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Hi all. I've had a great deal of experience of living with an active A, who has been my ex for quite some time now. In other words, I've not lived with "active" addiction in some time. However, now my grown sons have the addiction or ACOA issues that make it tough for me sometimes. My current quandry is my oldest who is an A, married suddenly last year a girl quite younger and she is a partier. I've not had much opportunity to get to know her. However, she is tempremental which is apparent in her postings and how she reacts to me. We, my husband and I are out of the loop for the most part. They are expecting their first child the end of Mar. When they "come home", they stay at her parents place, whom are big drinkers. We are not. Our life style is totally different. Foul language is not part of our lives nor is trying to be our kids "best friend". It IS hurtful that we see little of them, and I DO walk on pins and neeles with them. I Never know "what" I say or do is going to set either one of them off. It is SOOOO uncomfortable. I love my son! I MISS him!!! He use to talk to me, fill me in on what is going on in his life, he was a neat person whose company I enjoyed.
Do you have any suggestions for me. I Am trying to Let Go Let God, I pray for them daily. My birthday is coming up....the time I do not hear from them. Hurtful again. Each time, I think, ok, only a card for him on is next birthday etc...and always I send something. Her too. FYI, they have MONEY...she comes from a family of money and is spoiled, ie Grandma bought her a brand new car for her 16th birthday. The whole family has big time weight issues and the kids did as little children, very obese. Help! How do I, what do I do or don't do.
We are honest, friendly people who have many friends in our lives. It is just shocking to be cast aside and treated with disdain really. BUT we do not party as such. We have fun, we laugh, play games, love nature arts theatre etc and this is our world. We have many friends of various backgrouds, ethniticies which enrich our lives. We really are Blessed.
hi grace, you didn't say how old son was. But it sounds like they both are into drinking and partying. however i sure hope and pray she has stopped now that she is pg.
We can hope and pray she gets those hormones that tell her she is a mommy now and partying days are done. Hopefully she will make that benchmark.
He may too. But from my experience, it takes men awhile longer. They seem to get feeling jealous of the baby and miss that attention. She is fine as she will have those hormones saying You are a mom now, have a baby to protect and feed. The attracting to men sorta is still for awhile lol
Hopefully he will come to you to talk about that stuff.
I think most kids who get married are in such a world of their own. Its natural to pull away from family. Plus they both may be dysfunctional so it may be chaos at their place.
My son was in a tough bad marriage to an A. She was well a woman of ill repuke. seriously.
He finally divorced her. Now he for the first time he said, has a lady. Told me he has never met anyone like her, she is more like his sis and mom. A lady. They are so cute falling in love, taking their time.
BUT now I KNOW I won't hear from him much. I do need him terribly. But I am doing my best to do this alone. I give him his space, and I am glad he is in his own world, happy for the first time probably in his adult life.
Grace, I don't hear from my daughter much either. But we always have fun together. BUT again I give her space. I remember loving my Mother and Dad so much, but honestly did not think about them a lot during certain times in my life.
Its painful I know, but honestly they have to pull away to grow and be ok with out you.
Believe me they will come back. They won't know what they can do if they stay too attached. Some stay away becuz they are afraid of being sucked back in. Or they are hanging on to their new adult life tight and don'twant to feel like a kid as the do with us.
Its ok to let them be who they are. We can focus on us for a change!
If dil is an A, well keep coming back!
I am not sure if I said anything. I guess I am saying I learned to step back and just live my life,missing my kiddos, but let them go. we are closer than ever now. they are 35 and 36. I asked them when they were coming home until they were 30. seriously. lol
Its hard to let go., but it will make ya closer in the long run as they learn to come to us, ask for advice. I about died when my daughter called me for advice about her son. His first day at kindergarten first morn, he lost it and wrote on the teachers pants! lol lol the principal called lol lol kindergarten!!!!! omg
It turned out he was just so frustrated and it was all new etc. he does GREAT now.She was all do i punish him what do sI do???/ I told her no negative reinforcement.
find the good things. He immediately was all better. Those two are Always together so it was his first time to really be away from her in a structured environ.
Anyway hon. you are going to be a gma!!! how neat!!! hugs,debilyn
Putting HP first, always <(*@*)>
"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."
my take on this- is dont suffer in silence- say something- my mum does! and it really makes me and my son think about how we treat her- sometimes kids and grandkids need a bit of a kick- ok- he has an addiction- in which case a belated card is understandable- but no card at all- i forgot my mums birthday this year- its so hard to thnk of things and survive at the same time- when you have kids and out of wrk- but i did give her a belated box of chocolates and went round for tea. if my mum was here- shed say-"say something"
He might be happy now but it sounds like you see him making choices that will be hurtful in the long run....The eternal parent's dilemma. When to protect vs. let him learn on his own through his own choices. Unfortunately, anything you try to "teach" him will be thrown out the window in all likelihood cuz he will just run to his wife and in-laws.
My mom can be sweet and thoughtful regarding gifts and such but she's still critical of me and my life. After a while in adulthood, I did distance myself because I didn't want to hear the criticisms. I've made plenty of mistakes in my life (including becoming an alcoholic) but I come back to my parents and they raised me pretty well. I guess I'm saying criticism distanced me from my parents in the past so I'd be careful there...
I understand how you miss your son. I have 2 grown sons as well, ages 34 & 35. There have been times in their lives that they have distanced themselves from us. Now that they are older and seemed to have worked out the "kinks" of early adult life, they seem to be more a part of our lives.
Our eldest son for the longest time did not acknowledge my birthday. It was easy for him to overlook it because he lived out of town. I quietyly took it personally. But now I see that it wasn't about me at all or his lack of love for me. During this time period of unacknowledged birthdays, calls and/or visits, I always acknowledged his birthday and continued to invite him to family gatherings. In time, our relationship grew into a very healthy one. I'm glad I gave him space to do his thing.
I had a good friend, who is now deceased, that had a son and a daughter. When her son got married, he gravitated towards his wife and her family. He'd go to holiday gatherings with his wife and rarely showed up at his mom and dad's. I don't know why that was. His parents, my good friends, were loving parents. She took it very personally and suffered a lot.
One other thing I'd like to add is that the past year I'm taking better care of myself. I've noticed that our grown sons call more often and usually rearrange their schedules to come to family gatherings and/or invites to dinners out. Perhaps they see a happier mom and want to be around her. (not suggesting that you aren't happy!) Perhaps they sense that I don't want anything from them to make me happy because I now know happines is an inside job. I don't know the reason. Perhaps they have matured and now value family more. Who knows?
You seem to have a good life going on for yourself. Embrace it, take care of you - however that looks. Perhaps your son is going through a stage where he needs space and not distancing himself because of you.
I know I needed space from my mom and it wasn't because of didn't love her.
I hope this doesn't offend in anyway.
-- Edited by GailMichelle on Tuesday 1st of November 2011 09:06:09 AM
You have to go through the darkness to truly know the light. Lama Surya Das
Resentment is like taking poison & waiting for the other person to die. Malachy McCourt
I don't know if this applies or not but I had another thought on this. Part of the reason I drank was cuz I felt like I didn't belong in my family. I felt like a big screw up with 2 perfect older sisters. I was hypersensitive to my mom's criticisms and all I ever wanted to hear was "we are proud of you and love you no matter what" from my mom. I didn't get that. Not sure what you can make of that, but I can tell you that that is what I really wanted from my mom and didn't get....It wasn't a good reason for being an alcoholic, but it was part of the big picture. It was way easier to find other people that were part of a substance abusing subculture so I could be like "screw my parents! these people accept me!"
Hope you find some form of a solution that works for you!
I'm cross talking, you brought up such an interesting point. I listened to someone speak last month and something they said was exactly what you verbalized about not feeling like they fit in and alcohol made it easier. They lost their shyness, they became someone else, even though that someone else usually couldn't stand up or speak well, they could pretend they had a role and they did fit. I don't think those feelings are so isolated in addiction issues and again this is actually the 3rd time I've heard someone else express themselves in such a way. I never felt part or connected to my own family and I've walked a really funky shade of gray with addiction. I think things have manifested in a different way for me. I just think it's very interesting to hear others talk about the not fitting in.
Thank you for your share, P :)
We can only do what we can do, the biggest thing I learned very early on is not to take my children's behavior personally. I grew up with a parent who took everything personally, still does, anything I did was a personal front TO her. I developed an attitude of why bother because it's never going to be enough and I now have my own family who needs my attention. I don't do Christmas cards, birthday cards or anything along that lines for anyone. LOL .. if someone gets a card from me they would probably call the police thinking I've lost my mind. I do pick up the phone and call. It's just my way and for me it was hammered at me that what I did was never enough, so again with the why bother.
I think it's usually more natural when kids get married to gravitate to the daughters family vs the sons family. It's what I have seen and experienced, in my case we are out with my AH's family which is sheer irony as I am the only child of an only child.
Anyway, keep the communication open I do strongly suggest and encourage you not to add guilt to the situation with your son. Comments such as I haven't heard from you for a while, do not open doors of wanting to have the next conversation. I've seen my AH's mother rail at her boys about not calling or coming around ALL of them do not visit. Even my AH doesn't visit her often, no one wants the guilt and the stress. I think it's more important to know that as children age attitudes change as they mature. I would highly encourage you to have communication with your kid. Picking up the phone is not a one way street. Also calling for no reason is a good thing too.
I'm not saying you have done anything to cause this what I'm saying is the expectation of he should or could only leads to disappointment of what reality is.
Hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
I think alcoholics feel very uncomfortable around people who don't drink. I know the alcoholics who used to live in the same house as me were. I feel so relieved to no longer be walking on eggshells.
I think its common to try to sort out why.what did I do, how do i make them see me. The issue is if they are using substances they are in a disease and not much up to the social niceities of the world. Taking it personally is so so common.
Currently my need to deal with people who are alcoholic is the lowest its been for decades. I can't tell you how relieved I am.
I know when I deal with my younger sister I realy heavily on the book Getitng them Sober (it is mentioend a lot on this Board). Get a copy if you can and then start sending out feelers to your family.
Thank You everyone. Mariese, I will get a copy of that. I do not try to make anything happen or not with them. I just plain miss him/them. I have told them I miss them. Our not drinking has much to do with them not coming around, I am certain of that. I have No need to have the craziness in my life. I look at what they do vs what they say.
It was interesting to go through stage 4 cancer, surgery, treatment, chemo and radiation daily for 7 1/2 weeks. I nearly died. I did not hear from this girl who lived locally or her family during this time. My own parents lived with us then as well, we were full time caregivers for them. Not a card, flower, phone call, NADA. I also nearly died just befoe the wedding. Very strange. I was diagnosed one month after they met. I then had home health here, 3 of us, hubby working ft and taking care of us! Thank GOD for the wonderful friends who brought food in for my parents and hubby! My son didn't tell his friends about my cancer, including his best man who only found out about it b/c his Mom goes to my church and told him. He was stunned and upset since I had known him since they were young. So odd isn't it.
Oh well, onto greener pastures.! I will celebrate a birthday this month, and Birthdays are a Great Thing!!!
Grace, while I was drinking, I could deny and forget about anything. I missed my uncle's funeral and didn't contact any of my cousins to reach out to them when we practically all grew up together. That was one of the biggest amends I had to make in recovery. Some of the "thoughtless" behaviors you are describing could be alcholism related and there may come a day when he will want to make ammends. Stranger things have happened. And while writing this, I realize I haven't called my mom in like a month...dammit!
I am having on going issues with the new young 24 y/o dil whose hubs, my son is 10 yrs her sr. He has no children, this is their first.
I am so intollerant of waiting for another 20 something grow up. At least the ones I've been close to in the past decade. I had to with his first wife. She landed HARD in our family, was rude as rude could be, ran sons friends off, nice friends. Jealous to the core.
Well, this one is jealous to the core. She cannot stand him having a past or people mentioning his past...she just messged this to me and said that knowing I am friends with his ex just added to that and is inappropriate. She says this is why she blocks me from seeing pics of her and my son. Do you know, I do Not have a wedding picture? My ex A does...who is so pathetically addicted to drugs and A. As far as I know, son and new wifey are blocked and can't see her. First one grew up, we amended and have a new relationship, buy hey, we truly grew to love her! She continued her education and is now a court mediator. I could use her services! lol I DO like the person she has become! She is respectful, remembers me with kindness. New cold as the atlantic.
Tips please, before I tell her off?!!! Ugh! Biting Biting~
Oh, but she blocked me long before his ex came into our lives again. And, that just happened. Neither one of us was looking for it. She, actually my son bought all the rights to the pics, so when I went to order some, I was told I couldn't, had to get them from her. I don't want them now. It is a sore spot though. Their wedding, all turned into ugliness for me. I was in the hospital dying and the Wedding Group all ignored all of us, me, my husband, my Mom and Dad who were living with me. This is just too sad! I could move on, IF I didn't feel like I Have to walk on egg shells around them all the time. I wrote I swear 20 different responses. I don't think she can handle any of them. She takes a benign thing and makes it a BIG thing!
Thanks Again....I still remain, Blessed! My feet touched the floor today!
I've no doubt that you feel hurt to the core regarding the son and his wife. The real question is what do you get out of it? Yes, you are totally entitled to hang on to the negative feelings and you can choose to be angry. By rights these are your feelings. Feelings aren't facts, they are neither right or wrong they just are.
From what you describe and sorry if this is sounding judgmental not where I am coming from, it's observational. She's scared, lonely, angry, hurt and obviously there are big issues attached maybe your son is drinking, maybe not, they always say you see the addiction of the A in the spouse long before you see it in the A. I don't have to point any proverbial fingers because three are pointing back at me .. lol .. the wisdom of my 12 year old. I love it! This is true for me in all situations with my kids who are 7 and 12, they just need to know I love and accept them where they are at, children ARE selfish creatures because as a parent it IS all about them, not forever .. however for the majority of life it is .. I have a belief it changes either with age and/or in becoming a parent. What being a parent is, we were suppose to be give selfless love because we have received selfless love. I"m not talking about letting kids run a muck and do what they want. In an ideal world that's how it should work, we don't live in an ideal world any more than people driving in many lanes of traffic know how to merge onto an on ramp or off an on ramp. Looks good on paper .. lol .. every one's reality is different. As parents we can only give love that we know how to give. We can learn to love and accept people where they are at.
Somewhere I have a point .. lol .. sorry, .. ok .. point is .. I hear how much you hurt and how angry you are, .. who is that hurting? Your DIL? Your son? Or YOU? Who has to live with it? Unless the kids are living with you .. not them. It goes back to going to your program of recovery and focusing back on you not what they are or are not doing. Wedding pictures .. not so important .. well, it's not a priority for me I should say, letting my kids know I'm always there for them unconditionally (even if I have to make hard choices as a parent and they aren't popular) far more important to me. Again this is what has worked for me and I am finding it works wonders with others as well.
Hugs p :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo