I'd love some feedback on this decision I've made. I'll keep it short and sweet.
My sister has always been a mean drunk. WE live on different sides of the continent and have kept in touch over the phone, infrequent visits and letters. Our relationship has always been strained. My Mom thinks her nastyness toward me is collateral damage stemming from my sister's anger toward our Mom. Manifestations of her imbalance are mostly forgetting things she says over the phone, constant lies and cover ups, being nice for a conversation or two and then completely ruining all repore and closeness with condecending, brutal and alienating comments, more lies...and evaporating for months at a time (even at one point changing residence and phone and not sharing with with Mom and I). Bottom line, I've experienced an ongoing progression (if you can believe that) over the past few years since she added pills and God knows what else to her list of addictions. This is a country club lady folks...golfer, bowler and worker (of course all her co-workers always hate her for how harsh and judgmental she is...and how she always let's them know they're lower forms of life) she is not like some homeless drunk chick. I have spent years, in recovery myself, in therapy - working the 12 steps - asking God to guide me in growth and continued compassion - more therapy and just plain growing up myself and increasing my self knowledge resulting in a more gentle, tender and compassionate way of dealing with the outside world. When I found out I was pregnant 5 months ago and shared it with her...I basically never heard from her again. I have felt the feelings of anger and abandonment...but moved on to focusing on forgiveness and just letting her be (this abandonment, even if it wasn't added to so many others...was a biggie)...however....I have come to clarity that this relationship is just too painful. I hear my spirit say over and over....I'VE HAD ENOUGH! I'm unwilling to have my sister in my life on any level until she is sober for a period of at least 2 years (believe I know how long it takes to grow out of this kind of crappy attitude alcoholism after 19 years of sobriety), attending meeting regularly, has (and uses) an AA sponsor and works the 12 steps a few times. I have a child to think about now and don't want her bummer crapola spreading all over my child after years of this myself. It feels good to have made a decision to protect myself and hopefully someday give her a boot in the ass to sober up...but in any case....a part of me says that you never give up, always must keep family in your life no matter how abusive and unhappy the association...you know the deal...family is family. Please dont think I'm not forgiving and bitter...I love her more then ever now that I dont have to talk to her or be in apprehension of the manifestations of her disease that really negatively effect me...sorry I'm not an insulated saint. I dont hold a grudge...I just want her to go her way...and me go mine until she is a more healed and less abusive individual...at which time I'll be so glad to have a new and more human sister in my life.
Feedback is greately appreciated!
Hugs all around