The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
You recently had an exchange on this board with Arinna599, who had posted in the past few days about her previous marriage of 11 years, and the abuses she endured at the hands of her ex husband. I read her post, your replies to it, and her husbands post.. I am not sure exactly why, but I was compelled to produce a video for you to view (actually dedicated to both Arinna by name and to the members of MIP), with the hope she would hear something she needed to hear and finish it with a new found hope for healing and recovery regardless of her, or even your own past or current situation or circumstances.
It is an hour and fifteen (15) minutes long, so please, reserve a time slot to watch it all the way through so you can capture the full message and its intention.
I am a recovering alcoholic with over 21 years of continuous sobriety, a member of Al-Anon since Sept 1998, and I am also a Christian, so I felt I might be able to shed some light that I think got over looked in the exchange on the message board, and more importantly what she might be missing on her journey and search for healing and peace.
To those who responded to her post: I truly honor and value the effort, the love, the understanding and support you displayed to her and her husband here. As I state in the video she might have felt like she was falling, but it was obvious in what each of you shared that she found a safe branch to land on in the mist of her pain, here at Miracles In Progress.
Please take some time for view it.. all of it... and then if you are willing, share with me what you feel you received from it. Share it in private via email, PM or here on the message board under this post. I do not intend to do this often, but I felt moved to reach out, not just to arinna, but to all members of Al-Anon who are struggling with the history of their past or current situation.
Theme(s) or message I would like you to receive from it is the process of Letting Go and Letting God, Reclaiming Our Lives, and Releasing Resentment.
You can go to the Al-Anon message board and view it from there, or you can go directly to the page it will be displayed on at
Thank you so very much for taking the time and energy to create the video Let Go to Let God. It was,so very clear, thoughtful and inspiring.
I loved the beautiful example that you used of Letting Go the idea of "Letting Go of the Kite" and seeing what God would do with it!!! I must say in my own life, letting go was the most difficult when it came to losing my son. I have, in retrospect seen my HP's good beautiful hand in the entire process and am so grateful that :He gave my son 14 years of solid recovery , that I was able to be with him in the end and that he was home in his own home and passed in his sleep with me in the next room HP works in mysterious ways and gives me the courage and wisdom to walk with HIM. I do understand the saying Life MUST be lived going forward but understood in retrospect.
. Resentments were very difficult for me because I did not have the Tools to let go of them I wanted to but found myself going round and round in the Merry Go Round until 12 step programs and the Steps
Thanks again John for this Board and your kindness and nurturing spirit I appreciate the fact that :You are one of my "Eskimos"