The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Aloha Ohana (family)...Just sitting and listening and letting the program and board carry me cause I'm borderline at the moment...right between fences...God's will and my own. I read some literature over the past couple of days and attended two meetings to arrive at that awarness and why I am in between fences or the "powerless" zone. I can barely sit still for some of the things that are going on right now and need to embrace patience, acceptance, serenity and trust while my pre-program personality has arrived back home asking if it can take over. Sucker found out where I moved on to and isn't helping the situation right now. I'm borderline reactive and that means I'm easily taken out of the spot of slowing down and thinking and talking with HP before I respond. I've been trying to extinguish the fuse before it reaches the powder and have been doing that by looking back thru the door on my past to review that it never worked before and won't work now.
I'm focusing on the summary statement of our first three steps... "Trust God".
Of course I'm listening with an open mind but not yet catatonic...LOL (((((hugs)))))
Thanks Jerry for sharing. Thanks Tommye for that poem.... Jerry you are not alone! Stay in today, we can't control tomorrow, or the weather or anyone else...though I would like to...HA! Take care of you, your voice here and wisdom and strength will see you through. Keep coming! HUGS!
Let go and let God...Let it be... let it begin with me...
I have been feeling that way today. I told my self to trust God, and then my self answered back "But look at all the bad things God let happen to me in the past!" So I said "No, those bad things happened because you had not learned to trust God. If you really trust, you know that things work out better than you ever could have hoped."
So I was borderline all day long. Thinking some bad thoughts, but also praying and trying to have a nice day anyway.
jerry hugs and lots of love, this to shall pass. You are in my prayers :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
Jerry, thank you for sharing your struggle with us. It sounds as if all heck is breaking loose over there. Take cover and take good care of yourself. Going to more meetings sounds like you've already started taking good care. Remember we've got your back.
Jerry... you have such a strong program... you know that it will carry you through. Trust your Higher Power and remember the 3 C's. I know that it can be tough at times and I also know that "minding our own business" is sometimes hard, but it is really all we can do. I don't know the situation, but remember to detach with love. We are here for you Jerry. Take care of you. Peace.
I know how that feels when that old personality hunts us down and wants to gain control "just one more time". Mine hovers overhead buzzing me constantly, looking for an entry. Most days I am up to the task by using my tools praying , meetings and acting and not reacting but some days I am in a weaken state and surrender!!! I rant and rave, make my old grandiose mistakes and then calm down, breathe, look at the chaos I caused and stat to clean up the wreckage. Your program is solid--Just keep showing up and taking care of you!!! In my prayers
Well bud get off your bum and go walk the dogs, dooooo something. oops forgot the "I invite you to.."
I find that moving my body, getting my blood going always helps. Puts things into a perspective.
Got anywhere to swim?Borrow your grand kids and let them wear you out. Sometimes a quiet mind focused on the thing you are doing, instead of allowing it to go all over the place analyzing helps.
I love to tire myself out and take a nap!
We can think something to death, being pulled into one direction or another. So I say go outside and literally grab those things you are fighting with and throw them to HP. LET GO. Put it all in HP's hands.
Or go get a few Ben and Jerrys and ice cream it away.....(c: hugs,debilyn who thank you hp I cannot eat dairy!
Putting HP first, always <(*@*)>
"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."
I envision the blooms of your beautiful orchid as a physical representation of the depth and breadth your heart. The plant is alive, demonstrating all the vibrance of being well cared for. Fall into love with the experiences that surround you. Bless them. It is the longest journey from the head to your ever expanding heart.
One day at a time, one moment at a time my friend.
Jerry you have awareness while struggling with your head and your heart, doing all the right things in the right way to arrive. "I'm focusing on the summary statement of the first three steps..."Trust God".............
You all are very very special. You are all instruments of my very own HP and how else can I respond other than with gratitude to HP and to you all. I am Trusting God and trying to be true to my recovery part of which is to shun and avoid the victim role and not enable anything other than honest, positive, change.
I appreciate your understand Hotrod because my "other" personality is sooo excited and wanting to know when we're going to get down to some serious butt kicking. It's wanting to know how I can exercise so much patience while at the same time asking for change. When I push for change on my will things do change for the worse. I won't do that anymore.
Yepperz... been there, and I Too Fight it on a Regular basis, My Old Controling (Or should I say Out of Control) self def. rears its head on a daily basis as well, but I Slowly Accepting that the more Aware I am the better my Chances to Face it and Move on... Or Just Be Still & STOP... THINK... I was a Horrible Reactor when i entered the rooms of Al-Anon... and it truly is something I have to work on Daily, I have to remind myself with dealing with certain people or things, that sometimes its best to Zip it, in order to Make it thru their Company... In my Family, Last word was Always the Winner... :) Or So We Thought, Now i can See that My Acceptance of Who they are, Not who I had wished seems like the only Winner is the One that Stays Quiet Longer and doesn't get in the middle of a Mess that isn't mine to get into!
This too Shall pass Brother, As I have been Taught By some Wonderful Peeps I know.. And i have All the Confidense in the world that what ever your "woh's" You will come out Stronger then Ever, you work the tools of this program very well, and have taught me so much from your Growing Recovery, and when you have a time like this, it also makes me realize you are Human as well Who Knew.. I"m Not the Only one that Struggles
Sending You Loving Prayers & Support for a Fast Walked Pace Back to HP's Will For when We can't get thru the Quick Sand, that is when He/She Carries us...