The Chair opened the Meeting with "The Serenity Prayer"
First Item:
Approval of December Meeting Minutes -
Vote was held and the Minutes were approved as posted on Message Board.
Next Item:
Review of Op meeting schedule -
The current OP Meeting Schedule is as follows:
Mon. - Shimo/No alt
Tues. - Doxie/No alt
Wed. - Iona/No alt
Thurs. - Doxie/No alt
Fri. - Blendergirl/No alt
Sat. - Mandy123/No alt
Sun. Spiritual - Ernie/No Alt.
Mon. - No Chair /No Alt
Tues. - Kerisha/No alt
Wed. - Courage/ernie
Thurs. Step/Trad - Danz/No alt
Fri. - No Chair /No alt
Sat. 9PM Beginners - Courage/No alt
Sun. - Kerisha/No alt
*Chair asked if any members would like to give service at a meeting or be an alternate
Motion was made, Vote was held and Passed for the current schedule shown.
*Anyone who has been in Al-Anon for 6 months attending meetings and would
like to start chairing meetings (or be an alternate) please see anyone
who has a > @ < next to their name.
Old Business:
Listing MIP with WSO -
Sue shared on the information she received from the WSO so far,
a few reasons why the group was not officially sanctioned -
One being the 'portal' issue, we would need to have a Website which is not a
part of something else, a single web address going directly to us and without
having Non Al-Anon information on it.
There was much discussion on this topic, members shared their experience
and suggestions.
Motion was made, Vote was held and Passed for Sue to continue with the
WSO seeing what it entails for MIP to become registered
New Business:
Reinstating Monthly Op Meetings -
There was discussion on this topic, Motion was made, Vote was held and
the group decided that Monthly Op Meetings will not resume at this time.
Meeting was closed with the Al-Anon Declaration.
Next Group Business Meeting will be held Sunday February 7, 2010 at 9 PM (EST)
serenity is a gift