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I sure don't know how you guys who live with so much stress do it.
I have been very fortunate since AH has been gone, to have a pretty mellow life. Of course some hard times, but nothing like what it is like to live with or have an A involved in your life.
My mortgage advocate called. The good news is the mortgage company is reviewing for a different kind of loan like they should have done.
I have learned through my experience and others, and the AARP bulliten that that Obama affordable loan modification is a dismal failure. It in itself, theory is fine, but the problem is the financial institution has its own agenda and does not have to follow that type loan, it can come up to why it cannot accept it.
So it doesn't. I know of NO ONE that has gotten it. Banks criteria are too limited.
Anyway there is hope now. I am hoping and praying this time it goes. Its a mod thru the lender which they had almost done remember but I was in surgery so could not sign a paper so they closed it. dumb I know. That is not even the dumbest thing we have been thru.
Anyway this stress is awful. I am doing what I do my best to share with you. I almost have my whole kitchen/dining room floor done!!!!! Maybe 10 more squares, then just have to cut to fit around the rooms. (c: AND I did not sit in the glue or get stuck to anything! Which is HUGE for me. haha
Have let myself nap and sleep more and being very careful.
If I had to deal with an AH, I would not be able to work on the tension in my gut from the house stuff. But becuz of Al Anon and you guys, i am remembering to breath, eat well, HP will take care of us I know he will.
I was thinking what in the world would I do if I did not have a floor to sweep and mop everday all during the day? And walls to paint? Plants to water?
this morn I realized if I had to live in an rv I could not have my bed and no recliner. If I cannot recline I cannot sit. no recliner fits in an rv.
Anyway at least things are in the works. My advocate was right on it. I call him a bulldog.
I almost lost my horse, elgin a few days ago. He was writhing in pain. colic.ugh. I got my stethiscope, no bowel sounds. If you know horses they always have a noisy gut. If it is not moving that is bad. Had to check up his bum, was clean and healthy.
So thank hp I have a mellow horse, he drank down mineral oil and I force fed him pumpkin. Took his coat off, walked him a long time and did hard massage on his gut. Got a few sounds. I went in and looked out and he was down again so went out again and massaged and walked.
He did not go down again. Put his coat back on. Next morn as soon as i opened the door he was hollering at me to get out and feed him. phew!!!!!!!
Most horses you have to put a tupe to the stomach to get oil down. Elgin is a miracle horse I tell ya. NEVER met a mellower sweeter guy.
anyway I learn skills here at mip and from al anon literature that help me through this tough stuff. One day at a time is major for me. Know I can face and make one day at a time work.
(((debilyn))) It's so hard to see a sick animal, they can't tell you where it hurts or what they need. Elgin is lucky to have you. As I'm sure you feel lucky to have him. Glad to hear that he's doing better now. Good luck on the mortgage, hope it goes through. Yes, one day at a time is sometimes (often) all we can do. Keep us posted. Oh-congrats on not glueing your butt to the floor, lol!
Hi Deb, glad to see you're not slacking in that wonderful world of yours!
Sending loads of positive vibes your way that the outcomewith your mortgage will be positive.
My daughter had the same stress for the last six months, had four refusals and had actually started packing up boxes to leave her home (and we were re-arranging ours to accommodate her and the wee one) when she was 5th time lucky.....she had a great guy who wouldn't let it go and kept trying for her. Never say never.......this recession is a bitch.
I am so happy about the mortgage! I knew you were being positive about the whole thing. That is a wonderful thing. Very good news about Elgin. You are such a good "mom".
I am realizing that I cannot detach from my A without leaving as well. I know everyone is different, but I just can't stay with him. Either way it takes a lot of strength. I am in the early stages, but you give me hope that I can make it on my own.
Wow definitly relate to the whole mortage situation. We tried that also and it was like banging our heads against the walls repeatedly. And of course in the end we didn't "qualify" for any program they had in place. Having work for many years for one of the largest banks in the world. I know they can essentially "do" anything they want to if they really want to do it. I was in a position at this bank ( we'll say middle management ) where I saw this whole house of cards ready to crumble. I was in a position to speak my concerns to those above me who could raise the issue with the "powers that be". We were loaning out way to much money, to people who's credit did not support it, who's income didn't support it on and on ( myself incuded by the way) and I just got a pat on the head for a job well done and sent on my way. So never believe the banks didn't see this coming...they saw it years before it happened. But they were counting on the governemnt to bail them out, which they did, then the banks turned on the very people (us) whom earlier they couldnt wait to give money too. They should have been allowed to fail, it wouldn't have hurt the economy any more than it already did for the majority of us. It would only hurt the shareholders ( of which I was one and watched my stock go from $50 a share to 1 cent a share so much for a retirement huh). There is no government office that regulates the banking industry so essentially they can do what ever they want. Ok sorry done with my's just when it comes to the banks and thier unwillingness to help the same people they hurt I go off on a tangent lol. I am glad they are going to work with you on your mortage and pray it all works out for you. And glad your horse is feeling oldest dog (16yrs) is slipping away from us and it is hard to watch. She was a rescue dog, lived for 10 yrs on a puppy mill in a cage and being beaten. When we got her she had no idea "how" to be a dog. She had never walked on grass, never been inside a home, never knew the love of a human. It took us 2 years of caring for her so gently as not to scare her before she started acting like a dog and not being so afraid of humans. She really shouldn't have even lived this long, we knew that when we took her but now that she feels love all around her she is fighting so hard not to go into the light. She so wants to stay with us and be loved and it breaks my heart knowing she won't be for much longer. But also feel such a sense of joy that we could make her last years loving and comforting. I am pretty sure she has done more for us than we have done for her. Blessings to you always
Congratulations regarding hope for the mortgage! I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Also, thank you for sharing the wonderful news about Elgin. He is blessed that you were on top of the situation! I board my horse, who is a senior even though he doesn't act like it. Every fall I take extra care to be especially alert for signs of colic. You are lucky to have Elgin on your property!