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to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I am not sure of your whole name thanks for the reponse to my last post.I read all the posts and they were helpful.But i personally want to thank you for yours I read it and I cried and i cired you got it , you understood you heard me thank you.
I am going to do that and write down all the things I did today.I am going to push my self to a face to face meeting tomorrow.I cried so hard cause you wrote sometimes the best you can do is get out of bed and get dress.
I have never stuggled with depressionm my faith in God has always able to overcome it all .I am single mom out of a job and am looking for a job but the last week just to get out of bed and get dress is a ordeal.
I am seeing just a councilor therypist who encourges me to look for work. We do get in to some things but little .I am in the process of getting a gold card so I can go to real dr i quess everyone telling me about meds was makeing me panic more .
The ex a is married and moved on with someone from aa and all my a family memebers are dead.The abuse is over and I feel more sad and out of control then ever and I quess angry cause I have no reason except being out of work and finances to be upset.
The flashbacks are back I cant sleep and I am wlaking time bomb and I didnt want to yell at any one ijust wanted someone to say it is going to be ok but as true it is that is my expectations.
thanks again for takeing the time to post and to care .help me to cry so it stop hurting so bad.,
Dear Dori...I had just posted below, to you. Glad your posting helped, and that one of the responses really clicked for you.
Being out of a job is reason enough to be depressed. I've been depressed for less. I'm not currently on anti-depressants, but find that herbal remedies and exercise (yoga) really help my depression. It's sure not speedy (what is?), but it's affordable or free (exercise). I KNOW that's easier said than done, but myself, I've always been willing to try anything within reason, as long as there's no apparent harm to it. Brings to mind someone's quote about if you get the body there...the mind will follow.
Aww (((dori)))) thank you. Am glad it helped. Sorry I missed you when you popped into chat. I was looking for a CD (still haven't found the darn thing which is really annoying me! ha!), I finally just gave up cause I was just getting too mad at the kids for messing with my stuff and not putting it away where it belongs... Arrrgh!!!! Want a couple more kids? LOL *sigh*
I'm one of those people who don't believe meds are the cure-all. I was seeing a counselor, she diagnosed me as Chronic Depressive and put me on anti-depressants. I tried 2 different ones, neither did a thing for me (except make me feel dizzy and nauseous, hahaha). What helped me was talking with her and working out my issues that way. My depression was all about situations and how I thought, etc. To "fix" it, I had to face what was bothering me and work it out, talk it out, do something about it, change things. A pill wasn't going to do that. I'm not against meds, I believe some people need them (some have a chemical imbalance going in their brain that meds do help). I just wasn't one of those who need them. Maybe you are, maybe you aren't. Only you and your doc can figure that out. *smile* So I don't push it either way, it's just an option to explore. You'll know in time what helps you.
Crying is good. Tears cleanse. We need to let those feelings out. So many times I have felt like a volcano about to erupt. I get that way when I stuff how I feel. And a lot of times, when I "blow" I end up screaming about all the little things instead of the one "big" thing that is the real problem. I'm starting to see that now. I'm starting to see that I need to vent about the real issue. Boy, sure is a lot of work getting there. I'm sitting here looking at my messy desk, messy kitchen counter, thinkin of all the cleaning and organizing that needs to get done, plus dealing with trying to get our rental rented....and I just want to go hide somewhere. hahaha Then I think to myself, ok, lets just take one small part at a time, don't have to get it ALL done in one day. Heck, I don't even have to get it done today. I can allow myself to sit on my butt and just relax a bit...then maybe I'll get up and clean one thing. Slow but'll get done. Takes the pressure off. So I'm gonna take some more "me" time now.
Luv, Kis
Let your light shine in the darkness. "I can't just bring my mind to meetings...I must also bring my heart."