The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Funny the Lessons Learned when you Least expect them... First let me Say Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to You all... Without all of You Here, I may still be Back there <----
I have Flurished thru another Christmas/Birthday with Balance & Grace I feel, the Ease Part was A Little Touch & Go... I Guess Some Old habits are Just Are to Break... But I'm Getting there...
Funny how everytime something gets me Rattled I want to 4th Step it and get it the Heck Out of the Way! I Learned that those that treat me right, seem to keep my attention, and those that now do not... Welp... I'm Grateful I can leave them to theirs own Misery and not feel the Need to Engage....
I was Disappointed that I didn't get to see My Grandkids Open No Presents on Christmas, But... I Did Hold My Boundry, and I Did Not Allow them to Dictate what was to be My Day! And for that I was Pretty Proud of Myself, Normally i'm the Track & they are the Steam Train...
HP sure has had a Sense of Humor here Lately, and I think is Testing me Pretty Good... Me, My Boundries, and at times I Believe My Sanity, or Lack there of....
I still have 2 grandchildren that I haven't seen open presents at all yet, but I'm Not Stoppin My plans to suit them no more... I try So Hard to Respect People, and their Time, and when i make Plans (Which They have done twice now & Cancels 30 before Both times) I do My Best to Get there On Time, If Not a Couple Minutes Early...
I was Always Taught to treat people as You would like to be Treated, Regardless of Who they are! Thats Not Always Easy, but I have gotten alot better since I Got to Al-Anon & Learned, "Mean what you Say, Say what you Mean, Just Don't Say it Mean!" LOVE THAT...That has Been One of My #1 Lessons I Feel... And I Repeat it as Often as Possible just as I don't forget :)
This Christmas Holiday was Wonderful because I allowed myself to Enter into it with an Open Mind, Open Heart, & Open Sense of Self... I Did What Felt Right, I Held no resentments, no fear or lack of self worth... I was Content, Just being apart of the day!
We did My Family Christmas Eve & My Husbands Christmas Day...And I have to Say, HP Carried Me thru Both Swimmingly, and without these steps & this Program, I just can't Imagine were I would be... I haven't had a Meeting in Going on my 2nd Week due to Busy Holiday stuff, and Normally i would be Off My Rocker by Now, but I have taking time to meet with some of My Al-Anon Family, and just being in their presents seems to make me feel like I am In a Meetings so I guess its
I still have a Long way to go, but I have Journaled and Set Myself Some New Boundries to Go with my New Lessons learned, And I'm Looking Forward to what every HP Has for me... Excitement without expectations... HP's Will Not Mine, and So Far, I have to say!!! He's a Much Better Driver Then I... This Lead Foot Attitude Seems to Get me in the Ick Lane Everytime ....
Thanks for Listening, Happy Holidays to All... And to All a Wonderful New Year... I See Wonderful things Coming Up for Us All... Now all you have to do is BELIEVE
Love, Hugs & Prayers to All....
PS... Please Continue to Pray for my Friend Patty... She is In the Hospital, and is Hoping to get started on Cancer Treatment very soon... Thanks SO Much
This Christmas Holiday was Wonderful because I allowed myself to Enter into it with an Open Mind, Open Heart, & Open Sense of Self... I Did What Felt Right, I Held no resentments, no fear or lack of self worth... I was Content, Just being apart of the day!
Dear Jozie
As usual your post touched my heart and spirit. I hear such powerful recovery and beautiful acceptance with each line that I read.
I choose the quote above from your posting because it "says it all"