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information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Hi to everyone. This is my first time on the site and from what I've seen I probably should have checked into this sooner. I have yet to go to a meeting, I'm sure it's next on my agenda.
My much younger than me boyfriend is an alcoholic. We've been living together for about six months. From the time meeting him he's been a drinker, but I never imagined what I would get myself in to. He "came clean" about his alcoholism about two months ago. I learned that all of his family and friends have basically given up on him. I offered to be there for him if and when he decided to get help. I have a 9 year old daughter living in the house with us and I'm fully aware that I need to take care of her needs first.
For the past month or so he has been drunk more days than he's been sober. He lies about drinking, hides his drinking and spends every last penny of his minimum wage paycheck on his next buzz. More and more he's been "acting out".. passive aggresive you might say.
Thursday night we began arguing and he grabbed my wrist. He was HEAVILY intoxicated when that happened and I decided to call 911 to diffuse the situation. The police came and to make a long story short, they arrested him for battery. They pressed charges, not me. The next morning, after listening to the police, friends, family, etc I filed a restraining order. After several days of not talking to him I decided to have the restraining order dismissed. I put in a request and we will still have to go to court. No contact until then.
I love and care about this person so much. Something that I can't even explain. Let me say that until that night, he has NEVER been physically agressive towards me or my daughter. I had never been in that kind of situation before. I wasn't beat, battered or even in pain from what he did. I actually feel pity now. For days leading up to the incident I was hoping and praying he'd get locked up and his probation would be violated so he could sober up for a few days. This is NOT how I wanted it to happen.
So here's my thing.... I KNOW he can't be in my home anymore. I CAN'T have that behavior around my daughter. But I DO want to be there for him if and when he wants help. I can't shut the love and care off... but I just don't know what to do...
Cut my losses now and take a hike? Or support him while he sits in jail for the next several months... knowing he'll be in his own detox hell.....
I'm sorry for the rambling.... Friends don't want to listen to any of my issues with him anymore... family is mad.... I just want him to get help. I KNOW the person he is when he's sober... I can't just walk away.
Any and ALL input is appreciated. Thanks to you all.
Life is a shipwreck but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats. ~Voltaire
There is nothing you can do for him. Nothing. Loving him will not help him get sober. It will not ease his fall. In fact, it just may do the oppisite and make the situation much worse.
As far as this being the first time he physically attacked you, you can count on it not being the last. Abuse only ever escalates. Once he crossed the line to physically attacking you, he will never uncross it.
I think what bears looking at is WHY you feel such a need to take care of him...and here is the perfect place to do that introspection. Alanon is for us. It is where we learn about ourselves and why we do/feel the way we do/feel.
No contact is the very best way for YOU to start healing and trust me, you have some healing to do. When we take the focus off the A and put it back where it belongs (on ourselves) we begin to grow and change and heal. You have a daughter...imagine she grows up and finds herself in the situation you are in today...what would you want for her? What would you tell her?
I am sorry you are in the situation you are in, however I'm glad you found MIP. The sooner you make it to a f2f meeting the more it helps. It helps unravel the disease of alcoholism. Hearing others stories and sharing (if you choose) your own is a very freeing experience. You are so not alone. I have been applying the 3 C's regularly in my life. You did not cause the addiction, you can not cure it and you will not and cannot control it. Coming to that realization for me was a God thing. Addicts have to come to their own path in choosing to get well or not. The problem is as caretakers we allow the disease to fester and keep the addict from learning their own path, and in doing so, do so much more damage. It is commendable that you recognize that your daughters needs come first because after us the children are the next collateral damage. Any addiction leaves a wake of damage in it's wake. You have to take care of you first.
Freeagain is absolutely correct that once the door of violence is open it's way to easy to step through again. I am glad to hear you acted and called the police. There is never any rationalization for violence. Once someone is in an altered state of mind (via substance or rage) you cannot rationalize with them, it's like nailing jell-o to a tree.
Keep coming back :) You are worth it!!
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
Aloha ELE....Alcoholism is a progressive disease (only one little part of the description) and it was progressing with him before you found him. Most of the fellowship I have been with including myself cops out to "enabling" we try to fix what is unfixable and it gets worse for them and for us...that is part of the description of insanity...I learned in Al-Anon that what I was doing wasn't love. My addiction was "needing"...needing to have someone fill the hole inside of me...needing to have someone to fix so that I could prove myself valueable...needing a distraction so that I wouldn't have to go after building my own life etc etc.
I suggest that you take some time and scroll back in time and read the post of others who have come before you and read it all with an open mind. Our stories are really telling.
That you didn't go thru with the restraining order is actually usual for an enabler, fixer, needer for many reasons and I have to tell you that I have worked in the Alternatives to Violence and abuse industry after being one myself in the past. Not going thru with the restraining order is a choice and not a good one. When the alcoholic is drunk the value system is gone and they will often go after who is easier to go after and that is the person who hangs around and says "...but I love you." You buffered for in between the disease and the consequences and that is done sooo often. What I learned in Al-Anon was to allow my alcoholic/addict wife the dignity of the consequences of her choices and that is practicing unconditional love. After she had enough pain and was so sick and tired of being sick and tired she sought recovery.
I pray you hear and take the suggestions...find the hotline number for Al-Anon in your area either from the white pages of your telephone book or from or calling a local counselor. Get to the first one you can make it to and sit down, listen, learn and get it all and then duplicate that as often as you can over the next 90 days. If you don't the situation will get worse and then much worse.
Read the post from the MIP membership whose sons are alcoholics and addicts cause that might just fit for you also. Keep coming back (((((hugs)))))
Welcome and I'm so glad you have found us. You are in the right place. There is a lot of wisdom and experience on these boards.
Your determination to take care of your daughter is wonderful. That's exactly the kind of determination a kid needs, especially in difficult circumstances. It is so important.
What I wish someone had told me when I started this journey is that the majority of alcoholics do not make it to longterm sobriety. The statistics are that between 5% and 30% of those who enter recovery programs stay sober longterm. Of course that means that most of them do not.
If I had known this, I would not have kept waiting around for so long for my alcoholic husband to get sober. He did make stabs at it -- he embarked on AA several times, he went through court-order rehab, etc. etc. Each time I thought, "Good, this is it, he's started recovery now." But after a while it was back to square one, except that they never really get back to where they were -- the disease progresses, so it gets worse and worse. With him it got worse slowly enough so that I didn't see it. I kept thinking it was okay and I/we could handle it, until I lost all perspective and things were really bad and I still thought that was normal and feasible. We get sucked into the insanity too and we tend to believe the alcoholic's denial -- it's not so bad, it's under control really, it will get better, he has a handle on it now ... until one day we realize we're living an insane life.
I was determined to stick around for my alcoholic's recovery, but he wasn't determined to recover. My determination was about a hundred times greater than his. The question I should have asked myself was, "Is this life tolerable if he never changes?" Because that was the real situation of things. That might be something you want to ask yourself. Another would be, "Would I like my child to grow up thinking this is normal? Would I like her to stay with a man who behaves as he is behaving?" Those questions really scared me and helped me get perspective.
The most important thing is to take care of you and your daughter. I hope you can get to some meetings soon. Some of them offer free childcare -- you can ask the person at the Al-Anon number in the phone book.
Recovery is wonderful and miracles happen. Read lots of threads on this board. Hugs to you.
I wanted to welcome you and introduce myself as you have already received so many solid words of encouragement and support. For me going to face to face meetings and working the steps with a sponsor helps keep me strong and making choices in my life that are in my best interest.
Please stick around and share with us. I think you will find tremendous love and support here as you go through this process.
Thank you all. Looks like I've really found the place I need to be in. To start anyway. :)
I am guilty of many of the things you posted. Enabling, protecting, etc. This is what I'm struggling with the most. I KNOW (as I posted earlier) he CANNOT live in my home anymore. I'm having SUCH a hard time though thinking that I need to cease ALL contact with him. I know what kind of man he is when he is sober and I know that it's selfish of me to expect him to get help for "us". There is that glimmer of hope in my head that he HAS hit rock bottom and wants to start getting sober.
I haven't had ANY contact with him since Thursday night. I've been consumed with thinking of different scenarios. Should I do this or that.... But is it wrong for me to want to be there for him emotionally while he's locked up?? He has seriously lost EVERYTHING in his life. I realize that we will probably never be a couple again. Like I said my daughter and her emotional/physical safety remains priority... but do I turn my back on him as a friend? This is where my pity for him comes in. First and foremost he's a friend.... would I do that to any of my other friends?
I never in my life realized that alcoholism affects people/families this way. I've never been involved in it in this way.
I'm sure you all think I'm absolutely crazy but I honestly feel that the incident between us way very minor and isolated. :/ I KNOW that wasn't him....the real him....
Wow... I'm so overcome with evertything. Thank you all again.
Life is a shipwreck but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats. ~Voltaire
Hi and welcome I do hope you find yourself a meeting and a sponsor. I can relate to your story and I am a codependent enabler like so many others. I read a book "Codependent No More" by Melody Beattie and "Getting Them Sober" by Toby Rice Drews. Those 2 books helped my gain some very needed tools to move toward health. I am sending you love and support.
God grant me the serenity To accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference.
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
Oh flopadopilus, Codependent No More has been a God send for me at this point. I really want to read Getting them Sober as well. I have 3 months worth of reading and trying to fit in some light reading as well .. lol. Thank goodness for the library!!
The decision to see him or not is totally up to you.
This was my experience and I'm using my ex who was a DA. Similar situation to you as far as the violence and then the police. I was so lucky to walk away, I could and did rationalize it as oh it was only bruising on my arm he didn't do enough damage to send me to the hospital. My parents did not help the situation I heard well, he only hit you once, it really wasn't THAT bad. Who says that to their kid, adult or not? Whatever, I was done at that point. However, I did not pursue the issue through the courts looking back I wish I had, because my divorce would have been free and clear as well as counseling. My belief is so strong that once that door opens to contact violence it is way to easy to go back there over and over again. The violence with him crept up, first it was punching the wall, throwing things, shoving me into a wall, and then the final episode escalated to punching me. I was a tiny thing at the time. I look back and honestly I'm very lucky to be alive. Things could have easily escalated from there because he was a gun owner, and to stop me from screaming he put a pillow over my face. That was what was the door the closed for me, when that happened I thought oh crap he's going to kill me the next time. He wanted of course to do the "friend" thing and I'm telling you that was the worst thing ever for me. The manipulation started with how could you do this to me. Why would you do this to me. There was nothing about the role played there were a ton of empty promises about him getting help. The begging, I abandoned him, I was a terrible person, he was going to kill himself, blah blah blah. Still it was my fault he acted out the way he did as always. The phone calls and then the threats. I was fortunate that I knew he had no gumption to follow through. He was just to lazy. I faked him out to, I did not follow through on the restraining order, at least he didn't know that, I told him he needed to do what he needed to do, however the police would be waiting and he could go back to jail. It was all about controlling me and me being in fear. He also kept wanting to meet me privately, and I was insistent if we were to meet up it HAD to be a public place there was no way I was going to be alone with him. Do I feel compassion for him? Yes. At the time I knew how off things were, I was not in a healthy place myself. I prayed and still pray for him. We were toxic together and I had a def safety thing going on. I am so grateful we never had children together. That was a saving grace as to putting the whole situation behind me.
This is my two cents totally, your ABF (ex, whatever) needs to take care of his issues deal with his own problems. You need to deal with your issues. Right now you sound from your posting very confused and vulnerable. That's ok because of what you have been through, before talking to him and worrying about where he is at, work on yourself. I would encourage you to wait for contact. His colors are going to come out and you will know if you feel ok about being around him. Phone calls, maybe, however I still say get yourself to a better place before. That's just me and how I feel about my own situation, if I had a child I can tell you right now there is no way in hell that would be going on at all. She is old enough to see and is learning about what is or is not appropriate in a relationship. She is seeing her mom accept unacceptable behavior after saying no and that's a big deal.
Sorry, this is so about you, I can just so relate and hope you get some distance and go to an alanon meeting :) It was the best thing I did for myself. :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
I think the only thing in my favor right now is him being in jail and knowing he'll be there for the next 3 months. NOT being able to talk to him when I want, not being able to see him, etc. I'm truely hoping as days go by I can begin to heal, with or without him.... not looking forward to the process though.
Life is a shipwreck but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats. ~Voltaire
I think the only thing in my favor right now is him being in jail and knowing he'll be there for the next 3 months. NOT being able to talk to him when I want, not being able to see him, etc. I'm truely hoping as days go by I can begin to heal, with or without him.... not looking forward to the process though.
It's all about one day at a time. Something that I discovered on my process is how much I had forgotten about myself. As scary as the unknown is it has been a blessing to make the discoveries I have recently. We are actually all happier as a family and I am so much happier and relaxed now. :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo