The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
i don't say this to offend anyone and i accept that this allegiance is close to your hearts but if we are following alanon principles and traditions here, then maybe this is not the appropriate forum for posts of this nature. please have a look at traditions 6 and 10, they may clarify why i bring this up. we have but one purpose, to help families of alcholics....tradition 5. sorry to confront this but i feel political opinion could alienate some members and i value alanon too much to say nothing. yours in recovery...florrie
6. Our Al-Anon Family Groups ought never endorse, finance or lend our name to any outside enterprise, lest problems of money, property and prestige divert us from our primary spiritual aim. Although a separate entity, we should always cooperate with Alcoholics Anonymous.
10. The Al-Anon Family Groups have no opinion on outside issues; hence our name ought never be drawn into public controversy.
We all try and help by sharing our own experiences. We also say to take what you want and leave the rest. There are a few of us who are more opinionated but I think we all have each other's best interest at heart. Take care.
*Needed to be edited -if anyone wishes to read all the Traditions please refer to any of the Conference Approved Literature
I may be wrong, but to me, this was about people, not politics. Anytime innocent people are killed, we grieve, that is our nature. With all due respect, HP did not create us to have us kill one another, but to love and take care of one another. What Alanon has taught me is to care for myself and others, and to live a full life, regardless of what life may hand me. IMO, the post you are referring to was not meant to offend anyone, and if it did, well, there of those of us who were offended by all those people killed. As Kari said, it could have easily been her husband! It was a senseless tragedy, rooted in politics, but the post was not at all political. It was simply an outpouring of love and rememberance to those innocents who lost their lives. Alanon teaches us that every life is precious. Love in Recovery, Becky1
Sorry if I am wrong, but doesn't the top of this Board page state the following:
"Alanon Family Group Message Board
The material presented here is not Alanon Conference-Approved Literature. It is a method to exchange information, ideas, feelings, problems, and solutions on a personal level."
First, let me say that I don't consider myself a "political person". But this topic has made me want to express a couple of things...
I have seen many, many, many posts that didn't relate DIRECTLY to someone's situation with an alcoholic or addict. I understand that this board is to post topics close to our hearts relating to our recovery, etc., and I think that if the safety and security of our country is close to our hearts, we should be able to express that. Heck, we live in this great country, and I, for one, am glad that I AM able to have the FREEDOM to express my feelings on a public forum, as well at local Alanon meetings.
Just my opinion, take what you like and leave the rest...
God forbid anyone ever be offended. This is one of the things that is wrong with our country today. It is politically incorrect to offend anyone, and someone is going to take exception to most anything that is said.
I say what I want here...let the chips fall where they may. WHen the time comes that I have to weigh every comment I make, I am outta here.
I am a little Jewish girl from the East Coast. I could spend most of my time offended, but why bother? SImply ignore what you do not find pleasing to your tastes and senses.
In the words of John Lennon, "Let it be."
"Speak your truth quietly and clearly..." Desiderata
The only part about that post that I could contrue as political was the word evil. That implies judgement. Lets face it, those that did this to our county feel we are evil too.
But I also know that in Alanon we can express how we feel. Someone might refer to their A spouse as an a***hole in a meeting. I've done it. Does it mean I'm a bad person or not working my program? No it means that I'm just not working it perfectly....and thats OK.
When I feel offended, it's usually another opportunity for me to work my program.
Now that is not to say that when one thinks a tradition is being violated that one shouldn't question it. We can't possibley work, especially the traditions in our group without communication amongst us to learn how we view each tradition. How else can a GC be formed.
Also, I don't personally see this board or any other (unless the board is the actual conduit for the meeting, like some meetings are email) as an Alanon meeting. It's more like the meeting after the meeting.
You are a perfect child of God and God and I love you just the way you are! (added by that special alanon way)
There's no doubt in my mind that out of all the people killed, there were Alanon and AA members. I saw nothing at all political in that post. Just an outpouring of love for innocent souls. It would be no different then praying for lost souls in any catastrophe like Columbine or hurricane Katrina.
6. Our Al-Anon Family Groups ought never endorse, finance or lend our name to any outside enterprise, lest problems of money, property and prestige divert us from our primary spiritual aim. Although a separate entity, we should always cooperate with Alcoholics Anonymous.
*This means that the Alanon name shouldn't be attached or affiliated with any business or political candidate/position. Like "Alanon backs for Hillary or Trim Spa".
10. The Al-Anon Family Groups have no opinion on outside issues; hence our name ought never be drawn into public controversy.
* There was no opinion at all on the incedent or controversy for that matter.
The only controversy is whether the post should be there or not.
We accept Christian prayers and mention God all the time on the board. That could be labeled an outside issue and offensive if I was Hindu.
If we think that miracles are normal, we will expect them. And expecting a miracle is the surest way to get one.
The Rights of Appeal and Petition Protect Minorities and Insure that they be heard. We need to listen with consideration to everyone and encourage those with differing opinions (minorities) to state their views. Inviting those in the minority to speak out and listening to them with full hearts and consideration helps us maintain unity. When we hear, understand, value and incorporate minority opinions in our decision-making process, we may avoid mistakes that can occur when we are angry, hasty, misinformed or rigid. Practicing consideration compels a thorough debate, keeps us all focused on the issue at hand and validates the worth and dignity of each member. It takes courage to speak up when we are in the minority. Having permission and even the obligation to do so without prejudice or fear of reprisal often strengthens our courage. Practicing consideration and courage helps us seek resolution where everyone wins. When we are open to hearing minority voices and listen with full consideration, we all benefit because everyone is respected and included.
If I am not for me, who will be? If I am only for myself, then who am I? If not now, when?
thanks for the clarification everyone..... i had not really understood that we are not bound by alanon traditions. i'm irish living in france......grew up through the worst of the war in northern ireland.....seems to me that both sides suffer horribly and continue to suffer long after any peace deals. the whole dynamic is very like alcholism, progressive, debilitating, destructive and it gets harder and harder to stop.every one thinks the other is the evil one and yet we all behave in ways that reduce our dignity and demean us. i hope i have love and compassion for any mother who has to pick up her children and run away from bullets or bombs, whether they be irish catholic bombs, irish protestant bombs, iraquis or americans or any other race or creed... as someone already said most of the people who suffer are not decision makers and dont know much about international politics. and in case it needs to be said i also watched the unfolding of 9/11 on that fatefull day as did most irish people and i grieved for the american people. yours in peace and recovery florrie