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Post Info TOPIC: Sickness visited my home last night

~*Service Worker*~

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Sickness visited my home last night

My exAH came over to pick up our girls, he had to switch nights for some job thing. My 13 year old was in the shower so he sat on the couch and my 3 year old and I were playing with my new Kindle that his parents bought for me on Christmas morning. He asked what we were playing and I showed him we were downloading free apps for my lil one to play on it. He then realized I had gotten wifi internet and he had said on Christmas morning he didn't think it was a great idea. However I decided it was and bought a used router for $30 and don't have to pay anything more a month for my existing internet, which is none of his business how I spend my money. He however took it to another place and thought it was bad parenting to let my 13 year old loose on the internet and went on and on about when we were her age and how curious we were and all this stuff. (At this point I am wishing my 13 year old could take the fastest shower in history, which of course she didn't). So he lectured me on my parenting and when I tried to explain to him I keep an eye on her interent usage and have trust in her, he of course didn't want to hear it. I walked into the kitchen and got a jacket, gloves and boots for my lil one to get her ready to leave with him. He leaves the room and I see his shadow pacing in my kitchen. I know his first night with the girls he doesn't drink and can be a bit intense and by the second night you can usually engage him again in conversation because he is feeling better and sober. So I hear my oldest finally getting out of the shower so I start to dress my 3 year old for the cold and my exAH starts in about the wifi again, for crying out loud I want to kick him out, I am a big girl and haven't had to endure a lecture from him in a long time. I used to always concede his points and let him berate me, but that ship has sailed and I just tell him let's chat about all this another time. My 13 year old comes out and looks at us and says can I have the rest of the chai tea, I say yes and start to dress her lil sister, my exAH grabs her from me not covered all the way and runs out to the car to put her in the car seat. My 13 yr old says what's that all about and I said because of the wifi, so she sets down her new laptop on the table that she was going to take to his house, takes the mittens and hat for her sister and walks out the door to go to his house. He was supposed to have th girls for 2 nights and now he called this morning and he will bring them back tonight around dinner time, fine by me I have no plans, but he changes the plan and I know why, my 13 year old knows why and it makes me sad, angry and confused. He is trying to control what is going on in my house and I have lived here without him for a year and a half. I know I will never understand the irrational, I am not trying. I just feel bad for my children and am trying to have compassion for him. He changes the plans on us all over his drinking schedule last minute and my 13 year old thinks she is going to be there for 2 nights that were unexpected in the first place. I will never let him change my schedule around like this again. What a head trip for us all. I called my sponsor and we even laughed about how ill equipped I am to deal with this stuff that used to be my everyday life. I am trying to learn what I should from this and move on. Can anyone relate and does it get easier to deal with the exAH after a time trading kids? This is getting beyond old and I am about to cut down his time, because these games do nobody any good. Any ESH is appreciated!

-- Edited by Breakingfree on Thursday 29th of December 2011 12:27:04 PM


Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree

Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666

" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."

"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."

~*Service Worker*~

Status: Offline
Posts: 3870

As I read your post BF .. all I could think was the words "You may be right." you aren't conceding to his point, however I find for me it cuts down any argument. How do you argue with someone especially when they are in the "need to be right" mode. Your house, your rules and none of his business. You and I get that and any rational person gets that however trying to be sober A's do not. All it gets you is a big fight and ill feelings.

I really do stick to the "You can't rationalize with an irrational person, you might as well nail jell-o to a tree." it has saved my butt on more than one occasion. I do find I am automatically defensive with certain people about certain subjects because I already know they are in judgement mode. Truthfully it shouldn't matter if they are or not it still is a button pusher for me.

Now this is just a suggestion as we don't give advice at Alanon .. LOL .. however I would highly suggest the kids are ready WHEN he walks in the door. No more last min showers (those can be done at his house), if it's cold, coats and gloves on and then there is no time for him to sit and pick. Which is something I speculate he wants to do because we all know in dealing with an active A they are looking for a reason to do what it is they do for their fix.

I so understand that it creates a certain amount of stress for you getting the kids ready, however once it is done it is done. His house his rules so if he doesn't want the kids on the internet then the laptop as cool as it is to get as a gift would have to stay home. It's only two days, and again we get what we give .. we want our house rules and privacy respected we have to give it as well.

Take what you like, hugs hugs hugs P :)


Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo

~*Service Worker*~

Status: Offline
Posts: 3653

That has to be hard to have him come over like that.

I have seen others make boundaries telling them what I do in my home is my business. period. If it happens again, I will make arrangements for you to pick them up elsewhere.

You sound to me like you did great. Isn't it amazing how nice it is when we don't live with them anymore? I mean its sad too. But so much healthier.

Kids are going to be on the net not only at home. I feel they need to be taught how to use it appropriately and why. Just like driving a car has its bad side too.

hugs hugs! debilyn



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~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 3613

I'm surprised he has the boldness to change the plans like that -- in my experience, others can use failure to follow the plan as a way to change custody.  In other words, people say to the court, "He breaks the custody plans and decides at the last moment to see them less, which is stressful for them, so I petition for no more overnights at his place."  I've known this to happen (not in my own custody arrangements, but in others I know well).  So maybe it's a strange consolation that he's shooting himself in the foot with this erratic behavior.

I wonder if it would work better to have the hand-off at a public place, so you could leave if he starts to get difficult.  I know you didn't ask for new ideas, so disregard if it doesn't fit your situation.

It sounds as though you had a lot of awareness.  Avoiding a big argument takes a lot of skill sometimes.  Your recovery is showing. smile


~*Service Worker*~

Status: Offline
Posts: 3972

Pushka~ you are right I should have used the maybe you are right line, but I was in defensive mode and suprised he showed up at all, later I found out he talked to my 13 year old and she didn't convey the message. Once he started judging my parenting I forgot my tools in the begining.

Debilyn~ So glad to see you back here! Yes, I can really relax in my home these days.

Mattie~ He is your normel selfish A and his kids DO NOT come first either. I plan on moving further away and this may work itself out naturally, but as of now we live 3 blocks away and in a small town without any major business's although in the early months he didn't come in, I may suggest that I will bring the kids out to the car all bundled up when he pulls in, if he would call and let me know when he is on his way.

I just worry for my 13 year old feeling the way I used to when his drinking came first and knowing plans were changed because of it. I would rather he just be absent then trying once in awhile and the rest of the time incapable of reaching beyond himself.


Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree

Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666

" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."

"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."

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A longtime member who had a child with her now ex AH suggested that I can physically protect my kids from my AH, but there is only so much I can do in other ways, like hurt feelings, disappointment etc... I kept trying, in vain, to shield them from inevitable pain. I can, when appropriate, share my ESH with them, but they will have their own relationships with him--the good and the challenging. I can love, support and understand them when they get hurt, but I can't control that they won't get hurt by this sometimes. It is sad, but it is a relief for me when I really focus on having the courage to change the things I can. I try to Let go and Let God when certain things are out of my hands and trust that they will get something valuable out of this that may help them on their journeys. Sounds like you are doing a great job! Sending you lots of support!


~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 3870


Kids are uber resilient it's more important to give her the tools to cope with those feelings than worrying about what she might be feeling. I know, .. our babies, .. mess with me, however leave those kids out of it scenario. I can so relate. It's sooo easy to project how we felt on them.

When the craziness of a year ago was going on, the best thing I did pre alanon was let our eldest know if she needed to talk about anything .. and she didn't feel comfortable sharing with me or her dad we would find her someone to talk to, shrink, pastor, teacher someone though who she felt comfortable with. She let out a big sigh of relief just knowing we would be there for her regardless of what the subject was and we would do our best to hear her. She has come to us both with hard topics and questions. I am very proud of how my spouse has chosen to handle some of those questions too.

I would just encourage you to really keep the lines of communication open and whatever the topic. You are a great mom!!! Whatever your ex thinks is not a reflection of the great parent you are, again .. you are your own validation of a wonderful program. That kiddo will be ok.

Hugs P :)


Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo

~*Service Worker*~

Status: Offline
Posts: 3972

Thanks everyone!


Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree

Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666

" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."

"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."

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