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information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I am looking for self assessment pamphlet in PDF format,to send the link to my friend so she can assess herself if she has been affected by the disease or people around her with the disease.
I can not find it in any URL.
If some one can give me a helping hand finding this pdf URL..
I looked in and could not find this pamphlet URL on line as m y friend may be a candidate to be a lone member in Australia.
HI again, sorry was just wondering what you meant by 'a lone member' in Australia?
There are a number of us on this board in Australia. Al Anon is in Australian also.
Probably the spelling is wrong. You know someone who lives in the bush and the first meeting is 100 miles away. I am surprised you don't know that being fairdinkum .. anyway that what a lone member like the lone ranger is.
I got that from the Al-Anon/Alateen World Service's website:
That particular "questionaire" can be printed from the front page at that link. When I printed it, instead of printing it to a printer I printed it to a pdf file.
There is a lot of good information and pamphlets that can be downloaded from the WSO's website. Just look around on the site!
I got that from the Al-Anon/Alateen World Service's website: That particular "questionaire" can be printed from the front page at that link. When I printed it, instead of printing it to a printer I printed it to a pdf file. There is a lot of good information and pamphlets that can be downloaded from the WSO's website. Just look around on the site!
Glad that is what you needed. David
Thanks David , I can see
This what you want to tell me where the link is I put it here as it is very important...the other link is broken and my friend did not read the second half Really great David...thanks Here is the proper link with all the 20 questions The part after the question is nearly invisible and has webmaster myself it would be apprecieated if the textis larger.. like this ..
If you have checked any of these questions, Al-Anon or Alateen may be able to help