The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
... how do you "work" your program? Do you use the 12 steps?
The beginning of step twelve reads: "Having had a spiritual awakening AS THE RESULT of these steps..."
Does that motivate you? Does something else motivate you?
I moved at a snail's pace on the steps when I came into al-anon, despite all my suffering. I was quite stubborn, not unlike my alcoholic husband who never fully embraced recovery either.
So I'm just curious to hear what "working your program" looks like....
-- Edited by glad lee on Thursday 2nd of December 2010 08:18:30 PM
The prayer isn't for Higher Power to change our lives, but rather to change us.
"Working" my program means several things to me. Yes, the steps. I pay particular attention to Step 1 every single day - I admit that I am powerless over people, places, and things.
I try to do a step 10 at the end of every day, and reflect on whether I need to make any amends.
I also try to make a gratitude list every single day, that has 5 things I am grateful for. These could be big things, like - I'm grateful that I practiced detachment well that day, or it could also be small things that made my life better - like, I'm grateful the traffic was light on the way home. Taking the time to list the things I'm grateful is a conscious effort to focus on the good stuff and not the bad stuff.
Step 12 is important. "Having had a spiritual awakening as THE result of these steps, we tried to carry the message to others and practice these principles in all our affairs." It is significant to me that the step says that the spiritual awakening is THE result of the steps. That does motivate me, because it tells me that if I continue to work the steps, I wll continue to have a spiritual awakening. I NEED that. I got here spiritually bankrupt. My way of living didn't work - I NEED the spiritual awakening, and I have discovered that for me, this way works.
Step 12 also means to me that I need to show up and suit up for my recovery family. Maybe I don't really feel like going to birthday night, but I need to show up and sit my butt in the chair as a show of support to my fellows who are celebrating. I need to extend my hand to a newcomer. I also try to come here fairly often and lend support to others.
Working the steps, a conscious effort to stay involved in recovery related things and an effort to embrace a spirit of gratitude instead of self pity is how I "work" my program.
I'm a relative newcomer to Al-Anon, I've been attending meetings for a little less than a year now. I'm rather stuck on Step 2, so I'm definitely not working the steps at this point.
To me, working the program means having a knowledge of the Al-Anon principles and keeping a conscious awareness of them and how they play out in my daily life. To get that knowledge, I have to read the literature regularly -- and I have to really think about the concepts that are presented. Then I have to apply the tools whenever I'm facing a challenge.
I got my feet wet in service work pretty early, as my home group is small so I was asked to chair after only four months. I attend Al-Anon functions whenever I can (we have Fellowship Days) so I can meet members from other groups and hear speakers. I'm hoping I can find a sponsor soon.
Much of the time, "working" means that I'm thinking instead of merely acting and reacting automatically.
Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could... Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense. - Emerson
I was just talking to my sponsor about this yesterday and some today. About how keeping my focus on me means actually working on my program at all times. If I lose the focus on me it means I am concentrating on HIM. It is most tested when I am actually around him. I work hard all day at focusing on me, which means I am constantly reading the boards, my books, and thinking hard about my recovery. What I need to do in that minute to stay with me. Thats working it to me. Working on me, I am on step 4 now and have just skimmed the surface of that step, but I am working on it. I want serenity so bad. I want so badly to not have so much codependency in my life. I have learned today that I need to stop asking questions. I need to stop trying to take care of him. In love, I detach. Thats work too. I guess for me right now, its not second nature yet, so it is all work. I am sure one day I will be able to detach without having to constantly say to myself that I need to detach! LOL... :) Detach from the news, from tv shows, from other people's feelings and from HIM. Thank you :)
You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. -Buddha
The past has flown away. The coming month and year do not exsist. Ours only is the present's tiny point. -Mahmud Shabistanri
The steps were a life transforming experience for me. I think about them and apply them to my daily life. I hope to continue to learn more about them, myself, and my relationships and never stop working my program.
To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved.
This is a very good thread and I'm gonna check back as more of the fellowship participates.
"Walking the talk" is a simple explanation for me "working the program." I incorporate the steps, principles, attitudes, slogans and the experiences of the fellowship that are working for them and others into my life. I think it and with it and see with an Al-Anon perspective. I speak in the language of recovery to keep me centered especially outside of the meeting rooms. I practice recovery emotions staying out of the negative and in the positive. I behave in the slogans...Don't react, Think, When in doubt DON'T!, Easy does it, Let go...Let God always. I listen open mindedly to the fellowship and others outside of the fellowship. I stay close to prayer and my meditation practice is a 24/7 spiritual awareness that "God is". My spirit is in the 12th step...the willingness to help others who need help and ask for it and not to enable bad situations to continue and grow. I can only manage and change myself so that is my fulltime job otherwise.
I have not found for me as good a solution for my life as this program. I've seen others and paid more and then I always return to what works and work it.
I try to think and practice the program in all my affairs. I always feel better at the end of the day when I have practiced the program to the best of my ability.
The slogans are not words anymore, they are my tools that guide me and make my life better. "Don't React", my favorite, has been a life saver.......always reminding me to put my mind in gear before I put my mouth in motion.....
I read and learn from my MIP family daily. The ES&H given freely of this board is priceless, and it has been priceless to my program. There are so many MIP members I am indebted to.
My two meeting are the highlight of my week. I go to my meetings for me first and hopefully give back to others what the program has given me.
I try to take two steps forward for every step I take back. Everyday I try to gain on this disease.
I live in the disease of alcoholism, yet I consider myself a fortunate because the program has given me recovery, peace of mind, and serenity. Quite a turn around from four years ago when I entered the rooms of Al-Anon. My life at the time could have been best described as hopeless, crazy, and alone in the insanity of the disease.
I no longer check my mail for a diploma from this program because I realize Al-Anon is a journey not a destination. Practice, practice, practice.
Because of and in spite of the disease of alcoholism this program has made me a better, happier, and more grateful person.
yatannaha , perfect answer and of course your working the steps ,you just dont see it yet .but your post shows that you are doing what your supposed to be doing . Fellowship , service the more u get involved the less Insanity you have in your life insanity is still there but your way too busy to notice .
glad lee, ur bolded sentence there, no quite frankly it scared me bc I felt it was impossible. The first two years I was back in alanon (3.5-5.5 years ago from now)- it was all abouot me learning to (just) focus on me, MYOB and essentially come out of denial - denial that I had contributed to the problem, denial that I could help myself, denial that I was just as controlling and manipulative as they were. I did not and felt as though I could not love myself - that process began when I hit my bottom (my third suicide attempt) and I truly realized that I had not yet begun to even try to surrender anything to HP and program. I was resistent and sure in my own mind- that I deserved it all and I could not get any better from life/me. Well, that was where I was - so I had to surrender all of that - all of those "expectations" of my own failure, fate and inability.
I got the idea from a Carolyn Myss dvd (cd the Energetcis of Healing)- to sit one day and chart out in percentages - where all of my energy, emotional body and power/thoughts were going. I borke it all down and I did not even make the list - my job, car and pets did, but I did not. That was the first thing I had to change - I had to make me a priority in my own god given life and not my family - bc I put my mom there first, bc I was so self scarificing and I loved her so much - that is such a dangerous trip for women in general (bc of motherhood, I think)- we cannot put us in front of our kids/families- well if you are not of peace of mind- then no one around you, esp kids- wont be either. Kids blame themsleves when their parents arent happy and peaceful and then we are in the thick of codependent enalbing.
So at this ripe old age, of 39 and this 3rd atttempt to rid me of the pains of this world- I began to truly work it- to surrender what I was thinking and doing and try a new way, a kinder and more gentle one, one in which I was soft with me and kind - bc I knew what kind and gentle were. So that was something - quantifiable. And when my inner voice would beat me down about something I was not immediatley perfect at - I stopped myself, apologized to me for not doing it like I "expected" and trying again.
For me a slip or enalbing is even thinking about thier mental health - it is not my job, my mental health and happiness and peace of mind are... all I can do is detach with respect and love, giving them the dignity to sort out their own lives (and to also suffer thier own consequences) and for me to do the same. I spent a year doing forgiveness work, as the memories came up, one at a time, I worked to see all sides of thier perspectives, accept that they did the best they could at that time (as it is the past, anyway) and then to forgive all players. Incidentally each time I would attempt to forgive someone, I had to first forgive me for holding the resentment in the first place, for being human and getting hurt, for trusting or whatver it was.
What we hold onto becomes a trap and our realtiy - what we fight about, we make true for us. I so wanted to be free and each time I forgive a past slight, it is NOT for them, that hurt me, bc my anger is doing nothing to them, it only hurts me and drags me down in anger/pain. Forgivng a pain and truly releasing it, no u dont forget but you dont allow that to define you anymore and u are liberated from feeling it constantly - it goes to the ethers and we become a little more of what god is.
It took boundaires for me to really change and feel - emotional detachment and autonomy and for me to gain some self resepct, instead of always compromising me for others, that self sacrificing martyr trip is just that, an ego trip of doom. It does not show HP that I am grateful for my life, if I am sacrificng me at every turn, no it shows HP that I consdier my life to be disposable and that I am worth less than, and that is a lie of the disease. HP/god is love, compassion and forgiveness - infitine and boundless and exponentially given - it is us that must take that leap of faith, and just begin loving us first, then we treat others better (I found) that it only allowed me to be more understanding, not less - self preservation is not selfish, it is necessary to thrive!
About three years ago, I also got some info about dating and I applied it to program... well, first I only did not ask questions of the guy I was dating.. now as I continue to practise not asking questions of others - I can see it was a way in which I threw my control and power around. Asking questions I found was a way for me to control, micro manage, direct, cajole, persuade, manipualte -- all of it is not me or my side of the street. dont get me wrong, if someone brings up a topic, then it is fair game to discuss -but I work hard to not initiate questions... if I want to share, then i share from my self and my own perspective. And trust me, as I do not monitor them, they are much more willing to share them with me - in a more true and real sense. (of course I am not speaking on the topic of your children, u have every right to ask questions of anyone that comes into contact with them - that is a diff situation- I am talking about questioning adults on their activities alone).
Self mastery, no I never thought I could get close and now I can see it is really a potential reality that is ever nearer and always being tested. Keep working it for you and know that you are worht it and more! Love and forgive YOU of all u can first and then be grateful for whatever u can and it gets so much better and easier with (constant and) daily practise. This is how it is working for me.
-- Edited by kitty on Friday 3rd of December 2010 11:35:04 AM
Light, Love, Peace, Blessings & Healing to Us All. God's Will Be Done. Amen.
I think having a sponsor is a very useful tool. They will guide you back to the steps. Speaking personally I had to "surrender" before I could really commit to the program. The pain had to be so much I was willing to try something else. My way got me here, the program got me out of the agony I was in.
-- Edited by hotrod on Friday 3rd of December 2010 06:12:08 PM
-- Edited by hotrod on Friday 3rd of December 2010 06:13:19 PM
I enjoyed the reading, it felt like having coffee together
I start my day much like White Rabbit, as soon as I become conscious in the morning, I try to let God fill my head before I do. I start thinking of the first three steps, "I can't, God can, I think I'll let him." Sometimes I say the step 3 prayer too. Then, I roll out of bed to sit in my chair to meditate. I light a candle, it reminds me of my HP. After meditation, I pray that I can fulfill my "marching orders" for the day. (my sponsor always calls it that. She told me that living a spiritual life was not about ME anymore, I am to become a channel for my HP. So, she suggests I get my marching orders every day.)
I usually call her daily. (I have her on speed-dial!) And, I try keep in touch with other fellowship members. When I listen to how someone else is doing, it helps me to get out of myself.... and that can be such a relief.
Sometimes when I'm in my car, especially for longer rides, I like to say the Seventh Step prayer. I love saying it over and over and over. The most amazing thing happened once, I was taking a road trip and just after I had said the prayer multiple times, my exAH phoned me. During the conversation, I ended up making an (unscheduled) amends to him. I just couldn't believe the words that were coming out of my mouth! Although I was very sincere, it was not really ME, the words were so beautiful and eloquent. I know that had I scheduled these amends myself (some day far-off in the distant future, haha) my ego would've been over-involved! But it seemed like God had just handed me the perfect opportunity and I seemed to be in a state of grace for it. The event has had a profound effect on both of us. So, I love the seventh step prayer.
I am sooo grateful for the steps. Like Kitty, I just didn't want to be here before I crawled in the doors of al-anon, I was very confused and separated from my HP. I had tried 5 years of personal counseling and energy work, always bought the latest and greatest from the self-help section of the bookstore, and I leaned heavily on others to comfort me in every little crisis. I felt like I had been passed over when they were handing out the manual on how to live. Today, the steps give me the guidance I need. Like you, Jerry, I've not found a better solution.
I didn't embrace the steps immediately though, I remember telling my first sponsor that I was unimpressed and I needed "more meat to chew on." LOL
Eventually, I was like maresie, I was in so much pain, I had to practice something different. My character defects had to be addressed.
Anyway, the other day, I was reading from one of my meditation books, it was about the 12 "suggested" steps to save our life... no different than, if you were to jump out of an airplane, it is "suggested" that you pull the ripcord to your parachute to save your life. It occurred to me, the steps literally did save my life.
And, I wanted to hear how it works for the MIP family. Thanks everyone
-- Edited by glad lee on Friday 3rd of December 2010 07:09:17 PM
-- Edited by glad lee on Friday 3rd of December 2010 07:16:25 PM
The prayer isn't for Higher Power to change our lives, but rather to change us.