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Today was the big "C" day as in court day. We found out Friday that A was suppose to be in court, lawyer did not tell him he was suppose to be there, so today we went.
I'm shocked at the bottom line for the lawyers involved and I don't know if it's all of them or just some of them, they are looking for repeat clients I swear. That part broke my heart for everyone who has to go through this with a loved one, child, spouse, sibling that part really hit me hard. The system doesn't care who gets a violation of any kind just move them through the system at some point because apparently it's not fast and be done with them. If the lawyers are lucky they will be back through again. There is no help offered through the lawyers offices, which I guess it's not their issue at the same time how about a helping hand of some kind? How about some accountability instead of excuses of how can we get you out of this? I'm just floored.
The I'm extremely happy with the way that the settlement is laid out. Of course the lawyer is trying to negotiate less probation. Who knows what else if that happens it will really be sad. I'm 1/2 way tempted to march myself back into the court house and say NO .. this needs to stay as it is please for my husbands sake please don't change things. He really needs this wake up call. If everyone down plays this he's going to down play it and he's going to pretend it really wasn't that bad. Trust me it WAS that bad, the kids and I lived through this and he's pretended the whole time nothing is happening, house on fire helloooo .. lol?
15$ a DAY for the SCRAM bracelet UGH UGH UGH .. that's almost 500$ a month. Which in turn is basically 3000$ for 6 months. It was everything I mean everything I could do within myself not to say something OR come unglued. I did very well I went a few places and stopped myself, at this point my A is in the remorseful stage. Of course after MONTHS of the courts dragging bureaucratic butts. They want 350$ right now. I don't have it. I put this back on my AH, the kids HAVE to be registered for school THIS week not next week THRUSDAY!! He's going to have to figure out where the money is going to come for his DUI crap. It's not out of the house budget. I'm going to be lucky not to have our bank account in the red Friday based upon what we have to pay. Or better yet a place to live. You know what I've decided this is 150% on my AH. I really don't care what he has to do all I know is our children will be registered for school and he's going to have to deal with his stuff. I'm sooo done right now.
I watched my A rationalize this in his own little world saying well I thought it would be more? OMG .. really?? MORE? As if this isn't bad enough?? That's the part that just infuriates me to a point that it takes my breath away. Is the rationalization .. ummm there IS no rationalizing this situation. End of story, .. it's HIS responsibility. He can go rationalize away somewhere else he is NOT going to do it with me. I just don't buy it. HA .. now I'm the jell-o .. lol. He threw out a figure of 4k as being what he though, ... ummm .. by the time this is all said and done I'm talking fines and everything it WILL be 4k!!? Thankfully the rest will come out when he goes back to court Feb 1, 2012 .. again .. still seeing this crap next year! I asked him what happened to 7$ - 8$ a day? This is the number he told me and was so sure about, he actually said this came from the LAWYER!! Of course it comes out this is information he's getting from the "DUI club", at this point these people have very little information on how things are now. Maybe a year ago, maybe two years ago, now things are very different. So NO they don't know and I told him whatever information he decides to share it better come from a real source aka actual LAWYER. Not the internet NOT his DUI club, it dang well better come from a REAL source. After all if it's on the internet it's gotta be true. This is exactly what my A buys into. He's bought ever single internet rumor hook line and sinker. This is what he does .. if it's on the internet it must be true!!
This does not include the 300$+ he's going to have to come up with to get his license reinstated. I wonder if he's fully aware of that at this point that just because he's suppose to be able to drive in the month of Oct, doesn't mean it will happen that way. That part chaps my hide because I'm done driving big time. At that point he's going to be walking or riding a bike. It's probably a good thing I'm going to have time to cool off. It's a very good thing he has a ride home today because I am so not fit for good company right this second. I did let him know that, I had to have time today, I can't talk to him right now or I'm going to blow. It would make me feel better short term, long term I seriously doubt I'd be married by Oct.
We don't have a house line because we have cell phones well he's telling me we have to have a house line for this thing. Ummm another bill? Really just what we need so this can now cost us even more money. Cha-ching another notch in the What has the DUI cost us yet belt. I told him figure out a different way and what do you know he did .. lol. So it's going to cost us however it will force him into the probation office once a week, and he will have to pay it still won't be as much as a phone line for him to have it read at the office. It's probably better that way anyway, I'm nervous that because of where we live the issues in the walls with the wiring the last thing we need is something to go wrong in a reading.
Anyway, I'm really angry, I wish there was a meeting tonight there is not. I don't know if I could share anything anyway because I'm so angry all I want to do is cry. Being around people who are supportive and understand would just help me a lot. I need a LARGE attitude adjustment .. lol. Like I've mentioned before I really don't care about whatever consequences he's got to pay what I'm really angry about is I'm sick and tired of being the collateral damage. I'm tired of him pretending that nothing is wrong.
I did verbalize to my A that I'm really not fit to talk to about this right now that I'm so angry I'm having a difficult time holding myself together. He verbalized back that he is to, well I'm sorry not very compassionate, I really don't care. I really don't. The DUI is NOT MINE!! It's HIS! He should be having a hard time holding it together these are his consequences, it's ON HIM!! If I had to go before a judge and be told I had some serious consequences for my decisions I would be falling apart. I hope I would be accepting responsibility for my actions. If nothing else so I could move on.
Again I told him, I need time to cool off that being around me right now or talking to me on the phone is not a good way to go. He happened to move the truck out of eye sight, I let him know that's probably a good thing because I'm having serious impulse issues myself. I look at that truck and I just hate the truck with a passion. I'm not looking for matches, I still say it's better than going after something that is actually alive .. lol. Of course like clock work his mother calls me, I really do not want to talk to her. He must have used her for a reference and since he's lied to her about the DUI to begin with she's going to be full of questions I'm more likely to be a lot more honest than I need to be with her. I wonder if he will finally fess up to what it all is.
Well, I feel better now .. lol .. thank you for letting me just vent. There's nothing to be said that will fix this situation right now for me. I am angry. I have a right to be angry. Anyone who wouldn't be angry to get close to a 4k bill that isn't even for anything good. We didn't get a new used car, we didn't get some super sized tv, the kids school isn't paid for 100%. This is for absolutely NOTHING, it's not even some bill so we're debt free. This is straight out money to the state that has nothing to do with something good.
I"m just trying to find a way to move through the anger so I can go on to have a really great day. It's hot, however the sun it out, the kids are trying to be understanding the best they can. I've had to tell my eldest, she wanted to talk about some things she needed for school today is not the day for that conversation. I'm sorry, I just can't do it. I've reached my limited. I told her to write everything down and we will talk about it, I just can't today. I've sent the kids to play in their rooms because I need a timeout. I want to do something fun with them. I plan on the library and McD's for the youngest he wants to go play and I'm going to read (my alanon lit) and write. He can play for hours I don't care .. lol. That will help me before 5pm.
I will be gosh darn danged if this is going to dictate the rest of my day, .. dag nab it!! :) P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
I'm so sorry you're going through all this. I'm no expert, but it seems to me that you don't need a large attitude adjustment. When you said, 'I really don't care what he has to do all I know is our children will be registered for school and he's going to have to deal with his stuff. I'm sooo done right now,' that actually seems very healthy to me. As does taking a time out for yourself, and planning something later with your children. I think those little 'survival steps' really help, because they help ground us when things are falling apart around us. Hang in there.. It sounds to me as if *you* are definitely on the right track, focusing on your children and yourself.
I can understand your anger and frustration. You do have valid reasons to be angry and rightfully so. The situation you and your AH are dealing with is serious stuff. You have been very supportive of him from the very beginning. Most women would have given up. Yet, you remained faithful and supportive through it all. That is wonderful! If you tired of dealing with this, it is okay too. A person can only do so much. It is okay to be angry. This too shall pass. And, it will. Just know that we are here for you. Be gentle with yourself right now. Sending you hugs.
I'm feeling much better I've had the day to kind of just hang out with the kids. Dinner was really nice and believe it or not we had a lovely day and evening. The kids and I made it to the library. We did hit McD's for an ice cream and wound up home reading, playing video games. It's to dang hot to do much anything else. My girlie and I made it over to the mall for a short trip I've promised another one because we got caught in the bookstore that's officially going out of business I'm soooo sad :(
There are some really positive things to come out of all this. I didn't blow my top and I soooo wanted to and it would have been understandable. I also made a huge decision a few months back and have done well to stick with it which is I don't have to allow his behavior to dictate how I feel through out my day. That is totally on me.
I feel pretty good and pretty proud of myself I had a meltdown and continued on with my day. Which I was drained however it was nice housework is in the AM .. lol .. my house is so not pretty at the moment. I feel more able to tackle what I need to do. Had I had the tantrum I really felt like having he could have and would have pointed the finger at me saying see, see, see, how crazy she is .. no way no how those days of excuses for him are long long over so he's outta luck. So remaining calm for me is a key thing, plus I do so much better when I word things than when I am being totally irrational. I'm way ok letting him hop on the crazy train and take a ride into looneyville for a change. I'm not going to the station, I have no desire to.
My anger stemmed from the unexpected blind side I got with the money stuff and the fact if we could wait 7 more days to have the SCRAM fitted, there would be no issue. ALL questions I expected him to ask and since I couldn't speak with the lawyer (again not stupid he set it up that way and thinks I buy the story the lawyer told .. whatever) he choose to get his answers from the dang DUI Club at work .. well .. you get what you pay for. Legal advice for free and they were wrong. I felt totally blind sided and was so not happy about this and we are going to have to have some kind of discussion when things have calmed down that the truck really needs to go. We can get not a lot of money, at least what we put into it and that would make a large dent in our financial stuff. It's a big wait and see issue. Right now is not the time for discussion though. We'd be down to one car again which brings up a whole other issue come Oct.
Thanks again and hugs to you guys :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
I am impressed! Not one cuss word! lol I am so delighted by your passion. It's interesting how you guys plan to pay for all this. My AH did not bother. No one came after him. There are tons of unaccountables out there that do not pay!
Wow I mean it pushka, look at the energy you put out there! I am so glad it helped. hey they house will just get messed up again...who cares.
I could not quite understand some things then remembered it's an ankle bracelet. Um you can get magic jack for around fifty bucks, then twenty a year. Works great.
Well HE could.
so does this mean he will be home all the time? Will he be safe? hahaha I am surprised you didn't say youhoo youhoo to the judge, "sir can he just go to prison for a year or so instead?" lol
Well if I ever need constructive anger release, I am coming to YOU.
hey my ex Ah's blunder well one of eight or so, he drove his nice work van into a power pole and put out half of the city....
I didn't even know he was drinking again....
-- Edited by Debilyn on Tuesday 2nd of August 2011 03:43:26 AM
Putting HP first, always <(*@*)>
"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."
Your post brought a smile to my face .. lol. OMG . .. I can picture the look on my AH's face as I asked the judge that question .. he probably would have had his own set of kittens in court .. lol.
There is no option on the paying, no money no bracelet, no money on the other stuff and he goes to jail. Thankfully the only part we are dealing with is the bracelet right now. Next year we deal with the fines and such. Which are a lot less than the bracelet. It would have been nice to have it reversed that way .. lol. It isn't so it will just have to work out some how. I had been led to believe that this was all a rolled up payment plan and we'd have 12 months to pay on everything .. lol .. DUI Club information. Apparently he has to complete probation before he can be sentenced .. ugh. It's still in the pre-trial which there is something weird. I was there for this part of it so I know he's not making it up.
This really brought home for me the fact I've got to get a move on with my education, as I will need a good paying job at some point. So not to pay for his stuff, so I can have peace of mind if something happens to him I can have the opportunity for a good paying job, here or somewhere else.
I've had a more than two major defining moments this past 12 months and I wouldn't have gotten through them without alanon. They all so came from God (my HP). This was so one of them. It wasn't me doing to the talking. I was so upset yesterday in the moment I don't think i could have formulated words if I had tried to. LOL.
He will probably be at work for the next year a LOT. So he won't be at home much. Which isn't different than what goes on now the only thing is it's so sad, he misses out with the kids. He had just started to have time with them. He has worked so hard in the garden and will miss out on seeing it really do its thing.
What the ankle bracelet for my A means is that he can't drink or take drugs (he doesn't do that). So if he drinks at all, he gets a reading that says it went off kind of thing and he will go directly to jail for 5 days. The second offer goes into effect immediately. Which is the same except a LOT more money at the end of it. We can go and do things, if we could ha ha take a vacation whatever, he has to be given permission by his probation officer.
I have the opportunity to talk to the eval counselor and I'm going to take it. He is fully aware I'm not going to lie or cover for him about it. Once I do I'm going to place that in God's hands and let it go. At least I will feel like I've done everything I can do to allow the system to work the way it's suppose to and he will have the tools available, it will be up to him to pick them up and go. If he does or doesn't it's really up to him. Obviously, I want him to, the decision alone is his and I get that.
Oh wow I'm taking melatonin and whomever recommended that THANK YOU!! That stuff rocks!! 1 pill and I am out, even if I wake up I am right back to sleep and in a deep sleep!! Without sleep I would so not be present .. LOL!
Hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo