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Could my short fuse be another trait I have gathered from my Afather... Aurggggg...
I was having a rather good morning.. No Drama, just get'n it done... I get a package from Fed-ex stating that it was shipped internationally??? So I open it, and find two CD's.. And a packing list... So I call the Number on the Packing slip, and it is an International advertising company, that claimed that "I" Ordered International Advertising???
Now mind ya... We do have a small HVACR company, we live in a small area of this big world, and we only work "at a most"... up to an Hour away from our shop... So when I explained this to them... They say.. Well 'YOU' Placed an order with us, last week... So the more I thought about it the more Ticked I got.. And I told the guy... Politly 1st... I didn't have an order with you To PLACE... I have Never heard of your company, And Why in God's Name would I Advertise INTERNATIONALLY if I ONLY Work 1 hour from my shop... "Now lets think about this!"... I DIDN"T...
Well he goes on to tell me that "I" am still liable for Not (1) but (2) invoices, totaling close to $800.00... Well I Flipped My Lid...
I Sooo Do not like being that person, I can feel my blood boil, I can see nothing but Red, and I swear if that man would have been standing in front of me I would have Plowed him... Well After a Very HEATED conversation, with words I don't even like... I told him he had better find management before I find a lawyer... "I Sooo Hate Being like that.. I am Not That Person", Well he got the Supervisor, and I flat out told him, you either credit the invoice and take this crap back, or I will Promise to take it to the next level...
This is the Funny Part... I said as politly as I could.. "LOOK... I am from a long line of alcoholics, and my fuse is short at this moment, Now you work with me or against me, but either way I am NOT paying this invoice... EITHER One of Them...For I have "Let Go & Let God", for a long time, and not only are YOU ruining my Serenity at this moment!!!... BUT... you are NOT bringing out the best in me"
Needless to Say... I am No Longer Responsible for their Screw up, and it was all sent free and clear... Dont get me wrong, I am sorry that there was a mix up, but this kid got short with me on the phone, and I don't do well with ignorance, whether they are gettin paid to be that way or not... I run a buisness myself, and If I spoke to people the way that boy spoke to me, I would be Unemployed... I did not bad mouth him to his boss... Which would have been easy to do, But... Let him worry about that for a while and maybe he will show a little more respect next time around...
My Mother has always been good at Eat Sh@@ like no other (Co-dependant), from people all her life, and still does it with my A Brother & Sister....My Afather couldn't even swallow it... I think I was there I had to share... What a morning...
Love & Prayers... For you and me, for I have a few Hail Mary's to catch up on...
Good for you for standing your ground. A lot of times those types of things happen as a roos! Ya know, just like the office supply companies calling up to confirm the part # of your copier so they are sure your next order of toner is correct. Next thing you know, you have $500 worth of toner delivered to your door!!! Yep, it is a crooked world we live in and with the economy the way it is, I expect to see more snakes slither out of the grass than I used to see.
I found NOTHING wrong with your post LOL but I have a reeeeaaally shor fuse myself. Just ask the credit card companies. Good for you for not taking crap from those people. And good for you for letting it go and posting such a funny post. ((Jozie))
Self-pity in its early stages is as snug as a feather mattress. Only when it hardens does it become uncomfortable.
I was an over reactor all my life. I either swallowed it or over reacted. Al anon can help you get to another place. Use the tools and keep working on them.