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to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I continue to struggle with this self love stuff and taking new action that will give me a different result. I no longer use the past actions that made me crazy and out of control but I am stuck in this quagmire of why bother and what does it matter. Not sad like depression though I realize this is all interrelated and impacts both depression and lack of action but geeeez, I'm not in any black hole!
I am just lethargic and numb and exhausted of being the one in my family working on some program or self help even if finally it is for me this time rather than kids or AH. I am plum worn out, and barely bother with self grooming or leaving the home. Attach myself to one vicious circle or another to drag myself into not so healthy living for me. I am fighting myself so hard and I am a worthy & tough opponent. what is this all about?
I can not any see progress re new things I am doing that are better for me to do but I do see progress in awareness of all the reasons or ways that need to change. I can accept all the things I have learned to change but it seems like I am stuck in quick sand so that it is soo difficult to take any action in a direction that makes sense to me now. I am so stuck in frustration or energy required about having to relearn so many things that I thought were ok or even wonderful but actually are rotton & stinky.
I know, I know ..... sitting here pouting is not good either and it is not working for me. So do I have some bottom I have to hit to get off my butt or am I just not ready to make a choice for me? In my state of mind, some of these slogans can seem sarcastic like I am right where I am suppose to be. Great! big sigh~
"Choices are the hinges of destiny." Pythagoras You can't change the past, but you can change the future.
I feel pretty low too, alot like you actually. All I can really say is that I think it's alright to talk about it. It's been very hard for me to change for the better, and all I can really do is small things that equal bigger changes, like when I opened savings accounts for the girls afer my AH repeatedly robbed thier piggybanks. I think you and me need to work on clear plan to make things better, and recognize each little step we do t make it happen.
I'm like a pinch of tea...put me in hot water and see how strong I can be.
It's progress not perfection and one day at a time...sometimes that comes down to the minute. You have grown and maybe that growth set you up for expectations that everyday would be great realizations, growth and self power. I have never seen it work that way for the time I have been around the program. Some days are up and some days are down just like for normies. It's called living life on life's terms.
Some days and maybe weeks I get into the "I don't wanna's". I don't wanna do this or I don't wanna do that and I don't beat myself up for it. I just don't force myself to do something because there's some kind of worldly expectation that I won't measure up or I'll be caught in the lethargy for eternity. That's not true I have had "down" syndrome before and came out of it and I have had ups that almost made me dizzy and they didn't last either. The middle ground is the target for me and when I'm there I'm happiest.
Self love for me is loving me as I would love another. I learned how to do that here in Al-Anon and the alcoholic got a little unsettled when I turned some of my enabling on myself and left her to self care for herself.
It just is. We all end of there at one time or another. I said in an AA meeting a couple of weeks ago that I was not happy. Someone said that is why the steps are there. I did not appreciate him telling me that. But It was true. They tell us not to isolate so for me I am just burying myself in recovery. Trusting the process.
You are going to love this one. Yet another slogan. If you can't get out of it then get in it. lol. Meaning check it out where you are. Hope this helps.
when i start to feel overwhelmed with whatever is going on... i usually need to pick up that phone and call someone in program. getting my butt motivated to go to a meeting also usually helps me to become more hopeful and optimistic.
doing one or both of those works for me. i have program friends that let me dump those cruddy feelings... i can tell them, or a meeting, of the unfairness, the injustice, the pain of those situations... and that is all it usually takes for me to start feeling better. just having someone else hear it.
keep coming back, keep working it have faith in HP... and if you can't, have faith that the program will work for you as it as for so many others in your situation. you can stay on the pity pot if need be... and you can get off it if you choose to... you are allowed to feel the pain of the situation... i ask that you reach out and trust us or other program friends to share that pain with...
with hope, your friend cj
time to stop going to the hardware store to buy bread.
Ddub, I am reminding you of my post of 5/6 days ago - you know the one that started something like this: I do not think I belong here....
Many responded to me as YOU did, with so much understanding empathy and wisdom and your words were very knowing and understanding. You also PM'ed me to make sure I read the responses to my post, which I did. You know what you said to me, so I am reminding you of what Mariner said to me and have copied it below just for you to read again.
Mariner Member
Posts: 16 Date: 4 days ago
I know that you have helped me
Describing your feelings in such a beautiful way has really helped me. You describe exactly how I am feeling this past week, one of the reasons I think I chose the name Mariner is cos I feel lost at sea. I'm smiling now as I've just visulised our boats sailing by each other. So your not alone and you'll be ok. See you on dry land.
Ddub, I see you in a sail boat, just like me and just like Mariner and we are all sailing around and past, towards, away and back towards each other again.
I also remember someone saying that the water was NOT THAT DEEP and she envisaged me getting out of that boat that I thought was sinking and walking through the water to the dry land. Well, honey, I see you doing that too, so I will see you on the beach and we can light a fire and have a bbq and a real long heart to heart encouraging chat with anyone else that wants to join us and a real group hug.
You are going thro one of 'those times' and you WILL COME OUT OF IT as long as you remember you are not alone and others, like me, can see just how much progress you ARE MAKING even if you do not think or see yourself as making progress.
So, I am throwing another prawn on the barby just for you sweetie! Come and get it and it is garnished with love and care and a great big hug.
Love and Hugs
-- Edited by Suzannah at 10:37, 2008-09-11
Out of the ruin of my past I have found the fortress of myself and I know how to defend it.
Strive for WISDOM; Seek SERENITY; NEVER compromise your INTEGRITY.