11/1/09 MIP Chat Room Group Business Meeting Minutes
Courage opened the Meeting 9PM (EST) with The Serenity Prayer
Motion was held, accepted and passed for Octobers Meeting Minutes as presented on the message board.
Old Business
Current Chair Schedule is as follows:
Mon. - Shimo/No alt
Tues. - Doxie/No alt
Wed. - Iona/No alt
Thurs. - Doxie/No alt
Fri. - Blendergirl/No alt
Sat. Mandy123/No alt
Sun. Spiritual - Ernie/No Alt.
Mon. - Joanie/Roxie
Tues. - Kerisha/No alt
Wed. - Courage/ernie
Thurs. Step/Trad -Danz/ No alt
Fri. - No Chair /No alt
Sat.9PM Beginners - Courage/No alt
Sun. Kerisha/No alt
There were no corrections or additions to the schedule; the chair asked for volunteers and noted Friday PM remains open.
Discussion of idle times during meetings:
A few members shared their experiences of idle times (guidelines) that have been in place/within the Op Manual.
An Op shared how they remove an idler in-between shares as to not disrupt the share.
A reminder was given, that during meetings it is important to welcome and thank those who share, sometimes members are
in pm during a meeting and fail to recognize the sharer. A few examples for removing idle members were given.
Motion was made Vote held and Passed for:
Giving members Seven minutes then Private Message them and if in chat as in room as well if they are there and advise with
meeting procedures (with greeting and thanking); Then if no response after a few more minutes after the Seven were given remove the member.
New Business
The Op Liaison Committee apologized to the group and offered amends about a recent mistake and
there was much discussion with options on where to go from there.
Motion was made Vote Passed to:
Keep the present committee*. Having learned from mistakes and would strive to serve the group fairly.
*(And In this case we would need to vote in a new member. The committee consists of 3 ops and 2 non ops. We now have 2 ops and 2 non-ops).
Meeting was closed with the Al-Anon Declaration
Next Meeting will be held on Sunday December 6, 2009 at 9PM (EST)
serenity is a gift