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This morning my wife got on my daughter's case...she wanted my daughter to eat fruit with breakfast and when my daughter ate a delmonte fruit cup my wife said "that's not real fruit you have to eat something else...." This is the type of thing that I will defend my daughter about. I told me wife the fruit cup is certainly real fruit and I asked my daughter if she wanted more fruit. She said no, so I told her "then that's ok." Of course my wife was furious. "that stuff has preservatives.."..I told her to read the label, I specifically buy preservative free stuff when possible (I think it uses ascorbic acid to preserve - which I understand is a natural ingredient). She then began calling me "ignorant"...all this in front of my daughter of course.
I then told her that I would not be spoken to in that way and walked away. She began following me around the house, continuing to berate me and stating she wants a divorce. I then got the leash and went to walk the dog. Not wanting to leave my daughter behind in all this I asked her if she wanted to come. Of course she did, but my wife then said she was coming to, that I was trying to take my daughter away (where "away" is I'm not sure) I then handed her the leash and said that I wasnt' going then.
I went and got my car keys but still felt concerned about my daughter. I then decided to take the dog for a walk, as he was now excited about going. I took him for a short walk, my daughter didn't come this time.
When I got back my wife said she wanted to go see a lawyer. I told her I'm not discussing this and certainly not with my daughter in the house. She came back later and said we need to take our daughter to a therapist. I agreed. She wanted to pick the therapist (I had a list of 3 child therapists recommended to me and she would pick from that list). I agreed to this to, as long as my daughter is going to go.
She then cancelled her house cleaning job for the day (we really need the money, I think she did this to get my goat, but claimed that we will talk now since she has nowhere to go). I told her that I'm not discussing this.
She then called a therapist we used to see as a couple years ago (nice guy but ineffective IMO...he was too nice and never really confronted either of us on our behavior - although of course I think most of it is my wife...but I'm not perfect either.). I didn't reply as she made the appointment.
I'm not sure this is a positive thing as I believe she doing this to corner my and talk divorce. I'm trying to decide to tell her..."if that's why we are going, then I will not participate". Or to just go tell the therapist that 1. I believe the treatment should be split...that she needs to address her needs with her own therapist, while I continue working on myself (again couples work failed in the past because her own issues prevented her from following through on his suggestions or her promises) 2. I will not leave my daughter with her until I'm satisfied she's straightened herself out and wont' cause emotional harm when I'm not around.
So I'll think this one through. I feel good that I a) didn't blow up and kept my cool b) protected my daughter and c) she's supporting the counseling (i would have done this anyway but this is better than to have me fight her on this.
No need to apologize, mjyankees! This is a safe place for you to share and to vent.
Communicating with my exHA was a slippery slope for many of the 18 years of marriage, and continues this way now that we're divorced. Our daughter did benefit from therapy for a while and I hope that it has a positive effect with your daughter, as well. As you know, it may be difficult to find a therapist that can really relate and help. My exHA and I tried several counselors while we were married. He was active during the marriage and walked out of each session when he heard something he didn't like.
Even though we are divorced and he is remarried, he recently asked if I would join him in therapy so we could learn how to communicate with each other. At this point, he is in a recovery program but still acts dry drunk, our daughter is 19, he is remarried, so I declined. I feel that working my alanon program will help provide the skills I may need to communicate with him. Of course, it takes two people to communicate, and it is up to him to hold up his end of communication.
One slogan pops out at me while reading your post: "say what you mean and mean what you say, but don't say it mean."
If you are not sure you want the divorce, you may want to approach the concept in increments until you are sure. I was never 100% sure, but did so to save a roof over our heads. I cannot be certain I would revisit my decisions the same way now that I've been working alanon for a year. I use this in my current decisions when I'm not feeling sure, and I wait for however long it takes.
As I said in other posts...I'm open to divorce but not now. I don't trust her alone with my daughter 3-4 days a week without being there. I also would like her to get into therapy or alanon or both to deal with her issues (I know I can't control this, but I can suggest anyway). This way either the marriage will become more manageable (even if that's short term) and I can feel safe leaving my daughter in a joint custody situation.
Remember the movie "Sophie's Choice"...were she was in a concentration camp and was given a choice of which of her children would die and which would live? I'm dealing with a far lesser version, but the principle is that it's me or my daughter right now. She's too young (9) to be expected to fend for herself with my wife, so I'm the one who will endure here. I will go to alanon, read the literature, go to therapy, find outside interests etc. I can be polite and kindly even in this situation and usually am. Mostly because it's just the way I am, but partly for my daughter's sake as well.
I forgot to mention that my daughter said to me this morning..."don't worry Daddy, I know momma's being a pain". This also reminds me that while visiting family her niece said to me on the side recently "how do you stand her...she's so difficult"'s not just me that sees this.
My wife also wanted to talk about divorcing this afternoon...I said I didn't feel safe doing that...she laughed and said "Am I dangerous"...I had to clarify that I didn't feel emotionally safe. But that I'd discuss it when we go to the couples i guess I've made my choice...I'm also going to bring up the other thoughts I had.
Unfortunately, I can't stop her form divorcing...our state just passed a no fault, so if she goes to a lawyer tomorrow, there's nothing I can do about. I'd be stressed out as heck about my daughter, but I certainly don't have to be a part of the process until I'm served.
For what it's worth, I thought I'd add (after reading another topic post) that my wife likely suffers from ADHD (she won't do enough evaluation to find out for sure but she's been medicated for it in the past with mixed results) and from depression. I also believe she is a PTSD survivor given the stories she told me about her violent alcoholic father. I do feel for her when I see her suffering. The problem is the only mode she used to deal with all of this is anger and rage. It's hard to be kind and helpful to someone that is likely to attack you if you get too close. I really wish she'd get into therapy....I know I can't control this...but I can wish anyway.
I am so sorry you are going through this hellacious situation. I have two kids as well and know what it feels like to have to protect them (emotionally) from their alcoholic parent, my AH. It seems to me that although it may feel heartbreaking, your daughter does at least recognize that her mother's behavior is not normal and not her fault. So you can feel proud you have helped your daughter in that way.
If you AW files for divorce, just accept that you HP made the wrenching decision for you and begin to work to make your new reality as good as possible for you and your daughter.
Sounds like it would be a good idea if you found a good marriage counselor, one who is neutral and is objective. My question is why does your daughter need a counselor??? When its you and the wife that don't see eye to eye.
You both seem to be using this girl as a pawn. Its sad that two grown people cannot get along and raise one small child. The issue is between you and the Mother, sounds like you both cannot stand eachother . Perhaps you have overstepped your boundaries when your wife requests something of your daughter in wanting her to eat fresh fruit. Why cant you let it go???? I didn't find it such a crazy request . Its not up to us to diagnose our spouses, we are not professionals. As a Mother, I agree there is a difference between fresh fruit and a can a fruit. Could you be wrong, just once??? Sounds like she would be willing to go to marriage counseling and a step in the right direction.
I think other members have said some things worth thinking about. When I was going to counseling with my AH, the good counselor we saw told us that she wouldn't take on an alcoholic unless they were also attending a recovery program. She said that unless the drinking stopped, the A couldn't make any genuine progress. We ended up going to a different counselor for a while, who believed my AH when he said he didn't really drink that much. And no progress was made. So that's my experience. My AH was always very agreeable in the sessions, so cooperative, so helpful -- the counselor didn't see what it was like when he got home, much less when he started drinking. Your situation would probably be different, but anyway my thought is that unless the person going is ready to put their honest effort into new ways of doing things, including sobriety, nothing changes.
I guess this brings us back to the same place, which is that the only person we can work on is ourselves.
One thing that occurs to me is if you might not be able to get full custody if you split up. I did get full custody of our child. Life as a single parent isn't always easy, but it isn't as hard as I feared either, and the peace of mind of knowing that our child is growing up without witnessing the drinking and chaos every day -- that's a good thing.
I hope you won't be upset if some of the comments on the boards sometimes seem a bit rough -- there's a lot of wisdom here too, and we're all rooting for you.
I think you did a great job, good for you!! You're getting your point across that her name calling a belittling isn't acceptable. The Delmonte fruit cups are natural fruit, I give them to my Grandson. IMO, Asking your daughter to eat even more fruit when she has already eaten it wasn't necessary. Heck, the only natural fruits safe from pesticides are organic fruits.
It seems you thwarted the attacks at every turn. Nicely done
If we think that miracles are normal, we will expect them. And expecting a miracle is the surest way to get one.
I have to say is we always talk about what we suffer from others, but never realize what others , spouses, etc. could be suffering from us.
I have been responding to yankees posts from the beginning. Yankee you say your wife does not drink. Im not saying she does not have issues. But
In one of your posts, #7 you say I know I do suffer from depression. Living with a person that has depression is not easy. Also you said, I can be self absorbed.....
Do you think these issues do not affect your wife???
Thats why I suggested you both go to a good marriage counselor. Since you are on anti depressants, sometimes they leave you with flat feelings. I think your wife is trying to get responses from you that your not able to fulfill , so she starts belittling you. Even the threats of divorce, she sounds frustrated too. You must look at her like another suffering human being. Not as an alien from another planet. Just from reading your posts, I can tell you have a deep dislike for her. Maybe if you said to her, we have a problem, lets work on this together. I promise, I will not respond to another of your posts, lol.....
Well certain mental disorders can mimic much of alcoholism in their behaviors. Spouses of people who are depressed often have to endure being targets.
Whatever "it" is that is up with your wife,you can use the tools of al anon to help. I don't see how someone who can't let you out the door can divorce but many people talk it. No one here is going to tell you to divorce or leave your wife or what to do about your child. We can offer you the tools, to detach, work on a plan be ( I worked on one for a long long time), get busy with a program, get a sponsor, focus on yourself (all of these are incredibly difficult).
Therapy sometimes takes a long time to have an effect. Therapists are not referees. If your wife doesn't want insight and help you can't make her get it. We practice the three C's, we didn't cause it, we can't control it and we can't cure it. The cure is all up to your wife.
Many many people on this board have dealt with raising a child around a partner who is unable to be caring. I don't doubt they will have suggestions. One of my prime suggestions to get hold of a copy of Getting them Sober (offered at the top of the page).
Thanks everyone...i don't hate my wife I hate her behavior...when she's pleasant we can still have fun and do family things.....but that is not consistent. she's so angry that I cant' have sympathy, when I'm being attacked.
Bettina, I don't mind your opinions...I'll take what I like and leave the rest. The issue wasn't the fruit, it was forcing my daughter to eat more fruit after she'd just eaten fruit and she didn't want it....I WILL NOT ALLOW MY WIFE TO FORCE FOOD DOWN MY DAUGHTERS THROAT LITERALLY OF FIGURATIVELY.
i also felt this was more worth defending my daughter over than the dvd/dinner table issue.
I remember when I discovered the word, "okay" and the phrase, "you may be right" (of course this also means "you may be wrong" ) It completely turned the tables. He was so used to my opposition, my tweaking, my always knowing the right way, and then suddenly, I stopped. Pretty hard to argue when there is no one to argue with. So, your wife wants to see a lawyer... "okay", she does, doesn't mean you do. We need to see a counselor ..."you may be right" (in this case sounds like she is). Now she has to do the work, right? And, the emotions usually calm in the process.
I hope you know you are loved here, and that so many of us understand exaactly where you are at. With that, I hope you can come to understand that you can survive this and be happy again. I believe with all my heart that if your motives are pure and you are willing to do the hard work that it takes in order to do the right thing (whatever that may be), that your HP will take care of you. I am living proof.
I am so glad you are here. Al-anon really works if you work it.
Every new day begins with new possibilities. It's up to us to fill it with the things that move us toward progress and peace. ~ Ronald Reagan~
Sometimes what you want to do has to fail, so you won't ~Marguerite Bro~
hi mjhyankees... First of, I wanted to thank you for commenting on my very first post, I love you for that, it meant a lot to me, I was down in the pits that day... I read approx 3 of your posts and I admire that you still have pretty good control of your emotions as you typically express your frustrations through typing. Im not too successfull at that.. For what I see, you both are adversaries right now. Seems like you and your daughter are allies, nothing wrong with that. Thing is that I think your wife feels that you gang up against her and therefore she uses child related matters (among other things) to antagonize you. You can ask her to write daily a list of do's and don'ts in reference to i.e. child feeding preferences. When you throw the ball in their field they usually back off,a list it's time consumming, they begin to forget to write it etc, but then they can't really blame you for "their" shortcomings. Choose your battles. If you are not ready for divorce, say so. Maybe she needs to hear that. Don't just say "not now" or similar, that leaves the chapter open. Close it. Simply say "divorce is not an option". Period. Don't explain why, what, who, nothing.. Just make a statement and then walk away. I hear partners (and my husband is one of them) often using divorce either as an exit door or as intimidation. It doesnt work, it only creates distance. She does exhibits abusive behavior patterns though, I'd be concerned as well. If your concern is your child's safety emotional and/or physical if a divorce was to happen, then contact a social worker from the child protective services department, have her interview your child's mother and they can keep her on check. Voice your concerns to them and they will follow up, they will probably get her to take parenting or co-parenting classes. Those can be really helpful, actually you both can benefit from it right now. I dont think you are ready for marriage counseling yet, you should both work separately on your issues first i.e. resentment. You do have good chances to get joint custody, you are very involved in your daughter's upbringing, besides, nowadays most judges are pushing for joint custody based on research done showing the benefit of both (fit) parents involved in the child's life. They are also allowing young children to voice their preference as to reside with one parent or the other one. I've been on jury duty for family court several times this past year, judges are taking a different approach and allowing the father to exercise as much custody as they can because studies show that most high school dropouts, drug users, the jail system population is loaded with individuals who grew up in homes where the father figure was absent. As for your other posting in which you speak about your flaws.. well...she knew you weren't flawless when she said "I do". Don't blame yourself so much, taking responsibility and blaming yourself are 2 different things. We all have issues. Did you listen to the song "Right here" by Staind? Listen to it, I think you will identify. Loving and living with an alcoholic, or child of an alc, whatever the circumstances are,, it is very VERY difficult. That's probably why you are depressed really,.. You slip into a depression, they affect your self image, your decision making power, you feel directionless, they ridicule you, nothing you do is enough... Very damaging, very draining. I think you still love your wife that's why you get so upset at her nonsense. If this is the case then dont give up. But you guys cant say you throw the towel and then you pick it up, throw the towel and pick it'll drive anyone insane. My husband displays similar behavior pattern as your wife does. He can be fun to be around, smart, funny but anything will set the time bomb and then outings get ruined, weekends spent by myself, finances in limbo... So if it comforts you in any way, at least you know you are not alone. What keeps me going and inspire me are some of the successful stories in here and f2f meetings. If you are not ready to make a decision, then don't make it. Try to focus more about positives such as: what brought you two together?, what has kept you together? I know is gotta be more than just your daughter. Yes take responsibility for your actions, but dont blame yourself for the ignorance or lack of consideration towards her mate; when my mate tries to ruin my day (which he usually does achieve) or analyzes my flaws (done on daily basis) then I remember this quote: "I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best." Marilyn Monroe Why we stay I don't knoooow... if you find out, pleeease let me xoxoxo B
-- Edited by Bambina10 on Monday 13th of September 2010 06:48:27 AM
thanks Bambina...right now, I want to have nothing to do with her and am basically avoiding being in the same room for more than a few minutes. Not trying to be mean, just feels like self preservation.
I'm convinced I was totally clueless when I married I was asleep and only recently woke up...