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I'm not good at identifying my feelings. Please help me put a name to the mixture of emotions I am feeling right now.
My husband has lost his job. We knew it was coming. We have enough money. There are benefits available to cover tuition for people who choose a vibrant employable field.
My husband wants to choose to take classes so he can work in my field!!! It bothers me, I can't say why it bothers me, but I feel like this is my domain, and I did not invite him in.
I am not currently working. We are raising his nephew and was not able to balance the demands of work (24 hour on call duty) and child care with no family in our state of residence. I was laid off, and I believe it's because I missed some come quick emergency calls.
I loved my work, I love my child, but I chose family above career when I had to. I don't resent motherhood, but I still resent that my unemployment was forced, not a choice. If i were to go back to work today, I would need to retrain, and have considered it, but I'm not real excited about competing with all the young competition. I don't think my husband would be real good at this work because he's not very detail oriented.
We haven't been talking much lately. He's been making a lot of decisions without me. I don't feel as if our marriage is a partnership right now. I scared of the outcome of no partnershp.
I should be happy that there might be work out there, that we won't have to spend all of our savings, but instead I am a mixture of angry, hurt, and sad. Is there a name for this emotion, and which slogan might help me let it go? I am feeling very out of sorts right now.
-- Edited by 2nice4_2long on Friday 29th of July 2011 03:50:38 PM
"HALT" comes to mind.....Hungry...Angry....Lonely....and Tired. When you are too hungry, angry, lonely, and tired it's hard to maintain your serenity an peace of mind. First awareness is important. Once that has been reached the program gives you the answers you need. Today I'm not hungry, not angry, not lonely, but yes a little tired. A reminder that I need to always take care of myself first.
NO one can control us unless we allow it! NO way could anyone decide what I am going to do about ANYTHING. I know myself, know what I like. Even if I didn't I like me too much to allow anyone to make my decisions.
You sound like a good person. Almost like you feel your life is being sucked away from you.
If it were me I would sit down and arrange my thoughts. Shared this before. wish I could just send you a picture.
draw a circle. inside "my life then draw lines out to more circles. put in my child, career, school. hopes, dreams goals.
Do it again from them. then put the goals you have for each of the circles you came out of.This is a great way to get your thoughts and goals in order.
Wow a loss of control is big for you. Hon I would be livid if someone took over like this with my life. It's very ok to feel the feelings you expressed.
So it is up to you to take it all back. I would think some people would give in, some would say hey wait a darn minute!
Glad you came here to sort things out. We have every right to be who we are and make our own decisions. I wonder if husband needs you to stand up for yourself. Most spouses respect that of their loved one.
Putting HP first, always <(*@*)>
"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."
I had to have a picture of faces in the early days to determine what it was I was actually feeling, just being in a "bad spot or space" really didn't give any emotion (or mix of them) a description... so I used one like what is below and put it on my frig and bathroom mirror... so I could start giving feelings definetion.
" And what did we gain? A new life, with purpose, meaning and constant progress, and all the contentment and fulfillment that comes from such growth."
I am overwhelmed, and kind of sucked dry lately. I think your chart method will help me.
I am working on step 4 and will make that one of my assignments.
You did though, misunderstand my post. I'll have to change the wording.
When I wrote " my husband wants to choose my field" I did not mean choose for me; I meant choose it for himself. He has the opportunity to re-train and wants to do what I did. I just instinctively recoil at the thought; I am overwhelmed by my reaction. I don't want to compete with him on what I consider is my terrain, even if I'm not working now. He always wins, and in my co-dependency, and relationship analysis, I am lableing him as a passive agressive manipulative. I'm in the middle of figuring out how to handle my realizations.
A lot of what you said, does apply though. thank you.
Thanks for the chart John, so I'm cycling thorough about six or 8 of those pictures surprise, suspicious, confused, jealous, angry, rage, sad & anxious. I guess I never considered surprise an emotion here it's not a happy surprise. I'll definitely refer to this chart often.
Your chosen name sure says a lot. I always like the HALT that RLC mentioned. And right now, I'm also loving "Easy does it." It's okay to not be sure of your feelings and to cycle through many of them. I find that when I take care of the Hungry, Alone, Lonely, Tired, and then I take it easy and really slow down and relax, I can find a lot more clarity about what I'm feeling. Then, instead of beating myself up over my emotions like I used to do, I just accept them. I'll think - "Hmmm, I'm feeling angry. That's okay, I wonder why? What does this remind me of? Are there other times I felt like this in the past? What am I afraid of?" Often, that's when I'll get some clarity and understanding for myself. Debilyn's got a really good idea about drawing your life and your feelings out visually on paper. I should try that too.
Hello 2nice - my thoughts run to him taking over YOUR domain - and making it his own, taking it from you and showing you he can do it better than you do it. I am a volunteer EMT in my small town and my H became a first responder and I found myself constantly feeling like he was trying to show me up in everything; he's really big on one-up-ing and it's REALLY tiring to say the least. I hate that everything I do he has to do also to show me he can do it better than I can. Some of the stuff he does better quicker naturally, which seems to negate all the hard work I've put into it for so long - I've got the credentials and he acts like he could have the same credentials, whats the big deal and I want to shake him and say I WORKED for the credentials, you didn't! Another thought just came to me, he being the insecure person he is, I found myself NOT doing the best I should so that I wouldn't show HIM up. Which sat pretty hard in my gut but I swallowed it because I was a good little co-dependent.
I am strong in the broken places. ~ Unknown
All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another! ~ Anatole France
I agree 1000% with likemy heart definition of what you may be experiencing. I know I have felt invisible in my relationship because I stopped supporting my life , abandoned myself and then resented my hubby because he competed with me. I had to learn in alanon to validate my life and take care of it. hat was my joub
Keep coming back you are worth it. Love your login name
likemyheart, i hear that you can relate. Thanks for sharing.
I don't know why he'd want to do work that he wouldn't enjoy. I don't know why he waits until and hour before his meeting to submit his proposal that he's decided this; we only talked briefly about it last week. In a partnership marriage, partners should talk about and reach agreement on their big decisions. I do have a lot of feelings to sort through; like where did my partnership go? Who left him in complete charge?
2nice you already mentioned scared so theres the fear...Husband going into your field and your reaction...defensive/protective? Lost your job not the way you wanted or liked...angry and resentful? hmmm kinda, sorta? I'd feel overwhelmed my self so that might be a similarity. Not talking much...lonely, disinterested, distant, angry, separated? He's making decisions without you...confused, lost, inquisitive, angry, scared, suspicious, threatened?
Feelings are an inward reaction to outside events. One of the "rocket science" lessons while I was growing up in recovery.
Keep coming back...You're doing good cause reaching out for help here will get you that. ((((hugs))))
What helped me get in touch with my feelings was exactly what you mentioned, working the 4th step. I do so hope you are doing it with a face to face sponsor. For me, the only feeling I had when coming into the program was anger. It was the only one I could express freely and relate to.
As a result of working the steps on an ongoing basis with my sponsor, I am able to walk through a rainbow of feelings, know what they are, and not feel like I am dying inside.