The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
On Friday, my son asked if he could go to his karate class. I asked him to clean the kitchen and his room 1st and that I would be glad to take him. So he did what I asked and I took him to class. When I picked him up, he was in a great mood again. Thank goodness!
Saturday morning, I was running around the house cleaning and doing chores while my slept away in his bedroom. I had told him the night before that I had to get all of my house chores and yard work done on Sat. His response was everything already looked clean, cleaner than anyone elses house he knows. I told him that I didn't care what anyone else's house looked like b/c I don't live there. I only care about my house and to my standards, it is not clean. It was just his way of trying to get out of doing any chores. Anyway, I was getting ready to go out & work on the yard when he asked to use the computer. I told him that I was going to cut the grass and asked if wanted to help. He said not really. I said, "well you can't use the computer. He said he was going to go to the library then. I said, well I am going to be cutting the grass. Your dad is coming over in a little while to take you to get new shoes. It sure would be nice if you would help me w/the yardwork first." Believe it or not, he went out and helped. Granted, he did a shotty half-butt job of it...but it was help none the less.
His dad came & got him to buy new shoes. He got even more expensive ones than the ones he had picked out w/me. Whatever. It is his dad's money. Then his dad took him shopping for the electric guitar he wants. I told his dad that maybe he could give him that guitar as a reward for completing phase one of his drug court program. He said he would if that is what I wanted. I think it is a good idea to make him earn it vs just give it to him b/c his dad is in a giving mood at the moment.
Sunday, my daughter and I went horse back riding all day w/my mom, sister & niece. It was a great day. Exhausting but great.
So the weekend turned out to be a pretty good one!!! My exAH/bf was in a great mood all weekend and that is a first in the last 6 weeks. So today I may be sore from riding all day Sunday but I am feeling great!!
Got to love those Happy Ending to a long week :) I am just happy I survived mine for today I am looking onto Greener Pastures :) After beating up a Shed all weekend, I am a little Sour myself, but the feeling of being Complete is Very Freeing to me :) I will suck it up and endure the pain, maybe even enjoy it :)
Thanks for Sharing your Happiness... Always glad to see that in Recovery.. Love & Prayers Jozie