The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
So, dealing with the ABF - who is currently out of town of training. It seems to be going...okay. He is home on weekends and I know he's drinking then. I can't stand the smell. I still don't know where I want the relationship to go. I'm tired of the blame he lays and moodiness but am I tired enough yet? I don't know. Every week it's the same thing - so look forward to seeing him on the Friday and then when he comes through the door I can smell it and my heart sinks a little.
Most recently - I have been having some serious issues with my almost 15 year old son. He has admitted to using weed once a week - he says. I dunno but at that age, if he's admitting to it it's more than once a week. He gives some cockamamme excuse as to why he does it. He's ADHD and refuses to take his meds. I have had him everywhere looking for help but so far no luck. Perhaps the new place I have set up for next week will help. He has become so nasty. He claims to hate his family - especially me. His little brother (12) doesn't want anything to do with him.
My family is falling apart and I think I am too. Some days are just so hard to get through to the end. Everytime my oldest is due home I start to brace my back for the onslaught of nasty comments that will surely come out of his mouth.
This is not the way I wanted my life to go. Dealing with two addicts under the same roof. My anxiety levels have been through the roof in the last couple weeks.
I know this is an old drum that is beaten and well worn. Face to face meetings really make a big difference, if you haven't gone call the hotline. I hear that you are in a lot of pain and it's a crappy place to be, there really is hope. It takes walking through the doors and finding out you really aren't alone in all of this.
Sending you love and support, P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
Sorry, this sounds sad and worrisome. I know when I was a teen I did drugs, smoked and drank because A. That's the kind of friends I had. And B. Because I had nothing else going for me. I strongly beleive, if I had a hobby that was encouraged, or a dance class or musical instrument lessons I would have had better self esteem and been more mature, and less likely to do drugs. Could you look into some sort of activity that your boys might like? Guitar lessons? Running? Weight lifting? A puppy to train? Would they go to a youth group at church?
Yes, I have often thought of the hobbies to keep them on track but everything I suggest he does not want to do. His size makes it impossible to "drag" him there! lol. He is hurting for whatever reason but he won't talk about it. It's scaring me as I don't know how deep the hurt is. We have an appointment with a service facility here that helps teens with these exact issues. I just hope they pick up on his oscar award winning acting skills!! It's painful to watch him as he was/is such a wonderful kid - he's just not surfacing right now. I'm scared for him and for those of us in the house when he rages.
teen agers go thru that hate thing. They are so confused from hormones they need YOU to be ok. This is when ya bury them then digem up about age 25.
They are four year olds in big bodies for awhile. I love teens. If we can keep a sense of humor, and just love the stinkers, it will be ok.
I would say, well that is your job to hate everything. I love you honey! They will grown, be grossed out but they inside feel safe cuz mom will stay strong while I go thru this bolony. They need us to stay the same. Still not put up with the profanity or rudeness!
Hey it is ok they feel what they feel, but we have to teach them how to treat us.
Ignore what they say, watch what they do. Hey kiddo the living rug is sprouting, please vacumm. Ignore what they say.
Once we really learn the tools of humor, I am not kidding it makes things sooo much easier.
They come in the door all crabby and snitty. Give ya a dirty look or ignore you. I say, Hi mom! whats for dinner, oh stir fry. and smile. Believe me they walk away thinking we are weird BUT also they realized we just love the little snots. lol
Its their job to pull away,but they don't get it. One day they are holding your hand in the parking lot. Next day its mom don't talk to me when I am at school and you see me.
lol I have said, oh its ok I know i am your favorite mom. I did this with A also, its one thing that made him smile.
To me its no unlike a wild dog who has been abused and wants to bite, strike out. Not becuz they are mean, but they are scared.
Kids are like that. My way is to give them space but just enough love and guidance to tick them off a little. lol
They have a lot. we have so many wants. What is important is to separate needs from wants. Hey they slam doors, door comes off their room. They don't get their cloths in hamper, cloths don'tget washed.
consequences need to fit the behavior. They hate what you cooked, ok that is their choice, there is p butter and jelly and bread, make yourself a sw. Gotta pick your battles.
It can be such a fun time. we gotta lighten up. they need us to stay calm. They need us more than any other time to mellow out, be there for them and do not react.
I know you will be ok. Keep coming! Make sure YOU are ok!
Putting HP first, always <(*@*)>
"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."
Just saw the rage thing. Ok they have so many hormonal changes and so much energy. If they are adhd they need constant stimulation. thus ritalin. If he won't take his meds for adhd then get him coke or pepsi stuff with caffiene. be better to get stuff with out the sugar but he won't drink it Ritalin is basically like speed. caffeine actually works to the good for them.
I am telling you what has worked for all my boys is skiiing, motorcycles, horses, very physical things. Guitars, skateboards.
fishing, backpacking etc.
As far as sex and drugs, I am sure he has all the info already. so that is in his hands. all I can say to them is please make good choices. many times they won't. And we pray they survive. They need us to be their foundation their place to land. They need us to listen, to come pick them up drunk or whatever and not say a word. they know when they blow it.
Hugs hugs,deb
Putting HP first, always <(*@*)>
"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."
When your son sees you put up with BS from you BF, he takes a cue. I am not saying there is an easy answer...It's just something to be aware of.
You don't have to let either of them tread on you.
Also, your son is not an least not yet. Furthermore, the defiance and weed smoking is not ADHD, that is delinquency and it requires it's own interventions.
I do very much feel for what you are going through as it sounds like you are just a very caring person getting the short end of the stick here.