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We had topic day at our meeting and the topic was anger. Very appropriate. One of the member talked about his anger and at one point of his sharing he said i always look at my part. it struck a nerve in me, big time.
2 weeks ago we told our teenage daughter we were separating, it was probably the most difficult thing i have done in my life. Anyway since then she has either ignored me or been asking questions about redecorating the house. My take on this is she is angry at me.... and found out this week she blames me for everything. I was expecting it but it still doesn't make it easy. I got very upset yesterday, it hurt so much. The brain can do wonderful tricks to make me believe i am to be blamed. I went to a face to face meeting and somebody said to me i understand its recent but why is your daughter blaming you, i answered her dad told her. then she said but why isn't she asking you for your version? and i said good question. that's when it hit me, what is my part?
First thing that came to mind was i am responsible for my codependency but i am also responsible for my own recovery. If I am to be a model for my daughter, what am I supposed to do? Is blaming myself for her upbringing part of the solution? I am not even angry at my husband, he is sick so he doesn't know what he is doing. But I am struggling with what to do with my daughter. Its not about right or wrong, its not about perfection (it took me a while on this one) is it about guidance? why isn't she asking me why I am separating or is it even relevant? isn't it part of open communication or am I avoiding facing her? so to the question what is my part i only feel guilt, blame and shame to put my daughter through this. i also dont feel necessary to justify my reasons for separating. she is my daughter not my friend or confidant. In other words, I need help!
Ending any kind of relationship can put us into the cycle of grieving. Grief is a huge deal. I am sure your daughter is grieving as well. Here in my state they had us take a divorced parents class. It really helped. Remember to not play the blame game, point fingers at your ex etc. No you don't have to justify, but you can explain that some times relationships don't last. You can talk with her during a car ride, that is where I can usually get my teenage son to talk, when its just him and I in the car. I ask him whats up, that I can sense something is bothering him. That we have to keep the lines of communication open. I was asked to look at my part in things at alanon too a couple weeks ago. It really helps to take a look at that because it tells me why I may be so mad at someone. Maybe I am projecting past problems onto the new problem. maybe I am resentful because someone didn't do what I expected them to do. Maybe I am tired, hungry, lonely, angry... Keep coming! So glad you are going to meetings!
Let go and let God...Let it be... let it begin with me...
When it comes to teens I don't think any parent can take what they say personally. She is hurt and she is grieving and that IS normal. Parenting did not come with a manual and I don't care how many books are out there it's not a one solution or kid issue fits all. They are all like finger prints/snowflakes each one of us is unique and different. We do the best we can as parents based upon the tools we have at the time. Playing the victim of accepting the blame in her life is not going to workout well for you. My mom still plays that card and as an adult/child it gets so old listening to it over and over.
I've told my eldest who is 12, if she doesn't understand something or has questions and maybe she really doesn't want to talk to me or her dad about them we will find someone she can talk to. Of course I would rather she speak with us, the reality is maybe there is a reason she doesn't feel she can. It's more important to me that she has an outlet to deal with her feelings than anything else. I know there are things I choose not to discuss with either parent and never will, it's just our dynamic.
You do not have to rationalize why you decided to separate. That's the biggest thing that sucks about being a kid is as children we are at the whim of our parents decisions. At the same time, she still has every reason to feel angry, sad, mad, confused blah blah blah. She needs help to transition through each of the stages of grief. If it's confusing for the adult in the situation believe me it's 10x harder on the kid.
I guess I'm struck by the issue of you stating you don't want her to be your confidant at the same time you want her to ask why you are getting a divorce. Chances are if she's a teen, she's seen what has gone on and it's easier to be mad at you than her dad. I know when my parents separated and eventually divorced it was much easier to be mad at my mom because my dad was just gone.
Hugs and welcome, it does get easier it takes time. It's more important in my mind to allow her an outlet of communication and if needed joint counseling. She has a lot going on inside of her with choices she has had no say in.
I'm sure others will have some great ESH to add :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
Thank you for your answer. we are going for counselling next week for the exact reasons you explained. You make lots of sense i just couldnt see it or accept it.
Thank you. i think i am projecting my own fears onto her which is not fair. i get stuck in my own spleen thats why i came here because i make myself go crazy.
You pose some very difficult questions as you are in a very difficult situation Teens at best tend to be a bit angry as they try to assert thier independence but also looking for guidance. I don't know why she hasn't asked you the reason for the separation and is getting answers from dad. She may not have asked him either, he may just be venting his side to her. I don't know why you would apologize to her for your parenting skills or style. Unless you have intentionaly hurt her which I doubt you have done the best you could for her and tried to raise her correctly. We get no instruction book on how to parent we just do the best we can with the tools you have. So maybe your tools like mine ( as I grew up with addiction) weren't ideal but you are working on changing that now. Working on being a healthier person. I would try to engage her in a conversation about the situation without placing blame on anyone. Make sure she knows it had nothing to do with your or your husbands love for her of course. That dad has a problem that you can't live with anymore and you are working on getting yourself healthy. That you are always open to discussing her feelings without interrupting, just listen. Ask if she would be interested in alateen where she can interact with kids her own age, experiencing the same thing. I have found the child often sides with the parent they see as the underdog such as her dad. Let her know its ok that she loves her dad. Not sure if i made any sense at all here, but she is likely taking her anger out on you because she feels you can handle it. She doesn't see you as the underdog. Allow her, her feelings as long as she isn't disrespectful. I really wish you the best on this situation Blessings
Hi CrazyFrog, I have a 13 year old she is in counseling since I seperated from my AH a year ago and she has Al-ateen books since Al-ateen meetings don't take place anywhere near my area. I am open and honest with her about my side of the wrongs and she knows he is an A from him and I. Conversation with her is hit or miss and I pushed for awhile but now I am patiently waiting and once in awhile she seeks me out to talk about things under the surface. It is a hard time for them, but they are resilient too. I am sending you love and support!
God grant me the serenity To accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference.
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666