The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I am always deeply touched by this page . Every year when it comes around, I find myself appreciating the words and thoughts more and more.
For so many years I looked for outside approval to determine if my actions, my looks, my style was good enough. If that approval was not forth coming I withdrew and judged myself harshly.
Alanon taught me to build my self esteem and count my own opinion equal to, if not better than others.
I only had to please myself
The quote from Carl Jung is also powerful and a reminder of why working the 4th Step makes sense
"Your vision will become clear, only when you can look into your own heart"
I had to stop trying to judge others and understand their hearts and motives and discover myself.
This proves to be a full time activity.
Powerful program.
-- Edited by hotrod on Monday 9th of January 2012 03:05:05 PM
Judging others was number one on my step 4 work. It remains at times and I am working on that with my HP one day at a time. I completely see now that judging others was a way to not look at my own character defects. When I stopped taking others' inventories and started looking at my own it was an eye opener
No one can take away your peace of mind unless you let them.