The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
and then I feel I cannot cope with any of it even though I am conscious that I am leaning on my HP and letting go, letting God.
I have spent the last two weeks taking phone call after phone call and reading text after text and hearing my daughter's sadness; it seems that she will never to happy, never be loved and pampered, always be made to feel that she does not do enough. The latest, her financee tells her that he is not going to bring her flowers, tell her he loves her because she does not deserve it. He says that she is always miserable, and does not make him feel that he wants to spoil her. He does not help her around the house though he is good to her children and is taking some part in being there for them, and they see him as a better father than their paternal father who is a violent, bully who always beat their mother to pulp.
However, whilst my daughter's financee has become a 'family man' all he does is come home from work and expect my daughter to do everything for him; he does not even know how to work a washing machine and does not even do the washing up...even though my daughter works full time too. She says she feels she has simply gained a fourth child that she has to run around after...and that she is trying to not be miserable and even when she is miserable the children too are calling her miserable too. She loves her financee so much, with every fibre of her being though when I tell her to sit down and write a list of the good things about him she tells me right now she cannot think of one good thing about him, and that she thinks it is because she has gained weight that he is going off her.
She earns more than her financee which seems to be a problem too. He does not like his job, works hard but then thinks that that is enough as long as he plays on the x-box with the children. He likes the money she earns but does not like her being at work.
Well, I say you cannot have it both ways, and it is time that he paid into the household regularly, (she tells me they have tried to talk about that one - but each time the children become involved) and that it is time he stopped being a 'bully' 9which she says she has told him, and that he agrees that he is a bully) as I see that as psychological game playing and cruel..."I won't treat you unless I think you have been good to me" attitude - does not wash with me and I say she needs to think of that approach as emotional blackmail and not honest. I hate that approach. My X used to do that to me and I turned myself inside out and eventurally did not know who I was nor did I get to the point of feeling I was worth it by the time I had finished running around after him and changing myself.
I have tried using al-anon tools in this situation, and suggest al-anon tools to my daughter and told her that this is a form of 'bullying', mental bullying, and that she should say he needs to cough up regular house keeping and do some jobs around the place too for he is NOT a child and needs to see that she is running herself ragged here. If both are working full time, it is quite wrong for one to feel they have the right to be waited on hand and foot when they get home. This modern work-a-day style of living cannot support a "little wifey at home" attitude without the "little wifey at home who also works fulltime" running out of steam and becoming depressed.
Now I have come to a grinding halt; it is all too much and I am overwhelmed with heartache and tears. I see my life being enacted out in my daughter's situation and I know what happened to me and I am trying to help my daughter become aware and try to change her responses before it is too late and she collapses altogether as I did; now is the time I need to step away from this for feel that I cannot help anymore...I have no more words for her, though I have love as deep as the ocean and as big as the world forever and will always try to be there for her.
And yet I feel I am 'flogging a dead horse' here, as the saying goings. I am I not prepared to do this any longer.
Saying that prayer again:
"God grant me the serenity to change the things I can, the courage to accept the things I cannot change and the wisdom to know the difference...over, and over and over again."
I still feel that once I go down there at the beginning of August so that my daughter and her financee can come up to my home for a week away from it all and spend some quality time together, talk without being interupted by children, do things for each other and not let things be one sided, and spend some time really resting and relaxing that they may be able to actually listen, hear and agree to compromise and both work this through together whilst spending quality time with each other.
I have been baking and have filled the freezer with homemade meals, and there will be no housekeeping to do, or shopping, washing, ironing, managing children, pets, and work either...just day to day looking to the two of them.
I have worked hard in my large garden and it is beginning to look quite lovely, so there will be no weeding, lawn mowing, digging and clearing for them to do there either...they will be able simply to sit out and enjoy the fruits of my labour and relax.
And I have arranged a manicure, facial and hair-do for my daughter and a friend is loaning them her car so that they can go out to places. And I have managed to get them passes for two days out at a country park with afternoon tea. I have also managed to secure a pass so that they can go watch the football on a big screen as they both like that, and filled my larder so they do not need to go shopping for food unless they fancy something I have not provided.
I cannot afford to do anymore as it will be very expensive for me when I go to look after the children...but hey, I don't mind for I do not see them much and I have saved up since Christmas for this treat.
And I am still feeling worried and sad and so concerned for it really does seem like I am offering my daughter (who has never had a holiday ever - even as a child)and her financee the booby prize as I cannot afford to send them away to a hotel to be pampered...but hey I know that is me, for she and he are looking forward to this so it is just me that is feeling like this.
Then I come here and read the things others are dealing with right now and my heart again aches so much and I want to stop the pain and the heartache and the injustices and the hurts for everyone and I weep for you all as you walk your paths.
I feel the desparation in the posts, and the losses and the broken-ness, and it all gets too much.
Thanks for listening to this big softy, this tear-stained overwhemed being that feels like a sponge that needs to be wrung out. These days I just don't seem to be able to take as much as I did in the past when I was a Samaritan...right now I feel that I have the world's sorrows on my shoulders and I am being crushed by I just want to be able to listen, hug you all - including my daughter and her financee-who-is-so-laid-back-he-is -horizonally-and-needs-a -'boot up the b*******'-as his mother would say - and still remain happy, but I cannot - I am sad from hearing, sharing and loving and wanting to make a difference and be there for those less fortunate than me.
Don't know what to do, or how to react and make myself feel I can cope right now. Will I always keep coming back to this point where I feel I am overwhelmed and life is too hard? Family, I love you all so very much, it hurts.
Out of the ruin of my past I have found the fortress of myself and I know how to defend it.
Strive for WISDOM; Seek SERENITY; NEVER compromise your INTEGRITY.
Bear with me.... In reading your post, I am relating to you feeling crushed by the world's sorrows.... I am reminded of my own desire to do the impossible.... to save the animals. (smile) I have a great love for animals and a terrible sensitivity when I see an innocent creature that's been hit in the road.... This week, I saw a raccoon laying in the middle of the road next to an apple, which I'm sure he was enjoying and then was hit and killed..... I was devastated, tears flowing.
I once asked HP what I should DO about this.... what can be done? What do I do with this in ME? A few years ago, I became a vegan and I donate to animal rescue farms. Other than that, I don't know what else to do but Thank God for the animals that I love so much.... and to pray for His protection and care. Pray. And detach. Recognize my powerlessness, and TURN IT OVER.
We are not God. We are not called to save the world, and we can't anyway. We are not even called to save (or suffer) for our own children. (I've tried that too.) Every time I try to don a Superman suit, I go crashing.
What becomes of us physically, when we try? What are the symptoms when we try to shoulder the impossible??? Personally, my whole body tightens up as I find myself taking shallow breaths. We make ourselves sick!!! By not trusting the flow of life, not trusting in a Power greater than ourselves.... we become overwhelmed and make ourselves sick. This cannot be HP's will for us.
Al-anon has taught me, that my HP wants me to Breathe deeply.... to smell the roses, to notice the butterflies, to see His ever-changing cloud designs, feel the breeze against my skin....
Al-anon teaches me to TAKE CARE OF MYSELF... To draw a circle around my feet. And stay inside of it. Everyone has a circle around themselves... we need to respect everyone's circle, and our separateness.
((((Suzannah)))) Your daughter is on her own journey. Your daughter has her own Higher Power. Pray for HP's protection and care for her.... detach yourself.... and then practice TRUST. Put your daughter in your God Box and enjoy YOUR life. Someone here once said, our program is more about surrender, than willpower. That has helped me tremendously.
With love in Recovery
-- Edited by glad lee at 11:14, 2008-07-28
The prayer isn't for Higher Power to change our lives, but rather to change us.
It is drama."Their" drama.Sounds like emotional abuse.Soooo maybe plant in her pretty head,"what makes you stay with him? Maybe leave it at that.
If she needs to vent,listen if you like.I would not respond as it is their problem.
For me,I would not put up with anyone treating me like that.My dear AH opened his work van and brought me a full van of flowers!!! planting kind. smile smile.
Sue when my kids called me, I would say,what do you need from me?An ear? i do not tell them to do anything.Do you want me to tell you what i woud do?
You can 3 c it. then just love her.It is totally up to her, never ever put him down to her. I cannot stress this enough.
people in crises, need to figure it out themselves.If we do it,they don't use their own skills.
And you my dear,pack your bikini,shades,sandals,lotion,water bottle and sand chair and get
hugs,debilyn the cuttle fish on the other side of the pond
Suzannah: I know that many of my friends put up huge red flags for me when I was codependent to the fault. Indeed one of my friends told me she could no longer speak to me when I ran straight into the relationship with the A. She felt like she could not pick up the pieces.
I think what you have planned for your daughter sounds wonderful. Can you let go of what it is supposed to "fix". I know I am a "fixer" and I have to really watch that boundary.
I am so very easily slipped into over involved and over responsible. I know for me personally it is a way not to feel as alone. I also slip into over promising others in a way to try to fix a situation. I got into that with the A last year. Indeed last August I was totally exhausted by his situation. I was getting to the point of breaking off contact with him. I would not suggest that for you but it is possible to detach. Your daughter has resources. She can avail them. She has links to things you have done. You are no longer responsible for the fact she is codependent. She has to pick up that rein.
I think it is very hard to let go and let god. I know I find it tremendously difficult. I am so so so much better at seeing it these days. I can fall into over involvement and then opt out. You can opt out. You do not have to kill yourself with giving because your daughter is codependent.
My goodness, sweet lady, just reading your post exhausted me. I didn't once read what you've done for you lately sweetie. The bottom line is you cannot make your daughter happy. Only she can. You can lead her to Alanon but you cannot make her go or pick it up. The best thing we can do for our children is be an example. It seems, to me, that you are working way to hard to try to give her happiness. I sure hope she will appreciate all you've done. They say "if you give your child a fish, they will eat for one meal but if you teach them how to fish, they will eat forever."
Please take good care of you 1st then you can be available to help out others in need and on your terms.
love Maria
If I am not for me, who will be? If I am only for myself, then who am I? If not now, when?
Glad lee, Thank you for taking the time to respond, straight away I re read my post and I immediately saw my mistakes staring out at me. Detach, detach, detach...over involvement...I was allowing myself to be sucked in again...o so easy for me to do.
Debilyn, You wise lady, no no no I will heed your words before I get myself into so much hot water. Yep, her journey not mine. I have been listening and listening and over time I was being sucked into that drama...I have not stepped out of it and backed away. You are so right, I was on the guilt trip and going down the 3 c's route of believeing that I did c and c and c it. Wrong. I will ask that very question, what a way to go and thank you for the wisdom to help me recognise the way to offer the an ear without taking on anything further. So wise.
Maresie, Gee, I so nearly slipped into that fixer...instead of not allowing her to manipulate me into the responsible role. I had not recognised the codependent here and I see she has to keep hold of the rein and I have not to take it up. Thank you for reminding me of this trait that I once managed to change in me. I need to work some more on not slipping back into old habits that are no good for me, or her for that matter.
So much wisdom in all of your responses, I am so very grateful for that. Thank you again Suz
Out of the ruin of my past I have found the fortress of myself and I know how to defend it.
Strive for WISDOM; Seek SERENITY; NEVER compromise your INTEGRITY.