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information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
My husband has had an addiction to perscription pain pills for about 11 years now. For all these years I have taken care of almost everything, the house, our kids, his business and worked my own full time job. Last year he started to go to meetings and got clean. He has been for a year now. I hoped that this would make life better for our family. Instead he started to rely very heavily on a female from the rooms for support who he said was just a friend and a good support with 7 years under her belt. When I felt like their emotional connection was starting to cross the line we began to fight a lot. Eventually I asked him to leave which he did and two weeks later they started sleeping together which he came and admitted to me a few months later. He said it was the biggest mistake of his life and that he was in a very bad place mentally and emotionlly and she told him everything he needed to hear. He claimed he felt manipulated at the time. For the next 4-5 months we were spending a lot of time together and I thought we were rebuilding our relationship. Then it was back to her again. He said he was so confused and didn't know what to do or where he belonged or with who. We have two young daughters and I could not play this game with him. It has not even been a year since he has moved out and other then the two nights a week my kids spend at his place he and this woman basically live together. I don't feel like he has spent the last year working on himself and his issues because she has been a huge distraction from reality for him just like drugs used to be. We are getting ready to file for divorce and it just sucks that after sticking by him for all these years that this is what I get in the end. It's sad because my kids have no respect for him and what he has done. He will have to face his own demons where his kids are concerned and now its time for me to start my healing process.
Hugs tracy, I'm so sorry you as in this kind of pain. It sucks to be thrown into that kind of pit due to someone elses actions. I hope you will attend alanon meetings in your area. I'm so glad you are putting the focus on you. It's exactly where it should be. It really does get better and I hope you will continue to keep coming back. Hugs p ;)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
Wow, hugs Tracy. I am glad you found us at MIP. I am sorry to hear you are dealing with this. I hope you are able to make it to face to face meetings and work your recovery and take care of yourself and your kids through all this. Keep coming back and I am sending you love and support on your journey!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."
I am sorry you are going through this. What your share says to me is this.... no matter what they do, drink use or NOT drink or use.. I have to work on me and my life because I am all I have in the long run.
Im so sorry. This is such a sad story. It can have a happier ending for you though. You are worth a happy life and your daughters deserve a happy mother. Life can be full of peace and hope. Your husband has a disease and using drugs is a symptom of that disease... as is drinking alcohol.. and apparently he has not worked on the problems within himself and he is using this relationship with this woman as yet another symptom of his illness. But there is serious hope for you here within al-anon. Welcome and I encourage you to attend face to face meetings.
No one can take away your peace of mind unless you let them.
Hi Tracy just read your post and wanted to lend my support...our stories are hauntingly similar..... I have only attended 2 al anon meetings and already feel so much more at peace and stronger...and much more clear headed. My son attended his first al ateen meeting last night and came out with a smile i havent seen in quite some time I dont know if you can read my previouse post but it will tell you my story...hang in there and really...go to a helps!!