace of mind unless you let them.