The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Bare with me, I'm new to this but have been dealing with an AH for seven years now. I got married late in life and had two kids with AH in my 40's. He is also from a different country and much younger, so there are many challenges. I also believe AH is a bit of an angry, controlling person, but that's another story. My new life consists of working all day, coming home to AH drinking, feeding the kids candy before dinner, and constant battles over parenting, finances, you name it. Everything is potential for an arguement. I feel so lost, and I have no close friends (moved to this town six years ago) and people are very clickish. Why would anyone want to get to know me anyway? I feel like a negative, complaining person.
I've tried going to al-anon meetings but there is only one meeting one night a week, and find it difficult to get to. And I'm embarrassed by my spilling of emotions when I go. I also cry so hard when I get there that I can barely talk and I usually have everyone crying by the end of the meeting! My feelings are raw and reactive. I have a hard time still focusing on myself. I am beginning to move away from focusing on him, but I can't stop focusing on the children and how it affects them and their little spirits. I cannot let him continue to emotionally abuse the kids. That's what hurts most (he spanks and yells and is all around negative, we are on totally different wavelengths with parenting). He blames me for everything and I blame his drinking for everything. He has become a very negative person and defensive (even sober). I know I am still an enabler, because I do everything: household, kids lunches, apply for jobs for AH, run all the errands, pay all the bills, but if I didn't, I'm afraid of the consequences--loosing our house, etc, we are in the beginning stages of financial ruins now, even though we just bought a house, things are very tight. So basically I have become a mother to three children and I resent it.
I'm trying to accept that I cannot stop his drinking...things have improved. He got a DUI four years ago and went to AA for a while, but doesn't understand that even having "one drink" will send him back to the same place. He gets verbally abusive and "edgy" with me and the kids, and our children are young and vulnerable, and we have a DS who is definitely ADHD, adding to the difficulty and a DD who has some potential learning issues once she is in school. Whew!
AH used to chair the meetings and still drink the next day. I can't believe they didn't see throgh his BS. But it was a hispanic AA group, which seems to be different in the way they hold their meetings. So now I don't care whether he goes or not. Once in a while he will still go to a few meetings, be back to drinking the next day. When he went to meetings it used to give me hope, but it doesn't anymore. I'm just relieved to get him out of the house for a night so the children and I can have some positive interactions. He lies constantly. I don't even know the truth when he is sober. Ok, so I've come to understand the phrase "I didn't cause it, I can't cure it and I can't control it." The last one is hardest for me because it affects our children so directly. I want to control things, stop him from being rude, stop the anger. I want to kick him out of the house until he is sober or end things, because I have made ultimatums and threats before, but I don't want to loose everything. What is the alternative? Tiptoe around him? For most, ala-anon is the solution, but what about the children? Thats what I kept asking myself every time I went to a meeting. What happened to your children? How did you protect them? He used to still drink and drive with them in the car, even after a DUI. That has finally stopped. I threatened and held firm on that one and he finally listened. How can I keep them in a house where only one parent is doing any good while the other is sabatoging every step of the way? I build, he destroys.
As I mentioned, I cannot seem to get past the deep emotional hole when I go to al anon meetings and everyone there seems to be a "senior" member and are not in the same place as me. No one talks to me after the meeting is over; its as if they don't want to drop back into that place that they know they were at at one time. As I result I often don't feel any better after a meeting. I've been to five all together. Maybe I need to get enough guts to go to more. I know I am being negative and have a hard time focusing on me because that's what I did all my life as a single person--focused on myself. I have to support my kids in emotionally healthy ways. How can I do that when we live with chaos and instability? We've gone to two counselors-- but the counselors seem to not understand his alcoholism and he often turns it around on me and I am the "controling" one who won't let him be, and he blames the kids--one is hyperactive and I don't discipline them, they get away with stuff and manipulate us, blah blah. The counselor usually doesn't see the part where he loses his temper and tells me to "F off", usually in front of the kids. I hate that kind of disrespect. The kids also are becoming very dependent on me almost exclusively, because I try not to berate, spank or yell at them (although I've picked up some bad habits). He says I blame him for everything, when I ask him to do something or change a behavior or not yell, his response is always, "yeah, yeah, I'm a bad father, I'm to blame again." Oh I hate this cycle. I feel like I've become soresentful. I also used to drink (not heavily) and I think he misses that part of me. Alcohol made me mellow, it did the opposite to him. I haven't drank for over five years since having the kids, I wouldn't have time to be an alcoholic or the energy. But he often tells others, "Oh she was an alcoholic when I met her, worse than me." It's getting to a point that a glass of wine sure looks good to me. However, alcohol has become such a negative thing in my life that I don't even see the pleasure anymore.
Welcome to MIP. I am so glad you are here. Please stick around and get to know us awhile. I do so value each opportunity to meet a newcomer on our board.
For me my first few Alanon meetings were exactly as you described. I found it was difficult being around what I thought were "senior" members. I was the one that cried at every meeting, passed mostly when it was my turn to speak. When I found the courage to share I said I was a newcomer and I would really like to get to know you all better after the meeting. That opened a door for me and created friendship in the program that I counted on. I too am from another city and it sure is lonely when you dont have your friends and family to count on. By throwing myself out there asking for help and support, I got it.
Leaning on my new friendship network helped me through the nights with my spouse that you described. I would call them during the day and get the time, attention, and love I needed to carry me through the evening. One day at a time, one meeting at a time, the program started working in my life.
I do so hope you will continue to keep coming back and sharing. We are here for you in love and support.
What struck me is you don't want to leave as you would lose everything. I can almost guarentee if this goes on like it has,you will anyway. Like you said you build his disease destroys.
What is everything? Material things? It sounds like this position you and the kiddo's are in is VERY toxic.This disease makes us so very sick, we cannot see straight.
They way you and kids are living is not normal at all. I mean believe me there are homes where it is mellow,loving, happy and ya don't have to worry about any negative thing coming from someone.
I am alone, isolated but I am happy in my calm serene world. No person is here to poison it, and I would not put up with it either.
I have friends I can contact. I moved where I am becuz of finances. I tell ya being in a one room cabin that is home and safe is sooo much better than some fancy big house with someone who is abusing my kids and me!
I invite you to really look at what you are saying. Lose everything? Hey it is MUCH better to start again and make a happy life than stay in a house of poison and abuse.
I would never tell you to leave, but I learned to protect me and my kids and was NEVER sorry.
Kids need us to keep them happy and safe. Its our job.
I hope you come back honey, you have done nothing wrong. In fact I can tell you are wore out and doing your best! We are here to help you. You cannot go wrong continuing to come here.
I promise if you do keep coming, you will have miracles. i mean that.
love, debilyn
Putting HP first, always <(*@*)>
"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."
I just wanted to welcome you and say keep coming back, keep sharing things start to make sense as we get clearer.
You've already received some really great ESH, don't feel bad about crying at meetings. I know of people who literally they spent the first month or two doing nothing but cry from meeting to meeting. All you can do is the best you can do at each and every meeting. There are online meetings here as well. Plus there are all kinds of free podcasts to listen to, it makes a difference though to just know you aren't alone.
Hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
I just want to say hi and welcome to MIP! I hope you reach out again to face to face meetings and find a sponsor that is what saved me! I hear you're tired of holding most of the responsibilities and need relief. Take care of yourself and keep coming back! I am sending you love and support on your journey.
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."
I am glad you are here. And you sound EXACTLY like me when I first came to Al-Anon in January. I was broken, angry, emotional, lost. Your description of your life and your struggles is so similar to mine that it is hard to believe! It really hit me hard reminding me of where I was at the beginning of this year. Pure insanity.
It can get better and even if you cry at meetings, I suggest you keep going--or come here and get some literature. I went to 4 meetings/week for months and am no only able to go to 2. I cried A LOT and I find that when we have a newcomer and are asked to explain to the group how we came to Al-Anon, I cry all over again because it was so horrible then--and I can see how much I have changed that it overwhelms me. It has changed my life--my relationship, my feelings on the deep deep inside. I am starting to know myself again and most importantly--be a better parent!!! I hope you can get help--please keep coming back. HUGS!!! You deserve better--don't forget that. It will work if you work it, but it takes time. Best wishes to you.
I'd like to share with you my initial experiences with Al-Anon meetings. I didn't care for them, either. I felt as though everyone else belonged but me. They all seemed to know each other, give hugs and talk before and after the meeting. And then there was me. Wallflower.
When I began to share during the meetings (opened up to them), people would come up afterward and thank me for my share. I discovered the more I shared, the more they responded and we got to know each other. Now, I get and give hugs and talk before and after meetings. It takes some of us a little time to warm up. That's perfectly okay! I think if you share a bit about yourself, they'd open up to you more.
I've observed newcomers coming in and not able to control their emotions. Their tears do not scare us off. We understand.
As Tommycat wrote, she opened up at meetings and got results. It's tough to take what seems to be a big risk. What if you open up and get no results??? I doubt that would happen at a meeting. Genuinely open up, share your feelings, cry if you feel like it, show them who you are. They will respond with warmth, care and understanding.
And by all means, come here and share your heart and concerns. We care and understand.
Again, welcome!
You have to go through the darkness to truly know the light. Lama Surya Das
Resentment is like taking poison & waiting for the other person to die. Malachy McCourt
I am nervous to go to Al-Anon tomorrow because I know since my husband relapsed and went to rehab I will be a blubbering idiot. I completely relate about the emotions being raw... my heart is wide open and gushing right now. But I have to go, Minaret. I have to stay away from negativity and surround myself with the opposite. I truly think you are so involved right now, in the middle of this tornado, its impossible for you to see the mess and chaos clearly. You are a good person and you want whats best for your children. It starts with you. If the plane is crashing you have to breathe before anyone else, right? Pull down the oxygen mask and breathe... so you can start to heal. One step, one day at a time. Keep posting, keep reading, and if you can bring yourself to do it.. go to a meeting. From personal experience stay away from the wine and become closer to HP. My prayers are with you, Minaret!!!!
No one can take away your peace of mind unless you let them.
One of my hardest struggles is asking for help. The people in your town and in the meetings have no idea what is going on inside your head -- and most don't want to pry. I don't ask for help, and then I get resentful and angry because people don't anticipate what I need. Well maybe I should call the psychic network, because most folks are not capable of reading my mind or my needs.
Can you ask for what you need? Name your feelings? Tell the folks at the meeting "I'm feeling shakey and raw" -- and if they don't come to the plate, try a different meeting. Different meetings have different "feels" -- group to group, and even meeting to meeting within the same group. Can you give yourself permission to share your rawness? -- I've even said in a meeting "I'm feeling really uncomfortable because people seem to be in a different place than I am right now.."Alanon folks are generally pretty good at taking people as they are.
Your situation can open the door for someone to tune in -- in a very real way...if you choose to share it.
-- Edited by rehprof on Tuesday 22nd of November 2011 08:52:22 AM
Wow, thanks for all the response and support. Those messages made me cry, and I'm at work, the only time I have to respond. Last night AH was better. This is how it goes on, one day he is fine and nice, the next night it is chaos and yelling at each other and going to bed angry. And at first it seemed to be that the nights he didn't drink or drank less, he was nicer, but now they all seem to blur together. Sometimes he can be a grouch even when he's not drinking. He blames, blames, blames--mostly on our son and how I have raised him--without discipline and that is what has caused our problems: we don't have a relationship anymore...I ask him, don't you think some of that has to do with your drinking? No, that's what makes me drink more....right....and then other nights he gets it--after going to an AA meeting. But then two days later he is drinking again. He doesn't get the part that it has to be NOTHING for the rest of his life. Eventually he will start to see it, but we may be gone by that time. The part I dislike is going to bed angry and resentful. Or leaving the house without a kiss goodbye in the morning. What if it's the last one?
I just spoke to my daycare person and she is going through the same thing, she is about to throw in the towel. I've asked her to go to an al-anon meeting with me. She is going to try. I hope I would be stronger with her there. I just don't want to cry through the whole just hurts to be that raw. I am overall a very optimistic person---or used to be. I want to have hope again. Thanks for giving me some hope to keep going.
I'm not sure if I am looking forward to the holidays. For the first time, our credit cards are at their limit, thousands of dollars. I never thought it would get to this. We aren't buying extravagant things, mostly stuff we need for the house--a bed, shoes, clothes. But AH could be doing so much better, moving forward not backward, starting a career, going to school, getting small tasks around the house done, being an equal partner. Daycare costs $1300 a month for two kids full time, where it would cost half that much somewhere else. This is such a scary place for me. I have always been so fiancially responsible, had good credit. The DUI cost us a lot of money, but not all of that is his fault. We are just living beyond our means in a wealthy town that is expensive. We don't have a fancy house, but it's better than the 2 bedroom dump we were living in, and it's ours, we became first time homeowners a year ago. That feels good, especially in my late 40's, when I never thought it would happen. So I don't want to loose it right away, that would be a failure, that I couldn't handle my finances (there is some learned behavior here from my parents who are very tight and responsible with money and made guilt trips about money my whole life). A second job on the part of one of us would get us through for about a year, but he is so unstable that a second job would just make him drink more. It happened once before when he took a job at night that turned into another second full time job (it was supposed to be part time) and he let the guy work him full time. I got blamed for that one (I had asked him to get a second job) and for the heavy drinking that was "caused" by the stress of the second job and no sleep...
Depending on my day, I always seem to re-evaluate and say it's not so bad, I can handle it. How can I stop doing that? Start living instead of just coping from day to day...I don't want to be an angry, resentful person anymore, traits that I've picked up. I do want to do the right thing for my children. But I've also seen the damage that can be done with a struggling single mother. There is one in my office who divorced, and her children seem very unhappy being shuttled back and forth.
AH does improve in his own way from year to year, so I am seeing some progress. My supervisor just popped in my office and scared me and I minimized what I was writing and she asked if it was something she wasn't supposed to see. I've tried talking to people who are not involved with al-anon, and they don't understand. Even neighbors, who always see the "good" side of AH and can't understand why I would complain. I have probably pushed a lot of people away and people are what I need right now. I can't go to my family because my Dad is borderline alcoholic. When they were visiting this summer, I asked my Dad not to drink in front of AH or offer him any alcohol. AH was doing good at the time, but still vulnerable. By the end of their trip, I was putting the kids to bed one night and started to hear AH and my parents talking downstairs. So I pretended I was asleep. I heard every word...instead of my parents applauding me on how difficult it was to be a working mother, I heard them disagreeing with my parenting methods (my methods: more gentle discipline, nursing my daughter until she wanted to stop--right now she's 2 yrs old and has a genetic disorder that will lead to learning issues down the road and needs as much of my time and love more than anything. Them: I should spank, I should not nurse anymore, I should let them cry, I should let my husband be number one), and then they offered AH beer and drank with him for several hours, with my Mom saying to "hide" the beer cans so I wouldn't see the next day. I felt so betrayed.
Now my Mom calls me up and often asks how AH is doing, "is he being a good boy and not drinking" etc and it makes me want to scream at her. Finally I mentioned to her that I knew they drank with him but she completely denied it, and also says that Dad doesn't drink much anymore, (even though he drank like a fish when he was visiting). He even told AH when we went out to dinner that it sucked that he couldn't enjoy himself with a beer and that it was "boring." How manipulative and selfish, knowing that my AH was struggling with drinking. I waited for my Mom to call back and apologize about drinking with AH, but that never came. They are never wrong about anything. And the other day they had the nerve to say I should go to church again, it would do me some good, and I felt like saying, "it didn't do you any good." Of course I would never say that. I realize that many others have a higher power, but my higher power in my family circle has always seemed hypocritical and has turned me off, but I still consider myself a spiritual person, just not in a church going way. But I'm learning about all these things, and they are slowly bringing me into the light. I know my parents are not to blame for AH drinking while they were here, he could have said no, but he wasn't strong enough at the time, and his mother abandoned him at birth, so he wanted to be accepted by my parents. So he goes along with how they feel and agrees with them when they interfer about parenting. And yes, I make excuses for him all the time. Another thing I've got to stop. Thanks for letting me get my feelings down and listening and accepting.
I had/have a really hard time getting used to going to meetings. I am NOT a people person by any means and when I am hurting I sure as heck dont want to be in a roomful of strangers! (Tho Im learning how much it helps!)
My RAH had been sober a number of years and then recently relapsed. I was (+ still am) devasted. Every meeting Ive gone to in the past 3 weeks (3-4 a week) I have cried. Last Friday I cried so hard I couldnt speak, could barely breathe. Women came up to me afterwards and offered to take me to the hospital. I was that much of a mess. But the point is I was in a SAFE PLACE. It was OK to let it all out like that and - NO ONE THOUGHT I WAS WEIRD or anything like that.
I try to listen as people share and pick who I really got something from and make the effort to talk to her after the meeting instead of waiting for someone to approach me. This is SO painfully hard for me! I think the people who make this look easy have just been practising longer is all - *grin*
Keep Coming Back!
-- Edited by Little White Bunny on Tuesday 22nd of November 2011 06:16:27 PM
"If you're going through hell, keep going." - Winston Churchill
You are balancing like 500 balls at once. If you believe in some sort of higher power...why not throw some of those balls in that direction?
You have a strong voice in your writing. I know how that feels to have strong convictions and strong boundaries in your mind but somehow the desire to please others is so ingrained that the boundaries never make it out your mouth....and when they do make it out, it's because you are so resentful you can't stay quiet at that point. The "gentle and patient" approach might work for parenting to an extent, but not on your partner who is supposed to be your equal. I think more alanon meetings would do a world of good. You are very smart and by thinking it's not okay to cry, that it's not okay for you to have feelings and to have your needs addressed, you are short changing yourself from a solution that is right there for you.
Also, just because he is an alcoholic does not discredit all of his opinions. It is possible that his drinking has created some problems, your reaction to overprotect and smother the kids may have also. I don't know (clearly I don't know all the details and I'm not trying to judge you personally)...but just cuz he is way worse than you doesn't mean you should ignore all of his points and those of your parents. All of us can be better people (my job is to focus on me).
To thine own self be true Minaret - This alanon thing can help you learn not to be a doormat while also accepting some ways that maybe you can change a bit to get out of your own way.
If this sounds like I am not understanding what a huge sock in the face let down your situation is...please don't think that. I can see that you waited much of your life for this family and it is crushing to have it be turning out in ways you did not anticipate and could not control. I do get that.... Unfortunately, me understanding that and empathizing only helps you so much....
There is some work to do it sounds like. Just keep looking forward and let your self-improvement journey start here and today!