The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Well yesterday was the first Christmas in 4 years that my AH and also my AD were sober-I didn't have expectations but was hopeful.
When my AH was in his early recovery 2 months ago-he told me not to buy anything for his stocking-I said fine and asked that he do the same-I also made a committment to myself not to go over the top with gifts. I was tempted several times, because things are improving to do more, but managed to keep my committment. I also bought myself a couple of stocking stuffers.
Well, my AH remained sober, however he slept most of the days-maybe his way of avoiding a difficult time. During one of his waking moments-I asked if he was ready for presents. He kind of waved it off-but not in a mean way. I didn't react or try to persuade/convince him to change his mind-just carried on, enjoyed my daughter and grandkids. When it was time to go to the relatives, he begged off saying he was tired and didn't feel well (he does have health problems and can fatique easily).
So off I went with my grandson-enjoyed my family-spent about 5 hours away and didn't worry.
Got home AH looked and felt better asked if he could open one gift. My response open them all, it is Christmas. He started to say no, then said ok and up to the Christmas room we went. BTw, he had bought me stocking gifts-go figure. We exchanged our gifts, he was appreciative of all and the man who wont sleep in our bed still bought me two sexy outfits, perfumes and body lotions as well as scarves-which I like wearing alot. One day, one step at a time.
Awww .. what a lovely Christmas for you guys!! It's amazing how things can go so much smoother when we don't impose our will over someone else.
Hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo