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to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I woke up this morning feeling so many emotions, angry,tired,anxiety,sad. Last night, everything was ok, so I thought. My A stayed up drinking while I went to bed at 10 and then around 2:30 this morning, I get woken up with my A yelling at me. All I could understand is that how unhappy she is and how she wants to be with someone who really loves her unconditionally.I tried so hard not to react to what she was saying but I was so angry,and then she tells me she wanted out of the relationship because she was just not happy anymore with me,and that we just arent a couple anymore. I responded by telling her, if it wasnt for her staying up all night and drinking for the past 2 years maybe we would have a relationship, but she always says its my fault and that it has nothing to do with her drinking. A part of me was kinda hoping that maybe this time she really does mean what she says and she is going to leave.But then my mind starts thinking all kinds of things like, omg what if she does leave and Im left all alone,then my heart starts to beat faster and I start freaking out more.Im at work crying while I'm typing this and I really need to pull myself together.The whole thing just fustirates me how she can make me feel so horible with the comments she says to me.Should I just leave it alone or talk to her today about what she said and maybe make thing worse.
Dear ladym, as I am reding your post, I wonder the following question:
Are you in the relationship because this is what you want or are you too afraid of being alone?
You don't necessarily have to answer this question to me---but, I do think it is one to ask yourself at some point.
There is no doubt that you could benefit enormously from the support of alanon meetings (as well as here, of course). You are not the only person to have faced this, by a long shot---although it probably feels like that right now.
I am going through almost the same thing. My AH left last night w/o his phone or wallet and never came back. I just came home and he wreaks of alcohol and is holing up in a dark room. I also just hope he leaves so we can attempt healing individually since we have proven it isn't working this way. I have tried having him leave/kicking him out several times and kept changing my mind because, like you, my heart would race and I would panic...I couldn't face the idea of breaking up our family (we have 2 small kids). We just discussed his moving out, and now I pray for the strength to carry it through for real this time!!!
Everyone told me not to beat myself up about it and then if/when the time came that we were meant to part ways, I would know and although it would be emotionally painful, I would *know* and trust my HP that it was the right thing.
Well, maybe this is that time for me. I honestly have nothing left to lose--our relationship sucks, we have no friends and family left, and I am responsible for keeping the family glued together. All I get from this situation is emotional insanity.
Al-Anon has made the biggest difference for me and has helped me get the courage to be at this point with a changed mentality. Now when he has these relapses I can say to myself, "He is drinking...what am *I* doing?" and then I can make myself better...
I am so sorry that you are feeling so upset. Please try to find an alanon face to face meeting in your community It is urgent that you connect with others who are walking the same path, break the isolation and begin to develop healthy tools to enrich yourself. You are a kind, intelligent, person who has within himself all you need to be happy and have a healthy relationship. Please start to work alanon program of recovery so you can shed the destructive tools you have picked up living with this die ease
I can't agree with hotrod more, she says it all right there. Alanon helps us live with the disease or finally make a decision to not live with it. We become stronger and are more aware of ourselves and what we want. I hope you find a meeting for you soon and keep coming here, it works when you work it!
Let go and let God...Let it be... let it begin with me...
I really don't know how to answer that because my whole life I have always put someone elses needs in front of mine and just took care of there needs and wants but now it's like, not so much being alone but not having her to take care of is what's scaring me. I seem to have lost myself along time ago and I dont know how to find me.I know I probably dont make any sense but it's hard to put it in words.On top of all this, she just lost her dad 1 month ago and is still hurting from that which has made her drink even more. Its like she is angry with the world and takes it out on me,I just dont know how to help her get through it.There is so much in my heart I would like to let out but it would be to much to write.My life is just so out of control right now...I know I need to do something about it now before I really loose it,I just feel like Im stuck here until she can deal with her dads death, even her sister tells me I have to help her get through this, if not she may just loose it.We have been together for 12 years and her family has always made me feel like I have to take care of her and make sure she doesnt get mad or upset cause then she will over drink and start drama and some how, it will always be my fault in there eyes...
I have heard people say on this board "what others think of me is none of my business." You can't worry about what her family thinks of you. You have to focus on what YOU think of YOU. I am new to this whole concept, too, so I won't offer any advice. But I can offer support. You are not alone in what you are going through. These boards are filled with people who have gone through what you are going through now. Read as many posts as you can. It has helped me tremendously. Stay strong.
Being afraid of being alone is not a good reason to stay in a dead relationship with an alcoholic. That is an issue you can address in Alanon. The objective is not to get the courage up to leave or kick her out, but to be confortable and confident in your own choices and behavior. You also won't be alone in any of this if you get a sponsor and go to some F2F alanon meetings.
I was in the same situation as you not so long ago. I even drank like my partner to try and make the relationship work. I was so afraid of being alone and so miserable and resentful towards him. I come to find out that I can take care of myself and I don't have to settle for less than what I deserve just because I am scared of being by myself.
First i would suggest you find alanon meetings in your area and run don't walk to get to one. Alanon will ( if you work it ) teach you how to take care of you like many of us learning to do that for the first time in our lives. By the time I crawled thru these doors i couldn't even grasp the concept of living my life by putting my needs first. I truly thought all these people musta lost thier minds. But the cold hard fact was I was as if not more sick than my A (alcoholic/addict). I had spent my life taking care of family members who continualy brought chaos into my life. And for a long time I thrived on that chaos, and taking care of everyone somehow I thought "gave me purpose". Yea well it didn't, it just allowed the A's in my life to continue thier behavior while I cleaned up behind them. I did not marry an A thankfully but my husband also came from a very addictive family. Well we were going to change things, break the cycle with our children. We loved our families very much despite thier addictions but thought if we moved, took our children away from the daily drama and chaos and brought them up so very differently than our upbringing then we would have it made. Imagine our heartbreak when our son sunk into addiction. He wasn't raised that way but he definitly drew the genetic short straw and here is where the surprise came in. Although neither my husband or I are A's growing up in that enviornment ( because remember this is a family disease ) our thoughts and actions were very dysfuctional. We didn't have a clue what we were passing along to our children. And if I had a do-over I would have been in alanon meetings front and center over 20 yrs ago. Now you can imagine I am sure having a child who is so sick with this disease and being powerless to help them and watching what they are doing to themselves and having a program telling you to put yourself first when your instinct is to "fix" your child that is suffering. But that is exactly what I had to learn ( and still learning ) how to do. It is not your job to try and fix your gf... you can't it is impossible and none of us is that powerful. It is sad that she lost her father but fact is A's use exuses to drink or drug and frankly any excuse will do. Her family putting pressure on you to take care of her is unreasonable. My son had, had some good sober time until my brother, his Uncle whom he was named after died a few months ago ( and although my brother was 13 yrs into his recovery he still died from the disease of addiction). My son adored his Uncle, I knew it would be hard on him and feared he would relapse which he did immediatly. But that was just an excuse, he was already thinking of using this just gave him a reason. For A's any excuse will do... it's monday I better drink, it's raining time to drink, etc you get the point. But through this program I have learned if I don't put myself first and my needs my son is going to sink and he will take us with him. This disease is progressive it only gets worse until or if the person finds recovery. Most have to hit thier bottom before they reach out for help. And as long as we are there to cushion thier falls they have no reason to seek recovery. For us when my husband and I looked at it just putting a roof over our sons head was enabling him to continue to use and cushioning his bottom. None of us wants to see our loved ones in pain ever and as hard as it is they have to face the natural consequenses of thier behavior before they even can start to think they may have a problem. But this program is for YOU ! And like I said before cause you are going to get several replies and may feel overwhlemed but this is a safe loving place for you. You will hear lots of things you can do for yourself to feel better about you no matter what your gf may be doing. It is a life long program, we are always learning and progressing. But this program saved my life litteraly as well as my sanity. the first thing I was taught was HALT = Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired.... this one tool helped and continues to help me immensley. Whenever you are stressed, out of sorts etc just stop and take a moment to go thru those 4 words and see which one identifies what you are feeling, once you have identified it then act on it. Such as you are tired, give yourself permission for a nap or just some alone time in another room, Lonely use your contact list you will get at an alanon meeting and make a call, go have a cup of coffee with a friend, Angry... for me its prayer time when i am angry. But you get the picture whatever works for you. Glad you found us....Keep coming back Blessings
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo